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Everything posted by Berzerkules

  1. If people spend thousands on rivens that's what they're worth even if they might only be worth that much to a few people. I've bought and sold rivens for thousands and I'll do it again if I find something I really want or decide to sell my collection I'm a sucker for utility primers and high status weapons so I have a bunch of riven with different variations of stats like status chance/status duration/multishot/fire rate/element/punch through/- on a whole mess of weapons like ogris, kohm, nukor, cycron, epitaph, phage, kompressa, gaze, spectra, synapse, p. cernos, phantasma, cedo, flux rifle etc. If I have all those utility primer rivens you know I have a bunch of speed/range/cd/- melee rivens to match. I also have some cd/range/- for lower dispo melee weapons. Then I have weird quirky stuff like speed/range/electric/- riven for dark dagger and speed/range/tox/- for balla just for gas/electric dagger armor strip builds. I also I had a thing for the Phage for awhile when I was running a lot of solo disruptions. I went through like 6 different rivens and a lot of plat testing what was better, full status builds or hybrid crit/status for dropping demos. I ended up keeping 3 of those and the people i sold the others to payed thousands and were extremely happy to pay. It was kind of cool, I've sold a bunch of rivens over the years and for some reason the people I sold those phage rivens to were the happiest people I've ever traded with. I guess I wouldn't really call my rivens groll rivens but they are perfect for the situations I like to use those specific weapon combinations and I'd have a hard time selling them. Sorry, I'm ranting, I just like rivens. It's one of the few ways we can personalize our arsenals and not just slap on the same combinations of mods. It's that hunt for the missing puzzle piece to complete a weapon and it's hard to put a price on that lost last piece of the puzzle.
  2. Welp, that Jahu gargoyle event killed my 4th controller for this game. Toggling spring every time I picked up a canister was too much to handle. Why did picking up an item turn off sprint? Did no one notice that while testing or was it an intended feature to annoy players and break controllers.
  3. If things like entering/exiting archwing, railjack and carrying the canister in that last event didn't toggle sprint off I'd be happy. That last event just killed my 4th controller because toggle sprint is L3 by default. That button isn't made to be used often. there should really just be prefer sprint/walk in options like I suggested in this thread. I think I had an earlier version of that thread that got locked.
  4. Can't believe I made this almost 4 years ago and it still doesn't work
  5. I've been trying Nourish, energy nexus, equilibrium, exothermic and energize to help mitigate that drain but using helminth, 4 mod slots and an arcane to deal with ridiculous energy economy on a single frame just feels bad.
  6. 9k+ kills an hour solo Mag ain't bad. You can shoot in there multiple times as well. It's like a spherical blender. Also, it hits everything in the bubble and you don't need to hit them multiple times when they get one shot.
  7. Netracell is terrible. Like DE combined spy lite and how to not camp a one round survival survival into one game mode.
  8. New missions are mostly tedious busy work. Very few braincells required.
  9. Shoot that thing into a Mag bubble...infinite body punch trough
  10. There are several combos that work very well. I have Speed nova + argonak + RDD build that I did a 1 hour survival yesterday and got 11.5k kills but I could probably get at least 9k+ with a similar nova build and a regular slash based melee build and primer with no melee arcanes. This is probably more of a speed nova breaks things kind of situation really. There are also other builds out there with incredibly high kps averages. I've gotten 9k+ kph on mag and xaku fairly recently. Back when SP just came out Khora was 20k+. Influence is good but a lot of things are also very good. Nerfing it will probably happen at some point but there will always be something else.
  11. Nah, you were pretty toxic and resorted to name calling pretty much anyone that disagreed with you. DE did you a favor and removed that so you could save face.
  12. I'm a little salt about prisma ohma. We get it right before melee influence but it has lower status chance... Oh well, I'm too deep into this RDD+argonak+influence kick to be too worried about other weapons atm
  13. This might be the funniest thing I seen all day. Ima go get some coffee.
  14. I've gone through the arsenal several times looking for diamonds in the rough. With the exception of a few newer releases most frames are fully forma with fully unlocked loadouts and multiple helminth abilities. I also have something like 1.5k forma into weapons testing builds and seeing what I like. If you want to talk weird alternate builds we can do that I guess. Also, I'm not the problem here, pretty sure you were the one getting their comments moderated.
  15. You're thinking like it's several years ago. the game has changed and you don't need to protect the objective when everything is dead. Nuke is the answer... ..although, there aren't many true nukes in warframe. Most of what people call nukes are actually AoE/DoT and only "nuke" because the enemy lvl is so low. That's an entirely different topic though. I've progressed to a point where all my builds are OP in normal star chart fissures. If I want to farm prime parts for say ducats to buy new stuff from Baro I bring the only builds I have and wreck the place. I'm there to farm prime parts as quick as possible. Pubs can enjoy the vaulted rad relics I'm running and follow along for some free plat.
  16. I don't play in squads most of the time because I can't pause. I have a family, other hobbies and work so I find it difficult to play content I enjoy in a group setting when I have the time to play. I get up from the game regularly to do stuff around the house and that's not conducive to group endurance runs so I solo most of the time. Like yesterday, i was running solo SP mot fissure for an hour+ then paused to go make dinner, ate with the fam then went on a fat bike ride at close to -40. Got home and continued where I left off 4+ hours ago. That's how my gaming sessions go.
  17. Everyone's time is valuable and that is why people run nuke builds. It gets them through the tedious stuff faster because WF has quite a few tedious grinds. You're almost there.
  18. You want to play together? Cool, wanna run SP Circulus? It's my new favorite node. I'm actually testing a speedva build there now. Send me an invite in game You need to farm those weapons and mods like everyone else did while you were taking a break. It takes time, don't worry, you'll get there.
  19. And you build to get carried. We all make our own choices in life. We must learn to live with those choices
  20. Oh look, another person who lives in a dream land and thinks WF is a co-op game.
  21. I've spent like 90%+ of my time in WF playing solo. I don't have to watch anyone but myself do anything. I learn how to do things solo before I even attempt doing them in a group. I've always been like that in games though. If I can't do it solo why would I enter a group setting and get carried or left behind. It was an eye opening experience for sure. I was low MR farming credits in dark sector infested survival and struggling after like 10 minutes and ended up getting carried for an hour+. They linked me builds and I saw I needed arcanes, forma, potatoes etc. and I slowly worked towards that. That first time getting carried set me off on endurance runs because I saw what was possible. I didn't have to stop or get carried, I just had to get better and getting better required better gear and know how.
  22. I liked being a low MR player seeing the carnage of higher MR players. I saw what was possible and wanted to progress. I put in a bunch of time, farmed a bunch of stuff and learned the game. You can either complain that you can't keep up anymore or adapt. The choice is yours because this game is still going to move forward with or without you.
  23. You will get overtaken by powercreep if you take long breaks from a game that is constantly changing. What seems ridiculously OP may just be the new baseline if you have missed multiple big updates. Steel path has been out for like 3 and a half years and Voidrig came out just after SP was released. If you are that far behind you have a lot of catching up to do because WF is not the same game you played back then. It's just going to take time to learn what WF has become and farm what is now "required" in new content. You can't expect to come back after that long and pick up where you left off. Of course you are going to underperform in pubs since everyone else has progressed and adapted to the game WF is now and you are using what worked years ago.
  24. It works exceptionally well if you build specifically for it but that can be said for almost anything.
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