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Everything posted by LumpyWater

  1. I actually quit. none of these get read by DE and none of these will get fixed. Maybe if someone makes a video on youtube about something or gets a huge reddit post. Its honestly ridiculous. A good chunk of these bugs shouldn't even be possible in the first place if they planned correctly. Like the permanent slow you can gain in duvuri/circuit from getting hit by one of the slowing attacks some of the enemies do and having them die at the same time leaving the game in a state where it forgets to stop the slowing effect on you.
  2. title I'd have screenshots but gee I need to sign up for a website thats cute but no, couldn't just upload them to the forums for a bug report? Is this meant to save space because there are thousands of bugs in warframe? I'm getting really tired of these horrible bugs, about to quit the game again. Its just incredibly frustrating and each time I even think about going to buy plat I run into another game-breaking bug that just wastes hours of my time.
  3. same bug, sometimes it will say 1/5 after finishing a quest but checking the nightwave it goes back to 0
  4. I finished just the exterminate earlier and it did not show cleared for me, they're probably just bugged
  5. What the title said, the game does not understand that you did not leave the white optional side objective if you warp back and will not spawn fighters for some reason until you go back in and leave the normal way. Sometimes.
  6. For some reason for months now(years? at least 5 months.) the nodes in Deimos, Valis and Plains have had nodes that appear inside walls and are unreachable with the mining laser and incompletable. Worse some patches than others I feel, there was a period in time where a good 40% of the nodes in valis were inside the rocks. I have pictures again but this is not a hard to replicate bug.
  7. The title. It still breaks and you softlock the quest progress again and are forced to leave. I think you can play around this one by making every player be in range of the shrine for the start of this or just playing in solo but that isn't exactly a good answer especially with the grouping not being forced by the game and the nature of how people play duvuri.
  8. For some reason sometimes when starting a new railjack mission the artillery will turn into a side gun which will lose you the use of the artillery. I have pictures but no URL to post them. Apparently not for every player, sometimes a player can join or just isn't effected by the bug while the rest of the players will have it. Seems to be no in game workaround aside from "just stop playing railjack 4head"
  9. Often in Railjack(3 times out of 10 or so) when collecting reactant to open relics people in my squad would hit 10 and be unable to choose relic rewards. Happens more often in endless void fissures and leaves them at "10" reactant but doesn't let them crack the relic or choose rewards. Also happens quite consistently and no I do not know the cause or we could at least play around it like most warframe bugs. Yes I have a picture but no I will not go to make an account on imgur or something to post it. It happens more often than it doesn't and stays broken most of the time, except the once it fixed for a single round on friend after breaking the round prior.
  10. In one of my transitions from duvuri to the undercroft at 6/6 I lost all control on keyboard and mouse without a controller plugged in. Meaning I had no control of the game whatsoever. I plugged in 2 controllers to try to fix it but one controller did nothing and the 2nd only had use of the melee button and no movement or anything else, not even pause. Unplugging the controller left me with no control at all again. Pressing the X on the window to close Warframe let me use my mouse on the menu to close out of Warframe.
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