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Posts posted by Abnormalize

  1. so does smth like WoW players cry when they cant get their item for set because of rng?
    most people who complain about rivens isnt even in mr20.  they didnt even playd game for half year or so.   
    the only I could agree is pricing.  it should have cap.
    but cry about its rng and usefuness is stupid
    cause there is tons of people with our rivens who carry better then kids who spend 1k plant on 4/5 riven for soma.
    most interesting thing, for what I know, people leave cause they dont feel endgame.   new zone to be grinded for low tier items, booring eidalon fights.  nobody ever mentioned riven problem, except low tier players who didnt invested time into game, but wish to be epic endgame player.

  2. This actually a interesting topic.  
    From one side, they need to learn, from other, they should do it their own way.
    but then you get mr5 excal in last sortie.
    This asks questions  shouldint this be more balanced between players not frame?
    Mr is actually just a number.  Your play time, your frame picks,  your play style shows how much you actually know.
    Means, this should be look from multiple perspectives.   Ex.  I meet few ~10mr peeps, who plays better then 20+ mr.......... what that says then? :D   
    I think, bounty/sortie should be somehow lock behind achievements. Maybe, do that and that.  Do this with that. Finish that in these conditions.  etc
    It is my op

  3. I will be honest, 
    This can't be called any other way. Digital ticket for Tennocon feels just like a scam. 
    All the "goodies" is just Baro shop... which you still need to POWER farm S#&$ out of prime, to manage to buy most needed items...   Like, for these 20 dollars I could got my self plat which could give more useful then ticket

    for this disappointment

    P.S. Least you could add extra stuff with ticket it self, not just simple access to baro

  4. 11 hours ago, Zirion_Bk said:

    Quick note: Alt-F4 is what allows you to quit the game.

    But, first thing that comes to my mind is that you could check your keybindings. If the keyboard works when typing, but not when trying to play, it sounds like a issue with the keybindings to me.

    and where to look for that?

  5. So, turrent bug is like very rare one, but happens. When you use turrent, you get black screen you get out of it and you are like in different rift (like limbo rift), but creeps dont see you and you get nly dmg from aoe stuff.   

    After match - when you get mission info at ship, it often tends to stuck and you stuck with it. only option is alt+f4. Ofcourse, you somehow can like leave partys, but that's all :D

  6. Sup.
    I think Im not the first one who have problems with achievements. 
    Cause, by new system, Archwing counts towards warframe(or thats what I asume), cause they have different mode.......  and I have 7 warframe with 3 archwings and I still dont have that achievement.... 
    Similar goes with Heavy weapon achievement.  I have rank 30 Galatine, but how then its not in achievement?  I have 1st and 2nd part of all three of them, but not 3rd one :D
    I saw older post wher people was saying similar stuff about achievement bugs.  Will we get fix for them?

  7. Just type it in the chat. You'll be repositioned to the closest "good" location (which, in some cases, might be exactly where you are ... which is not really helpful ...) and the game will prepare a bug report. After the mission is done, you'll have to close the game to send the report through the crash report tool.

    gonna do that, next time

    and btw, I edited my 1st post, so theres link to pic

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