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Posts posted by Dragon_Taryth

  1. The energy costs for battle avionics reset when you use different ones, so don't just spam Seeker Volley over and over again. Alternate between a few low cost skills to reset the energy cost, or make space from the battle to let the costs go down.


    I'm using Protea as my main RailJack frame, and she works great. With Arcane Energize, and a dispensary that lasts around 60 seconds, I'm basically full on energy at all times while piloting, using my battle avionics quite a lot.


    Getting a Plating ASAP is one of the most important things, the Sigma Platings from clan dojo will serve to make your RJ moderately tanky until you obtain actual house ones. One major complaint I have is that the Sigma Platings are so much worse than anything you earn as rewards. Even the Mk1 platings are stronger than the Mk3 Sigma.


    I would also like for the ranks of the RJ mods to be decreased. I did get quite a bit of endo back from the compensation, and I have the resources to spare to max out the crucial r10 mods, but a lot of other players don't, and are far behind on RJ progress again.

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