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Posts posted by TinoG100

  1. Molemmille ensin pahoittelut että kesti näin kauan vastata.



    Kyllä tänne mahtuu, ja vaikka teillä on international klaani, niin ei ole meille ongelma.

    Mutta chatissa tulee varmasti silti puhuttua lähes ainoastaan suomea, eli mikäli ei ole teille/heille ongelma.


    Otin vastaan vastikään.

    Tällä hetkellä saat parhaiten kiinni kun pistät tätä kautta pm.

    En tiedä paljonko ehdin olemaan pelissä.

    Eipä se niitä oikeestaa haittaa (kai), yleensä vaa koittaa kääntää enkuks (vaihtelevalla menestyksellä). Et pistä(n) frendi-inviä sitä mukaa ku jaksaa

  2. Since every1 of you wants more "narrative" on it, i'll try as best as i can (and yes, i know i could edit the actual post, but this is easier imo). The mission would start like normal, get to the objective, kill a few enemies along the way, yadayadayada. But once you get to the location, one of you has to get inside the server, and the rest would provide cover for the person inside. If the enemies would get to the console and alert the base, the mission becomes much harder for the person inside. More traps would activate, some routes would be "blocked off", a miniboss would come to harass you, etc. Now for the people outside, more enemies would spawn, the "pod" or something would become a defense target of some sort. So after the "hacker" has done his thing, (hacking, destroying something inside the server etc.) he would have to leave as fast as he can from the consensus/server. Once he's out, it's typical extraction, but with, you know, more enemies. But if you want to do it solo, you would spawn from the server, but there would be more stuff to hack/destroy. Of course this could be a quest mission. Now if you'll excuse me, i need to continue my ME3 Insanity-walkthrough.

  3. (First concept of mine, be gentle and don't be salty.) Welcome to a fan concept i've been thinking for sometime now. While i was replaying Mass Effect 3, i came across a side quest, where you had to "disable the Geth fighter squadrons" by going inside their server/consensus. In there, you had to use a special gun to remove a "virus" from the software. I instantly thought about doing the reverse: Planting the virus. Depending on the faction (Grineer, Corpus, Orokin), the consensus/objective area would be different. For the Corpus, you could have a database of some sort and install the virus there. For the Orokin, if you've seen the "maze" kind of room with lots of consoles, you could access the Neural Sentry from there. As for the Grineer, i don't know. I hope you liked this concept, i may edit this in the future, we'll see. 

  4. I don't know if this is a bug, so i'm gonna put this here. Whenever i add a new room to my Dojo, i get an infinite loading screen and i'm forced to restart the game. Has this happened to anyone else?

  5. It would be a good way to provide witness to the Origin system before the return of the Tenno, allowing for some lore clarity and generally just epic stand-alone stories.


    I WANT this. Someone get a Producer to back it!

    I don't know about FPS, but there's an TPS in warframe universe, A.K.A Mass Effect. (just kidding, though a crossover between them would be epic. Ordis vs Edi. Shepard and co. versus Tenno. Reapers vs. Infested. You get the idea)

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