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Posts posted by Teadude

  1. Making the game more challenging isn't just beefing armor and making them damage sponges. Take the Rathuum event for example. Enemies were genuinely hard and difficult to combat with new AI paths and abilities. We need something fresh so that the game doesn't become this mindless brain shooter where we spam a [x] button and watch enemies lose health, swoop in for loot and repeat. My friend and i had this conversation before to put in new challenges, harder enemies, and a new environment where obstacles and tactical positions are introduced.

    We compared different third person shooter games to Warframe, and thought, in our opinion, that if this game had a heavy clunky Gears of Wars feel to it, keeping the same weapons and warframes, just a change in movement and cover system, would make the game more fun and more challenging.

    If we have to go through lengths of setting challenges on ourselves then this game is extremely casual and mediocre, not to mention bland IMO. It holds a more casual appeal which makes it less appealing to us veterans/long time players. I want challenges which forces us to rethink our strategy and tactics, not our mods or buffs or damage outputs. Teamwork, use of comms, and a more hardcore aspect to the system would make this game far more interesting and entertaining. But this is just my opinion, although do consider it thoroughly.

    Any arguments against or for me are welcome and i will try my best to argue back.


  2. Enemies not teleporting to cover points or hopping down from ledges that would smoothen things up a little

    4 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

    I pretty much agree with everything you said.

    Enemies spawning in squads, would have patrol paths during stealth, would spawn in larger numbers at chokepoints.

    Would have different walk animations during stealth

    better running animations, slightly faster move speed as well.

    ^that too

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