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  1. We have the option to abort the mission, maybe it would be good to have something like a 'complete the mission' option as soon as the objective is complete (or with a 1min delay), which would teleport you to the exit and finish the mission (maybe with a confirmation just like the 'abort' option). For short missions like Capture/Rescue this could be disabled, only endless missions and open world (caves) would really benefit from it, it could also be an option to bypass the extraction timer. It could help with problems such as getting stuck (and /unstuck failed), bugged, or current Zariman exiting problems (such as, if you wait for the rest of the team enemies can shoot you, you cant shoot back, exit timer is at 0 but no extraction, extraction console doesn't work aso) and it could help to not lose (in the worst case) hours of progress.
  2. As some people said, making Helminth eclipse 30% will make it worse than roar. Most damage increase abilities have more to offer, Eclipse only buffs weapon damage, most people use Roar, Whisper or Nourish over Eclipse. I think 100% Helminth Eclipse would be fine or at least double of Roar, otherwise there would be no point in using it.
  3. not sure if someone said it already, some melee stances (I know Katanas have a good one for that) can be used for movement. Arcane Nullifier will prevent energy drain no matter the source.
  4. It's nice to ask the players what they want but I bet a lot of people would have voted differently if we would have known what the real choice was. It's like do you want a reliable functioning car or a car that doesn't work at night? ofc I take the reliable car, well ok here is the reliable car but it cant go faster than Nyx with Assimilate augment.
  5. I hunt Eidolons very often and sometimes had the feeling that despite collecting all the loot 1 Arcane was missing. Now I had one of those situations recorded and it turned out to be true. In the two pictures you can see that i have collected the loot and the "Unidentified Item" message showed up in the lower left corner of the screen. Back in Cetus I had only 2 Arcanes and the 3rd from Hydrolyst was missing (Phantasm and Resistance dont drop from Hydrolyst). https://imgur.com/a/k1z4hKs and here is the full clip
  6. the amount of bugs is just too much, people get kicked out of the squad all the time, or bugging out so they cant do anything (moving, fighting etc) but hoping that it will somehow fix itself or quit.
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