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Everything posted by (PSN)Glitschig

  1. The OP is correct on this. Most of the counter statements are telling the OP "you don't have to play", etc. Anyone who has been with WF from any amount of time knows that is never the case. You could never have ignored Deimos, although people said you could, because you could not have completed the new war without it. Remember how so many people talked about how they had to go do the mech stuff before they could do TNW? And how you needed a railjack to do the quest? And etc. So when will the time come when something from this update is needed to advance the play? It is always the DE way of doing things and it is always redundant. Copy and paste an "open" world 3-4 times, create redundant modes of transport while ignoring and abandoning other issues. It's always the way and this time is the most obvious. They are employing components I to this aspect of the already established Warframe as a tester fro thenew upcoming Soulframe. I'm not saying it's wrong or anything. It's just what is happening and might not be the best thing for the current game. It would be nice and more helpful if people would understand what the OP is actually trying to discuss. A discussion on asking why this game of space ninjas is going out of its way to steer players into anything and everything except getting into their space ninja suit. Again, not saying there is anything wrong with a lot of it but it IS ok to ask how come we fish, we mine, we ride horses, we go back and forth on types of weapons,etc...but we really aren't just ninja-ing in any new way that wasn't already being done 9 years ago. You would think that somewhere during the course of a decade, our tennos would find something else to do outside of run excavators and defend play decoy for "a lone tenno operator" for mysterious things those operators find every five minutes that have never been worked into the game in any meaningful way.
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