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  1. Earlier today, on March 3rd, 2024 I had aquired enough riven slivers to buy a riven from the lady in Iron Wake. Upon going to the relay, nothing would appear in her store except Rell's decoration. I went back and forth to the relay several times, to no avail, with the decoration appearing as the only purchasable item. A few hours later, I logged back in, went back to Iron Wake where the store appeared to be normal. I purchased a shotgun riven, went back to my ship, got in the mod bench, clicked on the riven, and accepted it into my inventory and unveiled it's challange. Upon unveiling the challenge, I accepted it and exited the mod bench to equip the riven, and further read into the challenge. However from here, the riven had simply disappeared. It would not appear in any of my shotguns mod screens, so I could not equip it to complete the challenge, and it is not in my mod bench. I went back to Iron Wake and it still appears that I reached the purchase limit for that riven buying slot. If anyone can help it would be appreciated, thanks.
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