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Posts posted by MysticalMoo

  1. Just let the stalker kill you,rinse repeat next week.  its DE's moronic attitude that created it in the first place. i have no respect for a programming team that doesnt listen to players. il just play the game how i want not how they want me to. if it ruins someones mission because host has left so be it, blame DE not me. the stalker is a joke just like alad V was a joke after they got done with it and just like every promise they have made so far has been a complete bwaaaarrrrkk. id put a swear word there but yeah i dont want some over ego'd mod banning me thanks.

  2. i have to restart my client about 20 times a day mainly from crashing during mod changing and fusioning. But yeah its getting to the point where im now looking for something else to take my time up with. Warframe should be either out of beta with a solid build and a solid programmer team THAT HAS A CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING or it should just quit now because every time an update is released they just break this game more and more. 

  3. Noticed this today on an infestation mission the magnetic pull was literally causing my fps to drop to 3fps with frame time of 300ms. Now i dont have a super fast system but normally i run around 90-110fps on missions. whatever you guys did has sure broken the gfx in this game regarding that ability.

  4. Yeah perhaps this update has fixed the instant mission change that happens. I was on sabotage that changed halfway through it to a defense mission with waves.. my team mates where seriously wtf. someone needs to SS this and show DE what a mess the mission matchmaking system is.

  5. just thought id update this, the sentinel does respawn as per the mod if it is equipped. but this can take some time to happen. it shouldnt happen in the first place, falling off the map into the abyss happens to everyone a lot in warframe.

  6. Worse since update. Lotus now sounds humanlike. I used to enjoy hearing the robotic voice now she sounds like my annoying sister. Put some reverb in there please!!! 

  7. When attempting to exit from arsenal any mod that i have on a Shotgun and a mod that is currently on a Sweeper that my sentinel has will cause a conflict window popup to be displayed. When i click ok to auto resolve the issue it closes the window as if i hit cancel. i have to manually remove the mod in question and then hit exit to resolve this.

  8. And as for melee damage. weapon fire rates, damage types, hit types, etc etc. these are things which will always change regardless. Even veteran games change their damage types because people soon max everything out and want a change. i played before damage 2.0 i saw its problems, but even now i see problems with weapon types which leave me sitting there thinking how many hours will i need to grind to get the perfect weapon combo. i gave up paying for platinum when i realized i wasnt getting a great deal. 

  9. Ok i admit asking this question was more of a put your hand in the nest and see if something bites it. But then i thought well how else would we find out.  True i know developing games do take a long time to get them to full status, but considering the serious lack of lore or content in this game. the fact that your basically playing on a almost random generated map every time kind of leaves very little left to change, yes their are weapon, warframe and mods which are considered unbalanced, but then longitivity is what is required to find out if anything works I read the bitter post and had to laugh at what ol nugget had put in, yes a lot of stuff there to read but still you have to ask what is it about the game that needs to stay in beta? The foundations are down, the walls have been built the roof is on the people are here.

  10. For a Game that has been in "beta" since March 2013 it sure feels like you guys either A. Havent a clue what your doing. B. Want to string out this beta phase as long as possible so you can convince players they are contributing to something by staging updates with mass platinum sales drives to boost your christmas expenditure. C. Too scared your ratings will drop if you suddenly go live with a dynamic game build which is ever changing like every other mmo-fps out there?


    Seriously i would like to know and im sure a load of players also would like to know how long your going to keep playing this broken record about being in beta for? This may seem to be a troll post but im asking why are we not seeing this content in a live form, you can still call this a release and not beta. Many successful games out there in "full release" do daily/weekly/monthly updates to fix broken code. 

  11. Probably posted before along with the hundreds of bugs as a result of update 11. The sentinel dies/ despawns if you fall into an abyss area in map which makes survival/defence maps pretty pointless if your a support class. please fix this asap its very annoying. Also fix the wall jump bugs, sick of flying about the map when i hit space bar to jump onto something.

  12. I know this could be a problem on Steam's end but i think its worth mentioning here on warframe itself. The client will fail to validate after an update if you do a validate check within steam. Is DE sending its latest client build to steam as soon as the update is live on server? i get sometimes 24/48 hours play then once a patch is released i am redownloading the entire warframe installation from scratch. Though i dont repatch once it has finished reinstalling. This is getting somewhat annoying for me as i hate having to redownload warframe at least 3 times a week. Could DE and Steam learn to cooperate together better???

  13. Issue:


    When using Rhino Stomp every enemy killed by the skill stay up in the air slowly falling, but they never dissapear, nor they fully land on the floor.


    I have my Rhino with full focus, streamline and stretch, so whenever i use it on weak enemies most of em die, and the range is pretty big too, so a lot of dead enemies on the air.


    If the enemy doesn't die from the skill damage, the bug is not triggered.


    Will keep testing.



    i think the rhino sets off the time delay visual thingy in game, if you charge and slice with a melee weapon occasionally you see this too. its part of the game, looks real annoying in defense games because a lot of mobs are falling forever.

  14. Not sure if mine is just like this situation but I just ran a Capture mission on E Prime and captured one target. The Lotus tells me to go after the next target but there is no marker for the next target. I went through the whole map (except of course the door that is locked that leads to extraction) and there is no second target. Had to abort the mission. 

    you know the targets run like hell even if you havent seen them, i think this is a bug as they should only start running when you encounter them. but ive noticed from the start of target 1 the next target will start escaping. i can solo this mission well because i run like hell after them both and run to exit as quick.

  15. Bugs found:

    - Got my Rhino BP in my inventory, but cannot build the parts, in the craft screen they do not appear

    - Invisible walls

    you do have the rhino components blueprints, the helmet, the systems?

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