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Posts posted by NeithanDiniem

  1. Ended up demolishing most of my dojo in preparation for the room, and through this planner designed a pretty sweet setup. Enjoyed using the planner to design this, as trying to do it manually likely wouldn't have been as thought out. Rebuilding the dry dock 4 times was a pain though.


    Kept my original legacy rooms on the bottom floor, but the second floor up was fully retrofit. Still need to replace the hundreds of decorations but this plan is so much more interesting to go through than my previous vertical build. Plans are to decorate the labs first, then move to the hallways and short hallway end caps ("storage rooms" I'm thinking) and the gardens, ending with the halls. Think the only difference is I had 2 smaller halls in place of the hallways north and south of the hall of honor. T junction is the trade room since that one isn't in yet. Only issues I had was the lower floor glancing the dry dock and observatory, so the clan halls were used to extend it further out.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Hirsutene said:

    It would be to over powered to allow the damage mods mentioned in the two conditions I set. So not reducing those mod slots in anyway more like freeing us from the mandatory mods by combining them into the innate properties of the weapon. Most important, being able to use the utility mods in our mod inventory to actually customize weapons faults and characteristics.

    I know, but using that term instead of naming what is disabled would likely be more easily identified by other people. They can easily compare what Exilus mods do and how theyd apply to your idea, vs a list of what is disabled.

  3. 3 hours ago, DishSoap said:

    Because you personally attack my ability as a player and emphasized that it was my problem? Seems like an act of passive aggression to me.

    You're in complete agreement with my original post. The point was that Blade Storm was not in good place to begin with, Blade Storm is in a worse place now, and that it would probably be better for Ash's kit as a whole if they replaced Blade Storm.

    um... No? I never personally attacked you or your ability as a player. I said if you are at that point you have reached the level of the game where DE isn't catering to you. They aren't going to make it easy just so people can have it easy. Easy was what the original ash storm was, and that has been rectified. You jumped to conclusions. "Make it work or not" is where you either enter into cheese tactics or find a different strategy to continue. Energy replenishment spam can be one of the cheese methods used to continue on.

    No actually I prefer the current Bladestorm over the previous one. I do not think the one we have is a good one though and with all the problems people seem to be stuck on about it Id be of the mindset for DE to just wipe it clean and start that skill over as something entirely different. The original storm was toxic and harmed almost everyone else's experience and lead to people using Ash strictly because he was an easy frame that didnt take skill to use. The new Ash removed that ability and everyone moved on to something else, which has left this lull in people playing Ash outside of those that like the changes because they couldnt stand the slideshow.

  4. 1 minute ago, DishSoap said:

    I am in no way advocating the return of the original Blade Storm or the need for Blade Storm to be spammable if you read my post. But would the original Blade Storm be better for Ash than the current one? Probably. Ultimately though I'm just pointing out that Blade Storm is not in a good place right now or really at all to begin with. So I don't really get why you're being so passive aggressive.

    I dont really get why you are taking a simple conversation as aggression?

    Old blade storm may improve the Ash in some of the community's eyes, but plenty would likewise dislike the change for the exact same reasons. Its a no-win solution to return it to the original for those playing ash because it upsets as many as it placates, and a full loss for anyone else in the party that isn't Ash because its a return to the original problem. Personally I'm of the mindset to fully replace Bladestorm in its entirety and make something completely new to solve issues with the frame outside of just Bladestorm, but that is my own opinion that is more than likely among the more unpopular of ideas that'll never see the light of day. *shrug*

  5. 6 minutes ago, DishSoap said:

    Using Smoke Screen also cost energy to cast meaning you have less to do damage with. You CAN just use Smoke Screen and your weapon but, it doesn't fix the problem with Blade Storm.

    Frankly, if you are at the point in this game where you have to rely on blade storm to kill enough enemies to survive, you are at the point in the game where DE no longer caters to anyways and beyond that is entirely on you to make work or not. A myriad of ways exist for energy replenishment that invalidates heavy spam of abilities being too much of a drain for content up to sorties.

