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Posts posted by (PSN)octus

  1. Everyone else who has one, for starters. One person might be okay with it, but there's no way of knowing how many other owners would or would not want it to be tradeable.


    With both the Braton and Lato Vandals being closed beta items (and the Lato Vandal being given out solely as thanks to closed beta testers), I can't see them ever being tradeable.

    i understand how you feel, but the same amount of items would still be in the game. so it wouldn't make a difference in terms of how many people have them.




    you/anyone who doesn't want to give theirs up wouldn't have too. So you would still feel really good about yourself.

  2.  I think it should be tradeable.

    i think so too. not because i really want one at all, since i hate the braton in general, but because i think helping people in the community is awesome.


    i kinda wish you couldn't trade for platinum just so more people would help each other out. i think it would make the community a shining beacon in the gaming world.

  3. Just because you supported the company in the past doesn't mean that you couldn't just sell the Braton Vandals if they were tradeable. They're closed beta items and would likely fetch a hefty amount of platinum.


    They're not going to be tradeable anyways.

    his very first post he says he wants to give them to friends. you should just take his word as his word tenbro. 

    its just a game and its not really that big of a deal once you turn your computer off.

  4. have you tried quitting the game and then starting it up again? it might just be loading weird. if that doesn't work maybe uninstall and reinstall. im pretty sure the save data is done on their servers, so your progress should be fine.(anyone know for sure on that?)

  5. lol, look at the bright side. You get Melee 2.0 after we trudge to the horrible broken mechanics and massive bugs. Still, seeing another part of the Tenno Community enjoy something before you has to suck. I really wish Sony would streamline the Cert Process, I'd be nice if we could play cross-platform

    playing through broken things and trying them out doesnt bother me. the sony side gets a lot of bugs i think that are with that system only, lots of controller issues at first, navigation on the star map is still fairly awkward, console crashes, etc. So we work through a lot of stuff anyway unfortunately.

    the one thing i wish is that DE would release weekly updates and hotfixes for problems on the ps4 end also. if we have a bug or glitch we wait until the P.C. side has a new update(sometimes its 2-3 weeks for that to happen), then they make it for us send it to cert and we wait for a week or so.


    thats really the worst part, having a broken mechanic and knowing its not going to get fixed for awhile.


    i know everyone blames sony for the cert taking a long time to get approved, and i dont argue that. BUT DE should try smaller weekly updates, to the point where we are a week behind you guys or two weeks at the most. i think if sony had smaller updates to sift through the process would be quicker and smoother.

  6. But at least you don't get unexpected delays and furious anger.

    When the second countdown was revealed, I sensed a disturbance in the Tenno force, as if millions of keyboard suddenly got destroyed.

    we get delays also.   :(

    they put in an update a little while back and it didnt get approved so we had to wait another week on top of what we had been waiting already.

    luckily its just a game, and there is plenty of things to do in real life. like breakdancing, or pouring water on your parents heads, or eating fruits and veggies.



    edit: also, i have a p.c. account and was pretty pumped up to try the new stuff as well. its ok though.

  7. For the last days DE kept on asking to vote for Warframe via ingame server massages, but so far they haven't told us what we get in return. At least I haven't seen anything like that. There are not few f2p games where the players recieve something after the game won a vote, so I'm asking how about we get something too for winning a vote for you DE?

    It wouldn't only reward those who spend some time for voting for warframe, but also make it more interesting for those who normally don't want to spend their time for votes. I in example haven't participated in a vote so far because there is nothing I gain from doing it. But if DE, lets say, throw in some plat or give us an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst alert everytime Warframe wins such a vote, well I would say, I and alot more people would start voting for warframe right away.

    they already gave you something. its a free game that they continue to work on and expand. you should show some respect tenbro

  8. the thing i wish about the foundry, well mainly when you buy a blueprint, is that it wouldnt cost more credits to build when you already bought it.

    its like paying taxes and getting taxed on everything you do, and credits dont count as money going towards the developer like platinum. i wish they would take the credit cost out of blueprints you actually purchase, not from reward blueprints though.

  9. They are a species of futuristic mammal that have several variations that were once pets genetically engineered by the Orokin. They resemble a  fusion dogs, llamas, and bats.

    Feral: these are wild ones, roaming at least in the forests of earth. They appear to have brown fur.

    Armored: A breed of Kubrow that appears furless and is bred by the grineer as guard and attack dogs. They appear to have hardened gray calloused skin, similar to a rhinoceros.

    Domestic: A specially trained breed of Kubrow. They are trained to assist the tenno anywhere they go, trained to follow them even using parkour. They also appear to have white fur.




    Hope this helps your understanding of the Kubrow.

    Also, since they are companions to the Tenno, you can either equip the Kubrow or a Sentinel in a slot.

    I don't honestly understand why people assume that futuristic pets are ... illogical. Just because robots exist does not take away from the fact that animals exist.

    true, if you sit on the earth tile set you can hear lots of animals.


    personally i dont think i want one, but after i see it in game i might change my mind.

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