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Posts posted by Brica

  1. I am ******, A.K.A. - Barber


    It’s still clouded, but when I try to reminisce, I see my only friend, Groff, down in a puddle of blood. I remember him screaming, helplessly. He never screamed before. It wasn’t our first mission, he had experience. Something more vicious than a few infested murdered him. When I arrived, he was already cold… I fell in despair… Loved him so much… Next to his body was Sentinel coolant. Is this killer a Tenno? Thus starts the search for my friend’s demise.




    Intel is best acquired through hate. My ship is dropping me off. I killed. But all of a sudden, a silhouette appeared. It was silent, standing still, watching… ominously… Black and red. Is this the one I was so eager to meet? Yet, he was so familiar… It fired in my way and I didn’t move. But behind me was a butcher, about to cut my arm off. My so-thought nemesis became my savior. Why? Who is this? He then disappeared in smoke and on the wall was written in blood: “I am Stoker”. I saw him before. Somewhere…




    Mute Stoker accompanied me more frequently - just when I was close to getting silenced.




    One day, he finally started talking, about Orokin technology. I owed Stoker my life, and he needed help. ‘Course I didn’t know what this technology was. I had doubts, but he was very persuasive. We were preparing to go to old Orokin ships. Stoker says that’s where we will learn how to do the undoable.


    We smote everyone in our path, but Tennite was needed - a material made of molten dead Tenno. Tennite was necessary for special vault keys. So, we needed to kill a Tenno. That was outrageous! I will not kill my brethren! Throughout our journey, I did resist following Stoker’s will, but one look from him would make me do his bidding. So we deceived a Tenno. Stoker did the killing. Our daggers were the same. I felt dreadful. But we finally gathered everything.


     I traveled to the Orokin ship. However, Stoker wasn’t there. So I started searching the spacecraft. Suddenly, a dozen infested started chasing me. Too bad for them, it wasn’t my first time. In seconds they were roaring no more, Galatine was bloody.




    I found the vault, opened it, and there it was. Statue of a Prime. I stared at the light beam.


    It devoured me. I saw things. Horrible things. My soul could take no more. “YES!” I remember! I was here when Groff was murdered! It blinds me! Shining! Terrifying!

    -“WHAT IS THIS?!”, “Why did you kill me Stoker?”, -“Groff?!”, “The light is playing with you Stoker… It makes you see fake people…” That’s not my name! Oh no… I understood. All those horrifying things Stoker did… It was... me…. hallucinations from the first time I was here… Poor Groff…















    My pistol was loaded. Off to the Void I go…


    I am Stoker, A.K.A. – Barber 



    500 words, any "error" you may spot is intentional 

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