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  1. I was planning on buying the Prime Accessories but if it doesn't include the Floof and Helmet I might not do it. It's already annoying because it doesn't have platinum, but if it also misses content? Hell no.
  2. Honestly I don't care very much. In my opinion Duviri is the best piece of content they produced since I first played the game just before Wisp, and it's its own story with very little connection with the main story. It's the only content I can farm without being bored or annoyed. It's just too good. As long as it is entertaining and make sense. I would say that I'm very interested in what they'll do with the Man in the Wall. I have to admit I didn't like the New War that much because it directly rode on "Avengers Infinity War/Endgame" type of writing, that I hate. The difference being that it was just a bunch of "underdog" missions, there was 3 missions for the beginning of the war and that was it, not really an old fashioned war like people wanted. Railjack in comparison looks more like an actual "New War".
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