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Posts posted by Hawk_of_the_Reborn

  1. 3 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    De have stated they want the MR restrictions to also depict how relatively strong the base stats of the weapon are, so a MR3 weapons is weaker than a MR10 weapon.

    You could have said this from the beginning, instead you had to repeat yourself and make yourself look dumb for thinking you were "owning" me in this argument



    Whoa slow the hek down, buddy.

    I'm asking a simple question

    WHY, key word.

    WHY is there an MR lock on those weapons when it doesn't even work?

    That is all, no implications, no one way or another. It's only a question. I don't care that an MR 0 player gets it. I do care if there is an MR lock on something that doesn't even have a point to be there in the first place FFS man

  2. Just now, EDM774 said:

    those fall in the " participated in certain activites " group of my statement. any tenno can get a lich at any MR can can get the mods needed and kill their lich, ofc not alone but this is a Co-Op game and public exists for that reason.

    Okay you keep repeating the same thing in a different flavor.

    It still need an answer to the question.

    Why have something that is pointless to begin with? Remove the MR lock or put it so you can't use it until you are at said MR no matter what. It's just weird inconsistency that adds confusion

  3. 19 minutes ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

    Previous replies have the answer to your question. In addition, DE would have a lot to lose from enforcing MR requirements on reward weapons.

    ”Congrats on beating Shadow Stalker and rescuing your Operator! Please get from MR4 to MR10 to use this stupidly powerful sword everyone else got.”

    That’s how you get someone to quit the game.

    ”Congrats on beating our Anniversary Alerts / newest Operation / Thermia Fractures! Please get from MR5 to MR10 to enjoy the reward you worked for!”

    ”Congrats on beating your Kuva Lich! Please get from MR5 to MR13 to enjoy the single, only fun thing about this system.”

    Okay, so I'm going to ask again.

    What's the point of MR locks on a weapon that doesn't lock players out of its use before said level?

  4. 7 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    The reason for MR lock is to make players who don't have money or haven't participated in certain activites, play the game more. That's why MR locks aren't enforced on quest rewards, event rewards, Prime access purchases and weapons purchased for platinum from the market.

    If you don't have money = you have time to play the game. this is how a lot (if not all) of F2P games work.

    I was referring to the lock in regards to the Kuva weapons. Not in general

  5. On 2020-02-01 at 9:43 AM, JackHargreav said:

    Yeah but you know?

    After you hear how the absolute squishyest frame (mirage) fights off sentient after sentient like some god, you kind of start wondering.

    Especially after the erra quest. Mag just slashed that Sentient unit with an  Orthos prime. Just one slam attack. I too want to that - without the Paracesis.

    Mirage>press 3>step in shadow>where'd she go?>how come I can't hit her?>why is she not dying?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hypodermique said:

    The Obsidian Ephemera was obtainable from the Renown Pack XVII Bundle, which costed $9,99; while Fae Path was free.
    So that's that.

    If you ask me, consoles still get the S#&$ end of the stick as even the Fae Path is still way better than anything any consoles can make. 

    And the kick in the nads is that the Fae path is free... Why would you want to pay $10 for something that's not even 1% as good as the "crappiest" ephemera in the entire game?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Aisu9 said:

    why you don't leave people peacefuly and stop dropping S#&$ here ?

    Quit trying to act like I'm trying to start a flame war, I'm only curious as to why it's a thing and hoping that DE's gonna fix it on the side when/if ever they get a chance is all. 

    Dang man, you'd know if I'm trying to start doodoo and this ain't it

  8. 1 minute ago, Aadi880 said:

    Nothing really. And its not uncommon either. You can get the Broken war, which is MR10, from the second dream quest. Even if you are MR4, you can still use it as it was it was rewarded to you.

    Rewarded weapons cannot be MR locked. This can be any weapon rewarded by the game.

    If this is an oversight, it needs to be enforced by DE. I'm not even sorry to say this.

    If this is not intentional, it needs to be rectified. So can we get DE to notice this to put on the "things to do but when we got time" list? 

    Something like this isn't that important, but it really helps to *know* how something works or how it's supposed to to avoid newbie confusion and especially to avoid some choice players into thinking they're spethul for having something which isn't even that great at all(or something along that mindset)

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, EDM774 said:

    MR restrictions on weapons only apply when trying to buy the BP with credits from market or when you get the BP as a drop and want to build it.
    Kuva weapons upon retrieval are sent to the foundry fully built ready to be claimed, skipping both the BP purchase stage and the Build initiation stage of the MR lock. so long story short MR lock on kuva weapons means NOTHING.

    What's the point of the MR lock to begin with then?


  10. 5 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    I didn't say that it wasn't a fact it was an opinion. Obviously its an opinion. That is a fact I won't argue with you.

    Did you really post that just to try and play the semantics game? All for what? Clout?

    Edit: if it wasn't clear, I was talking about the contents of his opinion. You absolute melon.

    I don't want clout. I just had to add my 2 cents is all.




  11. 50 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    What are you on and where can I get some?

    Are you seriously suggesting that DE bring back that floaty "I stopped moving but not really" and "look at me I'm upside down", when you have pin point accuracy and stopping on a dime as soon as you stop your input... you know LIKE IT SHOULD BE, and like it was originally.

    Old floaty controls: I want to get from A to B, *gets to B* floats off into the distance, oh wait I gotta correct, oh I'm also upside down let me see where the ground is...  Ok finally I'm at B.
    Current controls: I want to get from A to B, *gets to B*. THAT'S IT.

    You can still dismount while at speed and keep the momentum like before so you can aim glide your way in a location, so that can't be the reason you want the obviously worse and flawed control scheme back.


    I want the floaty back without the lack of horizontal stabilization

  12. On 2020-01-27 at 8:14 PM, kapn655321 said:

    Feeding the Kubrow and Kavat fish. ...how has that not even occurred to me? Cute pic. 😃

    We need this now.

    A bone for your kubrow and a fish/bowl of greedy milk for your kavat

    • Like 1
  13. 20 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

    I think I'll be sidelining Nova. I've been looking to make her work for the way I want to play, but things didn't pan out.

    Normally, I like tanky frames, frames that can eat some damage. Nova does have that, but at the expense of another thing I'd like to use her for; the mobility of her wormholes.

    If you want the max damage reduction, you have to give up on those portals. And I don't wanna loose either.

    An impossible choice.

    Therefore: no Nova for me.



    yes you


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