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Everything posted by MagicalNate

  1. you think FOMO is a good thing. look up Super mario 3d all stars. the game where Nintendo announced to the world that it is morally just to pirate
  2. hiding behind the people that have already paid for it as a reason to not change the price is not a valid excuse. that is scapegoating. You could do what you are trying to do with this meagre offering. you lower the price then send extra aya and plat to the people that have previously bought it. Basically do what Nintendo did with the 3ds. the ambasador program "hey sorry we lowered the price after you paid so much, here have 20 free classic games" Would it be so much to ask for even just separate skins. I care very little for frost, I only want the mag skin. many of us only want a seperate part.
  3. Since this is feedback I will give feedback. This "deluxe" skin is bad. especially comparing it next to some outstanding tennogen skins and helmets for wisp, this feels like it belongs in the same catagory as the old immortal skins. It barely changes her model and the helmet.....why. This is probably the worst deluxe skin in the game and it feels like it was a low effort offering the way it was snuck out between Rhino and Baruuk's new skins that are actual worthy of their price.
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