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Posts posted by (PSN)octus

  1. hey guys i managed to make it to Comic Con this year, so of course i picked up the Limited Edition Excalibur statue. its pretty awesome. i dont know if it had been stated yet, but his skana and latron are detachable. i havent tried to take off the lato's because they were on the statue already(so im assuming they are glued on) and im at work posting this so i cant try right now. his left hand looks a little easy to bump or knock off if it falls or anything like that. so be careful when you take it out of the box...which you should do!!! dont keep him in his prison, its a resue mission and you must save him..but like i said his lato's are on him already so you dont have to give him a secondary weapon. :)




    i also was dressed up as The Superior Spider-Man and has a fun little Team-Up with the main man Excalibur!!

    My wife did all the sewing, i painted the webbing and shoes, the print is from a dude named Orhadar from theRPF(replica forum), i had the faceplate 3dprinted, i sculpted the frames from a 2 part epoxy clay, made the lenses out of perforated metal and painted them, and made the gauntlets from shin guards and then added the lights to them. it took about a month and a half to make it all.



  2. I disagree with the OP if your given a choice if you want to do the prologue, if your given a choice if you want to rush anything in the foundry why not the kubrows. If DE wants to start throwing logic in the game they need to then look at other things that make no sense, one example is Frost affected by cold, yes that makes lots of sense. My point is it should be my choice how I play this game. The lack of information also bothers me, knowing the Kubrows take a certain amount of time is not going to hinder my immersion in the game.

    maybe DE doesnt want you to have that option. its their game ultimately, and you have to play by their rules. i would love to have Mario with a machine gun in the original super mario game, but thats not what the game developer wanted...so i guess you cant always play the game the way you want.


    besides that, its the weekend and im sure they are all catching up on sleep. so no point in really worrying about any of this until the work week.

  3. I'm not complaining, but anyone who has a kubrow right now has most likely paid for parts (either the just some of the parts, or the entire kubrow package in the market) and anyone who has one right now must have rushed the incubation, and most likely the power core creation as well.

    Plat costs money, so I have some sympathy for the people who have paid for their kubrow thinking they'll be able to use it, but can't.

    i dont have this sympathy. patience is something a ninja should have.

  4. I new you say that and show that photo I see you and all but pulling your chain hahaha funny right see I got. You know ho look's like. Fool me that's right is a joke to make people happy cheer them up have some fun away from warframe sped it with some you love or friend that best budy you need sens of humer haha haha is funny right I will stop pulling your chain for know

    my brain cannot compute what you are trying to tell all of us.

  5. You also don't get to test gamebreaking bugs.

    i hear this a lot from p.c. players, but i also have a p.c. account and play when the new updates come out. they are nowhere near as horrible as anyone ever says.

    the only reason why it would be a bad thing to release the updates at the same time on the ps4 is you cant hotfix the bugs. thats the only reason. plenty of ps4 players would be happy to help test bugs, and in fact our bugs will be different then yours anyway because the operating sytem is not the same. so gettiing rid of the bugs doesnt work entirely for us.


    that being said, update 14 is  pretty awesome and PS4 players make sure you play the prologue. it adds a story to the game you wont get without playing. there is a reason for exterminate missions, there is a reason why we fight the grineer.

  6. Pre-ordered mine as well, hope it has a nice flight all the way from Canada way down to Brazil.


    Here's hoping they will release more statues based on other warframes, i would buy swidle helmet loki in a heart-beat!


    edit: Now just imagine if we could send them the pictures of our own customized warframes and then they would make it for us? Priced accordingly of course since it's custom, but still, how awesome? I am very proud of my designs and would love to see them in my statues.

    that would be cool, but im sure they would charge a ridiculous amount. :(

  7. I'm surprised King_Gremlin hasn't been belly aching about the exclusive event based weapons that PS4 users will likely never see either. BratonV SnipyV and StrunW, maybe more, not sure. Badges too.


    Far as I know these have not been released on PS4, and following DE's track record, never will. Is it so much less offensive to Gremmy's eyes for event weapons to never be his, as opposed to items that people spent actual money on? Does this really just boil down money-based elitism being denied? As opposed to play-time based completionism being denied?


    Are the Founders just an easier target for vitriol from Ps4 players because they can easily be identified, and thusly vilified as Elitist Douchbags who just want everything all to themselves. Because what most of us are is just gamers who wanted to support a game we liked, and entered to into an "agreement" with DE where it was understood that we would give them a large sum of money (150 is a LOT for a game) for some exclusive items and perks. All we want is that the agreement be honored and our items be kept exclusive as promised. It's not elitism, though I wear my founder badge with pride. It's that we simply want the terms of our agreement with DE held up, as a matter of course.

