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Posts posted by elitedarkzero

  1. neither, I am currently running an intel HD 4600, but before any of you say anything else, this game has gotten almost 100 fps at close to max with this basic little graphics card, im awaiting my R9 290 though, long story short the first one that was in this comp didn't work (Ibuypower is @(*()$ terrible just sayin) point being, nothing is wrong with this PC, warframe worked fine just before this update, and now I go from 100 to 20 and then back up, getting stuck in Ivara's ult SUCKS btw, its a fairly weak ult :/ her 3rd is better, oh and this is not just me btw, look around and you will see reports of this crap going on, none of this could be on my end, no way that it just magically doesn't function now, that just does not happen.

  2. Just about everything is broken, the Archer warframe breaks and gets stuck in her ultimate permanently, massive fps drops constantly, chat being completely broken and not loading at all, I can tell you as a closed beta tester and founders pack owner that this game has ran anywhere near this badly on even a mediocre PC, this isn't the first time you guys have released something semi-unfinished but it was never this buggy excluding arch-wing, this is seriously unfinished, like.... for real, a mid month or even end of month release would have been a way better option.

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