  6. 1 minute ago, Hokibukisa said:

    I would gladly wait to play with committed players. I don't know what system you play on but on PC matchmaking is damn near instant. I'd GLADLY wait a up to a minute or two for players who commit not to leave early.

    Also it wouldn't be required if you didn't want to commit to anything.

    If you are willing to wait for committed players, why are you not using recruiting or utilizing the Discord channels designed for this exact thing?

    You never stated it was an optional thing.

  7. 3 minutes ago, DishSoap said:

    Now fast forward to today. Ash's Bladestorm is MORE unwieldy and SLOWER to use. This is extremely important to point out since high speed melee combat is currently the way to play. It also cuts out Ash's survivability and steals his invincibility frames away from him. So it's no wonder that people want the original Blade Storm back but, it won't come back because DE is EXTREMELY bullheaded about things. Though I'd rather see Bladestorm reworked into a system similar to Excalibur's Exalted Blade using throwing stars as a base. Giving Ash something unique like allowing him to cling to walls or the ceiling during this mode giving a little bit more of his survivability back to him.

    You already can get more survivability than you could before by using his smoke screen properly. Use the synergy of your skills right and this is a non-issue here.

  8. This overly complicates the matchmaking system, directly dividing the playerbase and increasing the delay between actually forming a squad, as well as increasing the load on DE's side for calculating player matchups. You already divide players based on how long they want to go, but again with how much trust they have. DE will not implement anything that does this. It has next to no ability to actually control if a player is going to stay or not, has no ability to actually judge if a person left or was forcefully removed by connection issues, and punishes players that have done no ill intent.

  9. 6 hours ago, tCartmant said:

    Thats not how it works on XBOX. Whatever version you have on xbox would be able to support PC but it would be an entirely different version of pc. (I am sure some stealing of actual pc code would apply however). Whats different is instead of having a log in system, it all goes through xbox app. 

    ITs really an entirely different version with PC and XBOX code mashed together.

    It wont work for two major reasons:

    1. they just added switch which means thats 4 platforms, doing a 5th right now just doesnt seem feasible.

    2. And the real reason, xbox isnt going to want to allow the PC version to stand wheb there is a xbox PC version in their hands. The entire point of xbox anywhere is to have a pc and xbox version that MS controls. No one on PC is going to use the xbox  version unless they have been playing on xbox and they dont want to move their stuff over to full pc. The market would be way to small.

    And I am someone who would actually use it since I do have a warframe account on xbox and could play with friends on xbox PC. That would be nice. Just way to many things stacked against it to work.

    No, thats not how it would work at all. They would have to use the same version number as the one on Xbox and be restricted to only having access to the cosmetics and the discount system for plat as the console. It wouldn't be a "5th" platform. It would be the PC version of the same exact update number as the Xbox version. That way both contain the exact same content and one is not behind the other. It would launch through the Xbox app like you said. Communication between the two would already be seamless as they are using the Xbox servers. Xbox would receive all of their dues from purchases made through this Xbox-account PC version just like they do with the version on the Xbox console. minor code differences to get the game to run on the platform would be irrelevant because that code is not information that is used for communication between players, only with the client-side hardware processing the game data.

    Xbox has no say on whether or not the PC only version can stand. It is irrelevant. The remaining points raised in your second statement there are invalidated by what I clarified above.

  10. 6 hours ago, tripletriple said:

    I'll give you the fourth option ( though objectively speaking 1 button to activate vs now). But 4 others you agreed were true. How you going to say you can disagree with half??

    Because two of them were true but were the exact reason why the ability was changed. One cannot use those 2 options to argue that the ability should go back to what it was because then the ability would then be in the same place it was before, causing the exact same issues that made it get changed to begin with. The other two are the only ones that cant be argued with because one is indisputable, while the other is only accurate from specific situations of the skill's use. While the first two also cant be disputed as having been facts, they will never again be facts. The skill could be made more intuitive if enough thought is applied without returning it to its original problem, and the other is situational so it already fluctuates between being more or less effective as the skill was before depending on the exact situations the skill is used in.

