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Posts posted by JimmuTanno88

  1. Most powerful frame lorewise.. hmmm. I'd have to say all of them. If any frame wanted to cause destruction on current Earth, they would likely succeed massively.

    Although specific frames, it would depend what you mean by "powerful". If raw, instant physical destruction, then one of the previously mentioned frames like nova, or saryn, or rhino. But if the timeperiod is not specified/physical desctruction not the sole gauge of 'power', then I'd say Nyx. Mind control is a seriously strong super power in almost all scenarios. Turning people against eachother can also have great impact, depending on when and where it was used. Mind control could be used to infiltrate governments, sow political unrest, start wars,  etc. The use list is practically limitless. The ability to destroy an enemy from within can sometimes be just as useful(or more) than direct confrontation.

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  2. Heard a unfotunate rumor that DE is cutting win7 support in january, had only heard of the Dx10 thing though, realllllllllllllllly hoping they arent just going to kill off win7 support with no warning, and that that was just a rumor...
    As others have said, why not add support for a popular distro of linux? Not all pc players want to have to deal with the garbage fire that is win10.

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