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Everything posted by Lyblac

  1. Thanks for all the new content and corrections, but after a long time, the metal details/lighting of these accessories still do not have a fix, which at this point, I feel is unacceptable, considering that it cost real money.
  2. Thank you very much for all the fixes!, but I couldn't help but notice that they fixed offset problems in the Commodore Prime Suit, but they didn't fix the other problems, especially in its texture/lighting of the metallic details :(
  3. Well, the Commodore Prime Suit, the metallic details have a brightness/saturation/texture(?) that is too different from any other accessory (even with other Prime accessories), which makes it no longer look good with anything. And even using the full set, the metallic shine is still very strange and uncomfortable to look at. And there are other details, in the Drifter, the Commodore Prime Apparel, the physics do not work correctly, crossing the back and appearing on the leg. And finally, the "rope" of the Apparel is not correctly attached to the main "ring", being separated from it
  4. Greetings!, I think it would be a good idea to be able to use the new Signas accessories on the operator/drifter, preferably as a hood for the color channels and if possible, add the option to move them from place to place like in the warframe (if it is possible), it would be very useful to create some more fashion and I think I would not be the only one who would really appreciate it. I feel that more accessories are needed that do not cover half or the entire face of our operator/drifter.
  5. I don't know when it started to happen, but the Purified Bloom Ephemera has a somewhat annoying flicker, more noticeable in the 2 flowers on the sides. I would really appreciate it if could fix it please.
  6. Well, I didn't know where to put this, but it's clearly a bug. Several Prexes decorations, have an incorrect "size" of hitbox?, if you can call it that. Which causes that they cannot be placed correctly as they are considered larger than they really are. This seems to happen with the most recent ones that have added. I don't have them all, but it happens with the following Prex: Xaku, Gyre, Citrine, Voruna, Styanax, Deimos Kymaeros, Deimos Flagellocanth, Deimos Lobotriscid, Deimos Scissus. From what I suppose, it must happen with all the other Deimos Prex as well.
  7. I thought they would soon add the other flowers and plants that are seen in Duviri, inside those same pots, but they haven't. I would also like to be able to reduce the size of the pots more, I feel that even in the minimum, they are somewhat large.
  8. I felt very disappointed that you couldn't choose the Spiral, because I realized after I had already bought all the Duviri scenes, I hope they add this option, please!
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