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Posts posted by KaosActual

  1. Onslaught feels too lightweight and arcade like to actually last long and combine that with the current rewards that are "meh" will just leave us with another mission type that people will seldom use. The focus gain is quite nice as are receiving some relics I suggest perhaps dropping the radiant relics in at a lower percent for example in rotation A you have a 30% chance of gaining a lith relic that is currently dropping in game so that this way it allows more items to be added to the drop tables while also allowing this to be a viable means of relic farming outside of endless missions. I also suggest making the enemies slightly tankier while also slowing the decay rate of the efficiency rate, as it currently is the mobs are just too lightweight to really give this mode any substance its more about spamming wide AOE moves and weapons than it is an onslaught. I believe it would be more enjoyable if you were able to drop in and be able to use a burst fire weapon or a semi-auto weapon instead of having to use AOe or a slide attack weapon to clear out the massive amount of mobs because as it is now typically all I will see is people running some sort of slide attack melee weapon and an amprex or a weapon of that nature. I feel that onslaught has great potential but its being squandered by the current spammy nature that its developed as of this moment. Another idea I had was to make a 3rd mode of this (assuming that the mobs gain some more armor and hp thus becoming tankier) was to introduce a nightmare onlsaught where modifiers are introduced similar to how nightmare missions are currently but with a few more and with a twist, modifiers like primary only, secondary only, enemies deal elemental damage, enemies explode on death dealing damage to nearby warframes, maybe even allowing enemies to go invisible kind of like how ivara does and they break the invisibility whenever they attack. 

  2. I understand taking away the headshot damage to a certain extent but dealing no damage at all is just horrible and I truly hope that its a bug and not an intended nerf since I thorughly enjoy the plasmor for both killing and how it looks, kinda reminds me of the BFG from doom but less OP lol

  3. Howdy,


          My name is Tdrum911 and I'm currently the warlord of Rising Phoenix and I'm here to tell you that we are recruiting once again. We're in the process of rebuilding and reorganizing in order to better suit the wants and needs of our members and because of this we need you tenno! We need friendly and competitive players to help bolster our ranks and help us reach the power we once had and be a force to reckon with!  We have all research done and always have any new research completed within a timely manner. We are a teamspeak clan allied with a teamspeak Alliance so players who actively use teamspeak is definitely welcomed. We do not mind newer players however we do not coddle our players, instead we help build them up and teach them so that they become adapt tenno themselves and are able to go into any mission with confidence about themselves and their fellow clan mates. if any of this sounds promising or at least somewhat interesting to you the feel free to ask questions either here in the forums or pm me in game my ign is tdrum911 . I hope to see or hear from you all very soon.

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