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  1. Well, i guess the future new supporter pack sales, if there is still any, will go downhill starting from now, eh? Cuz most of us know now, that it will all be available in platinum in the future. So, if DE read this, when will old events rewards, where only a few still remember and care, make its come back too? I'm okay if it's in market for platinum if reactivating old events are bothersome. I won't ask the heirloom and the "taboo", they will be available in game for 1 platinum if DE wants it regardless on how they promoted it, without any real repercussion, pfft...those who didn't buy will justify it and those who bought will get cuss for voicing their disappointment, till ones situation get switched and DE will just be eating popcorn anyway lol
  2. Will Tauforged Archon Shards be tradeable in the future? If not by normal means then how about put restriction to it just like lich trading?
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