  11. 3 hours ago, Hirsutene said:

    Two Conditions

    1. (modifying the current damage/multi-shot of the weapons without mods and keeping the calculation relationship with elemental and physical damage mods as the weapon levels)
    2. (modifying the two new slots freed on the weapons to not allow; 90% ELM mods /165% Elm mods / 60% Status 60% Elm mods / flat PHSY % damage mods Impact/Slash/Puncture / Rivens...,
     because that would be overkill and broken and restart the same exact problem we are dealing with currently)

    Instead the two freed slots can fit all the utility mods for relod/trigger speed/reload+status/status duration/hunter mods/ etc..., to manipulate weapons or the fun mods
    Rebecca was playing with that sprout flowers on projectile impact)

    So you are forcefully reducing those mod slots to be exilus mods, in effect.

  12. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Void_Relic#List_of_Void_Relics_and_drop_sites

    Just click the second expandable box there labeled "View Void Relic reward list"

    Personally recommend if you are looking by part instead of by relic that you use the "Simplified list" option after you expand the box. Much cleaner. Just click the little arrow icon under the "Vaulted?" column and you will sort all the vaulted relics to the bottom of the list, only leaving you the unvaulted stuff. Clicking it again will reverse that and bring all the vaulted stuff to the top.

  13. 7 hours ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

    Cores, yes. Common mods, uncommon mods, rare mods. Then we have the Primed/Riven/Umbral. I don't think they fit into any "legendary rarity" as they're more of a unique classification on their own, outside the typical rarity ranks

    Again. As I have said: DE themselves have classified them as Legendary mods. They have publicly labeled Primed and Umbral mods as Legendary tier mods on their social media and streams. The tier is labeled as legendary tier in the game code and in all related media and information they have provided in regards to mods and drop tables. This is information from the developers themselves classifying tiers of mods based on power of the mods. We have 6 classified tiers of mods directly based on the appearance of the mod itself as defined by DE as their own tier of mod. Legendary tier is the tier between Rare and Riven. It includes all mods with the white platinum border, which includes mods starting with the Primed and Umbra Prefix, which is strictly used for naming of the mods instead as classification of the mod as a tier. Primed mods are a group. Umbral mods are a group. Both groups are Legendary tier mods.

    This discussion is going nowhere. Frankly your grasp of this is irrelevant. I'm not wasting any more time talking to the void about information that has come directly from the developers of the game.

  14. 13 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    Then hang the team work I will solo everything. I will do everything myself. I'd rather not work with people who can't solo 5 minutes on their own "TO COMPLEET DA MISSHUN"

    If you are just here to complete the mission.. then why do you need a team? Solo it. Someone accused me of being carried yet it was someone who was all for spending the minimum amount of time in the mission. Say it one more time because I will always be able to spend 30 minutes to an hour in a survival on my own. Project your carry on the moon. 

    The writers of the outrage narrative seems to be completely against common sense. 

    If you are capable of soloing it, then you are capable of going 20 minutes solo or with a 3 man team instead after the first 5 minutes.

  15. On 2018-07-15 at 6:35 PM, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

    Then play a spy or something if you can't commit the time. Don't drag others down just because you're greedy.

    If I have to go pick my kids up in 45 minutes, I'm not going to start an hour and a half long movie and then whine when the movie doesn't bend to my time constraints.

    If I go into a survival fissure, I'm expecting 4 reward options at the end of the round. If you leave that forces me to either play with 3 rewards or leave and start back at a first wave A rotation. That's you screwing my finely managed play time. You shouldn't be rewarded for that.

    I don't bail on people cause I respect other peoples time. God forbid I expect other people to respect mine. On the rare occasions that I do have to bail, I feel so bad about it that losing my rewards isn't even a thought. I know empathy is a dead quality in online games, but give it a shot sometime.

    There is no set time dedication though. The mission is 5 minute waves. That means that is the base time that people are justified to leave at. Dont think that everyone playing these are universally required to go to 20 minute intervals, because frankly that is just elitism.

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