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Posts posted by TinoG100

  1. I really like the idea, especially imagining little pinata-like enemies bouncing around. I just think it would be really hard to implement and keep the rolling of the ship consistent and orientating around center of a randomly generated corpus tile set (or any other map)

    True, it could be hard to implement, but what if it actually comes to the game, are they gonna put it to a stress test or an event first?

  2. Got a few questions for the last devstream of the year. Question 1: When is the estimated release for Grineer Underwater Lab and Tyl Regor/Golem?. Question 2: Will the Void Trader be implemented to the Hub somehow? Q3: When is the estimated time of release for Parkour 2,0? :)

  3.  Since this is one of  the few christmas carols i know in english, here it goes: 12 Days of Warframe. Original here:

    On the first day of christmas, Lotus gave to me: This awesome ship called Liset

    On the second day of christmas, Lotus gave to me: 2 new Warframes.

    And this awesome ship called Liset.

    On the third day of christmas, Lotus gave to me. 3 boring stances

    2 new Warframes

    And this awesome ship called Liset.

    On the fourth day of Christmas, Lotus gave to me: 4 fun alerts

    3 boring stances

    2 new Warframes

    And this awesome ship called Liset.

    On the fifth day of Christmas, Lotus gave to me: 5 tons of plat!

    4 fun alerts

    3 boring stances

    2 new Warframes

    And this awesome ship called Liset.

    On the sixth day of Christmas, Lotus gave to me: 6 easy quests

    5 tons of plat!

    4 fun alerts

    3 boring stances

    2 new Warframes

    And this awesome ship called Liset.

    Can't really make up anymore, those who want to, can continue this for their own amusement, please, look at it at least :)

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