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Posts posted by (PSN)beerninja88

  1. well, there's no point in making rhino's iron skin drain energy, because that's will make it similar to Nyx's absorb, plus no use in making it timed because that'll make it like mirage's "hall of mirrios" in a way, but I'd say rhino with iron skin is a pretty good for reviving  

    I didn't suggest it would drain energy, rather decrease power strength by 50%.  I think it would play to the strength of the class as a tank to immobilize the enemy instead of killing everything on the screen and immobilizing heavy gunners etc.  The 50% strength would not affect the range of stomp.  It would only affect the damage of charge, roar, and stomp if used while iron skin is active.  I think that would bring it more in line with what it's supposed to do.  Unless the devs purposesly made it an unkillable god frame and have no intentions of changing it.

  2. Morbid soul is correct. Yup unlike pc they make our drops on defense disappear after time in a sorry attempt to increase FPS. That's pretty much the only noticable change of FPS they made.

    The devs don't read these forums so sadly you're preaching to the choir.

  3. Like a sane person who values their fingers, I have powers set to D-pad. Well the new patch made it so I can't use power D when set to right on D-pad. Very annoying. Not as annoying as the ps4 getting bricked by your update which seems to have already happened to some people.

    Please fix. Or better yet, please fix AND ACTUALLY TEST YOUR PATCHES BEFORE LAUNCHING THEM.

  4. ok I found a thing to replace RSS alerts since twitter took away RSS.




    make an alert for +vauban +helmet or something like that.  Scroll through the #warframealertsps4 post history to see the exact name of the vauban helmet.


    make a new e-mail account and set it up on your phone.  On the e-mail audio alert for that particular e-mail account, choose a really loud annoying sound to wake you up.  Try to choose some obscure e-mail provider so you don't get any spam otherwise it will wake you up when they spam you about how to increase your penis size.


    Have fun

  5. I usually see them about twice a month.  There was just one up 2 days ago in the evening pacific time.  With twitter you used to be able to put it in RSS then set an audio sound to play when a filter match is found (like "helmet") but twitter stopped supporting RSS for some reason.  There is probably a twitter filter app out there somewhere that will play a sound when a certain word is found on the feed.  Then it will wake you up if the helmet comes on alert or something.

  6. This is called "port forwarding" and almost all routers have the ability to forward ports built into the router configuration screen without the need to download 3rd party software such as upnp port mapper.  The only reason you would ever need to forward a port manually for the PS4 is if the uPNP on your router is either turned off or not working properly.  In most cases a router firmware update will solve those kinds of issues.


    To forward ports manually on your router without using 3rd party software, simply follow the instructions here after choosing the brand and model number of your router:



    If you forward the ports on your router configuration then you will not need to worry about power loss as the configuration will be permanently stored in the router memory.


    Great job on the research though, I'm sure this program will forward your ports just fine.


    p.s. if you own your own router (you're not renting one from your ISP) and you don't like your firmware, then you can try an open source firmware such as Tomato or DD-WRT.  Just search for tomato firmware or dd-wrt firm.  In most cases they are superior to the manufacturer's default firmware.

  7. A mod like this could not only be a tremendous convenience, but it could also alleviate issues that colorblind people are experiencing.


    Potential mod names:

    Treasure Hunter

    Master Key


    Remote Access

    Locker Burst


    When paired with the Master Thief mod, one could truly satiate their kleptomaniacal tendencies.


    Recommended power cost - 2

    Recommended polarity - dash

    Recommended rarity - common (make it easy for colorblind people to get)

    Recommended upgrade levels - 3 (0 rank - 1 meter, rank 1 - 3 meters, rank 2 - 5 meters, rank 3 - 8 meters)


    Let me know what you think :-)

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