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Posts posted by TinoG100

  1. So i watched the John Wick trailer for Payday 2, where Chains is running for a boat, but gets shot and falls into the water. So i was thinking, what would happen if when you die and fall into water, would you A. Respawn on land. B. Respawn in water. C. Survive it and get a sliver of health. I would say that you would respawn in water. Opinions on comments, plz 

  2. Yaaay, another U17-thread, yes, i'm hyping it, but here's a quick question, nothing more: When do you think U17 will arrive? Personally, i think either this week or next week, if not, then week after that. Nothing else. Opinions on the comments are preferred. :)

  3. The new blades of Excels-i mean Dual Cleavers seem to work fine on the sound department... except for one thing. Whenever i stealth kill with them from behind, they don't make any sound. At all. Nada. Again, something that needs to be fixed for them

  4. Ugh, here we go again: Wolfy, at what part did i "flame"? I said that i would love to join, but like i said, i already own a clan, and i would not want to leave them behind. Second, Arby, if you took that as an insult, i'm sorry, but i didn't mean it that way. I just stated that you building at least 1 room daily, that's what i found... interesting, because you don't exactly run to something like that every day. If you find THIS comment as flaming, as an insult or bragging, then i might not as well even try. Until then, waiting for response.

  5.  the generic third person shooter *stares at mass effect*. 

    What did you say? Yes, it has its flaws, but i don't exactly see it as generic. Amazing story (for the most part): Check. Powers: Check. Memorable locations (again, for the most part): Check. Again, it has its flaws, but i barely see any "genericity" (that's a word, shut up). I could go on a full-blown rant, but i don't have the time for that. And this is suddenly completely off-topic :D

  6. So just completely ignore Halo 5, Fallout 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears 4 & Ultimate Ed.


    EDIT: Didn't see that there xP

    Not really keen on Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider: Haven't finished Tomb Raider, irrelevant, i know, but i have no comment on that. Gears 4, forgot about it, really interested, GoW Ultimate ed.:  Whenever it comes out, it's time for some good ol' co-op

  7. So everyone just does not care about Fallout 4? Because that is what i am most looking forward to. The new crafting system seems superb.

    I did mention Fallout 4, but did not go into detail. 

  8. Jesus, weren't kidding about the wall of text. Paragraphs help so much just as a little tip.


    Anyway, i'm most hyped for MGS5 The Phantom Pain, Dishonored 2, and Hitman. 

    In case you can't tell, i love stealth.

    MGSV all the way <3

  9. Disclaimer: Semi-huge wall of text inbound. 
    Let's see what shined at E3... and what truly sucked. Not talking about games specifically, but games AND press conferences, stuff i saw (i wasn't at E3, i've been following it from various people), etc. Let's start with the stuff that was good: Let's put the obvious one out of the way: Bethesda. Fallout 4: Awesome. Tamriel Unlimited (Elder Scrolls Online without monthly fees): Okay, if i get a chance, i'll try it. Doom 4: Hell yea! Dishonored 2: Never played the original one. And then... ES Legends, which is a F2P-card game. Let that sink in for a moment.

    Next one on the line is... EA. Honestly: I'm kinda surprised what they had to offer. They had the usual sports-games: Couldn't care less. Mass Effect 4, now subtitled Andromeda. This was the second biggest surprise from EA. and i'm hoping to hear more stuff about it, cause i LOVE Mass Effect. Earlier was confirmed that it has multiplayer, let's hope for some kind of ACTUAL co-op (looking at you, ME3). Mirror's Edge 2, now subtitled Catalyst. I heard that it is open-world, which i hope will be confirmed, but the biggest thing that surprised me about Catalyst, was that you can't use guns. Like, at all. Nothing too extraordinary, but it just seems... off. Star Wars: TOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire. A story-driven expansion for The Old Republic, i wanna see it in action, but not waiting anything incredible. Star Wars: Battlefront. It looked fun, not sure if i'll buy it tho. You can watch the trailer for yourself. The biggest surprise from EA was Unravel, where you play as this little creature made from yarn, which.. looks interesting, to say the least. I may be willing to buy it when it comes out.

    Next one: Square Enix. I have no words (okay, maybe i do). Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Everyone knew about that. It plays like a Deus Ex, but after playing Human Revolution, i'll let it slide. FF7 remake for PS4. A reason to buy a PS4 (if you like Final Fantasy, that is). But no gameplay in the trailer. That sucks. More info on FFXIV: Heavensward. Dragons: check. Clan fortresses (i think): check. More classes: check. New areas: check. It comes on 2 days (when this was written), but i don't own FFXIV, mainly because the monthly subscription. If they take it out at anytime, i'll buy it. Until then, no Final Fantasy MMO for me :(. KH3. Hell. Yes! I have been waiting it for Lotus knows how many years, and now we see actual gameplay from it, and it looks AMAZING! Watch the trailer for more info. Just Cause 3: Rico is back with a bigger place to play around in, and it looks very stable, might buy it. Hell, it comes this year. Same goes for the Hitman-reboot. What i know, that it may be open-world, has different targets that  you have one chance on killing... and that's what i know.

    Moving on to Ubisoft. I liked Ghost Recon Wildlands and The Division, especially Division, gonna buy that when it comes out (probably). Rainbow Six: Siege. It was alright, not a fan of the tactical shooter (yet i bought Arma 2: Combined Operations with 3 euros. Thanks, Steam Sales.), but we'll see. For Honor looked like an extremely fun game, once again, you can watch the trailer and tell me what you think. Now, here's my absolute favorite game of E3: No Man's Sky. If you don't know, in No Man's Sky, you fly around hundreds, or thousands of planets, and you can explore them all. I'm gonna have lots of fun with that one. Last but not least: Nintendo.

    A new Earthbound game? Yet another game that has been waited for who knows long enough. A LoZ: Four Swords-esque game, called Triforce Heroes. The only difference is that it's just 3 players. Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Not expecting that. A co-op Metroid game? That's gonna be interesting. Xenoblade Chronicles X. Mechs in a fantasy setting: Check. Awesome battle-system: Check. And then we have Starfox Zero. I really don't care for Starfox, but a lot of people seem to care, so i'm just gonna leave this here.

    Now, disappointing games: AC: Syndicate. Not a fan of that one. London area. Not bad. Two protagonists. Not bad. But no multiplayer? "takes the next train to Nopeville." Not exactly a game, but The Crew: Wild run. I heard that it was... bad or disappointing, take your pick. Not really interested. ALL of the mobile games that Square is planning on. (World of Final Fantasy, KH X, Lara Croft GO.) I'm gonna leave this here, put your own opinions on the comments, and i'll see you then. Knight Grand Cross TinoG100, signing out. 

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