    If DE was going to change it promises to it's player base, especially to its most dedicated players, just to make a quick buck....they would not be the kind of company I currently think them to be. They would be no better than Perfect World already.

    i can agree with that completely.


    i think the reason ps4 players have a hard time with the founders stuff is mostly because they ended it so close to the ps4 release. i think it was two weeks before the release. so right after we got the game( a lot of us hearing for the first time about the game unfortunately) we found out there was another warframe to own, who looks awesome of course, and we had missed it by two weeks. i think the majority of people who wanted him after that just saw it as a low blow and immediately because of it, felt understandably like they were not as important as the p.c. community. i think that DE is handling things WAY better on the ps4 communication side of things now, so a lot of the hard feelings from the early adopters(ps4 side)are starting to feel more cared about.


    as for the weapons, i think most people don't care as much, because they aren't an avatar for them to personify themselves in game. its mostly just mastery rank points that people care about with them. there are a lot of weapons in the game, but only so many warframes, and to have the flagship character in beautiful prime form, (which everyone can agree once you have prime version there isn't much need for the regular) not being playable sucks. i personally wish that it was just a really awesome skin that was the founder exclusive instead of the prime version, but its not and i have learned to deal with it.

    *sunglasses on*




    anyways, like i said earlier, i agree with your point, i dont think they should go back on their word. i just wanted to share my opinion on the matter in a way that could maybe help the p.c. community understand it from this side of the game.

  8. There's a solution to all of this... You guys can have Excalibur Prime... No seriously...

    Then we get:



    That's right betches... I went there. XD

    are you guys still able to equip that helmet or has it been patched since then? i remember it being a big deal right when that proto skin came out and i was jealous for sure.

  9. Re-releasing the Founder content would be taking a crap on the original Founders, and we'd be right back in another thread of people being really really &!$$ed about stuff. The moment for offering Founder content has passed. It would have been appropriate at the beginning few weeks of the PS4 Launch, when the instal base was small and the PC Founder pack was simultaneously ending. Tempers would have been less flared about things at that point.

    They MAY have a window to release the content as early adoption stuff for the Xbone, though. At which point they might be able to simultaneously offer it for a couple weeks on PS4 without people getting too upset. But offering it for several months like a Prime Access, now that the user base is already pretty established, would make Founders pretty mad.

    You'd also have to deal with the fact that none of the weapons are terribly outstanding nowadays, considering the price tag they came with.

    pretty much exactly how i feel. it would have been nice in the first 2-4 weeks of ps4 release, i feel like the people who bought a ps4 right at launch and gave this game a chance would have been a perfect people to offer this content to. they obviously had money to buy the system, there wasnt very many games to spend more money on, and it would have been a good way for DE to show support to the ps4 community and have them feel included. if i was DE i would have done everything i could to win over all of those new users.


    but that time has passed. now its just time to take it like a man and deal with it. the completionist in me is sad, but the gamer is still having fun. :)

  10. Seeing how the PS4 players attitudes are and the fact that founders items wont transfer has stopped me from even caring about the migration (which ive actually really been excited about). Im not one of those people who like to come on forums a lot and post a lot of stuff but i do support game companies with what matters most, Money. When i bought a founders pack i was supporting an idea i was fond of and taking a leap of faith in hopes that Warframe would turn out to be what i was looking for. If your goal DE, is to alienate PC people from ever coming to PS4, mission accomplished.


     Since the PC Exclusive founders packs (and the items they contained) i bought back when Warframe was still in the early stages will no longer be able to be migrated, i will no longer choose the PS4 as my platform of choice for Warframe. That and the S#&$ty and whiny attitude of some PS4 players ive seen. You wonder why people always say pcmasterrace, because if consoles harbor such vile and poisonous playerbases, they can stay on their own platform.


    Heres to PS4 players never coming over to PC....

    dont let anyone know...but i  main my ps4 account and have a p.c. account that i play on somtimes....so we are already have infected your master race. you are no longer pure.

  11. Far out everyone. Founders is over, boom, gone. You didn't get it? Too bad. It was a one off thing. Their will never been a cross over from PC to PS4 or Xbox one and that's final. Don't like it go complain somewhere else, not on the Warframe Forums... We are sick of this question asked all the time.

    its obvious a new player would come to the official website of the game to get official information. dont read the threads if you dont like them, its that simple.

  12. Lol every time that I am in trade chat and it comes up for ridiculous amounts of plat I tell people its going to be available in an upcoming patch. Gotta spread the good word and watch out for my fellow tenno. I hate price gougers.

    good job dude!

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