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Posts posted by (PSN)octus

  1. i like the idea of it being on the moon. especially if they were to flesh it out and make it seem like a bustling hub with people like darvo or other civilians working the stalls. i really would like to see a place in the game where you know their are other things going on then just war.

  2. Well, I wouldn't thank them for removing excalibur, lato and skana prime entries per se just like I wouldn't thank anyone for stopping throwing crap in my face. They should have never been there if they planned to make them PC-exclusive to begin with. Only once we get 3 PS4 exclusive items that give mastery I'd say we can bury that axe of war.

    Do NOT be grateful to people for stopping S#&$ting in your face.

    i would definitely be happy if anyone stopped throwing poo at my face. you can do whatever you like, but i'm more into things like marshmallows or boobies being in my face.


    besides that, i am grateful for all of the things i mentioned. i think encouraging people is a good form of motivation, and it also helps them see that the forum isn't full of people complaining about the work they do.

    there are plenty of other topics about things that should be this or that, and this isn't one of them.


    edit:tried to fix some of my spelling.

  3. i feel like with the current build of the game, everyone getting kicked if the key holder leaves is the best answer to avoid exploitation. it would be best (like how many people have stated already)that when the key holder leaves you are forced to leave also and retain your items. it should just not give you the option to stay if they arent.

  4. Ya I did too. I was under the impression that we would be grandfathered in. so I got the bacon helmet to make rhino faster a few days ago for the stats.

    thats the one i bought also, seems like the one that most people really like as far as helmets with stats go.

  5. They pulled all stats from all helmets .... No arcane helmets for PS4

    i read in another thread that some one tested the helmets and they are still acting as a helmet with stats. he thinks the description just got messed up in the update. hopefully thats the case or i will be bummed that i spent some money on a few of them to get the extra stats.

  6. I like that we can equip our melee weapons now. D:

    its awesome


    2 Might be a bug.


    We had a similar issue when it rolled out to us.

    hopefully they take my feedback into consideration then. its a good fix that i know a few people asked for, and i know they had stated before it was an "insensitive" thing to have in the codex.

  7. i would like to say thanks for the update 13 that just hit ps4 recently. i have been having a blast with the new melee system.

    there are a few points to this update that i would like to put in the spotlight for me:


    1.i can finally play the game again with some of the bug fixes you introduced. specifically i had the login fail/cannot save bug that affected about 95% of everything i did in the game. for this i am super grateful, i love the game and can finally play again. thank you :))


    2. it seems like you removed all of the founders gear from the codex and while i personally liked looking at excalibur prime and the weapons, im really glad you took them out so it will lead to less confusion and hurt feelings from any ps4 player in the future.


    3.the new color palette. its really nice of you to make this for us. thanks.


    4. of course all of the new content is great from the new stuff in the dojo, to my new favorite warframe hydroid. so all of you should pat yourselves on the back and hopefully enjoy the weekend.


    thanks again.

  8. Is it coming I would like to move my pc account to my ps4. been waiting on this for awhile. Would like to know if I will be able to do this soon. wouldbe cool if there was a migrate button that puts a copy of my account into a buffer that copies over to ps4 when it gets updated to the copied accounts version.

    sorry to say i havent heard anything about this in awhile.

  9. Dear OP,

    If you would like you can add me to your friends, and ifi c u on I can send u a clan invite so u can buy the bps you want from the can dojo im in. After your free to leave.

    Do note; if u stay clan might kick due to lack of activity.

    thats a very nice thing to do for him/her. good job tenno!!

  10. Actually what we're really overdue for is an infested event, since the last one was, well um... never. 


    Fear not Tenno, as from what we've seen from the past livestreams, there is hope on the horizon. The next confirmed new tileset to be released is the infested ships. I would be surprised if there wasn't an event tied to their release like there pretty much always has been.


    Then, for all you Corpus fans, DE has also teased the Corpus abandoned ship/ice planet tileset that was in concepts. It seems pretty clear to me that as with Cicero and Tethra, there were dual stat mods with elementals tied to the tileset/event, that there will be more. What's one combo that hasn't been covered yet? You guess it - ice. Ice tileset? Untouched ice mods? You can bet that's where we're headed after the infested ships.

    im really looking forward to more infested stuff. i like fighting them the most currently.

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