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Posts posted by (PSN)beerninja88

  1. Hi! I'm italian so sorry for my bad english. Anyway, when i play at this game. it's running at 30 fps and many times drop at 20 fps. The game never run at 60 fps, only 30 or down. &0 fps run when there is a survival in a small map. It's normal or i can change my ps4 at gamestop? Please answer me :/

    It is normal.  DE has not finished optimizing the game for PS4 yet.  At least I hope they are not finished.

  2. It sounds like your gateway/router combo either does not have uPNP enabled or the uPNP is not working properly.  To get around this, you can foward ports manually (which is what universal plug 'n play is supposed to do for you on the fly).


    follow the directions here



    Before port forwarding, save your PS4 in your router settings as a static DHCP address so it recognizes it every time.  If your router doesn't support static DHCP then you will have to assign an IP address manually in the PS4 setup menu which is a pain in the &#!.


    post here if it works

  3. My router is a T-gateway ( from telstra) that i setup a few days ago, and it says in my settings that my nat type is already type 2. When i play call of duty ghosts it says open down the bottom right but then when i play warframe it warns me that i have a strict nat. My UPNP is enabled but i dont think it is enabled in warframe which is one of the options to choose when it tries to help me. I dont know what it means by star map?

    what is the model number

  4. I need Help fixing my strict nat on warframe. It comes up with options to click on to help resolve my strict nat when i open warframe on ps4 and i choose option 2 saying '  or sometimes

    Once you are in the router setting you need to look for a UPNP checkbox and check it.  Also I would recommend updating your router's firmware to the latest version which can often increase speed and fix connection problems.  To get the latest firmware, go to the website of whoever makes your router and search for your model number.


    If you did everything correctly then when you run a connection test on PS4 it should say NAT type 2 which is good.  Type 2 means open NAT which is the best you can get.

  5. Uh bro they can't even get the game to run at a playable framerate on mobile defense....so increasing graphic fidelity is pretty much the last priority right now.  If anything they are probably going to lower it.

  6. It didn't unlock for me when I went from 26 --> 30 sentinel but it did unlock when I went from 0 --> 30.  I have heard that if it gets to 30 through bonus XP (the kind you get once per day) then it causes the trophy not to unlock.  So make sure you already got your daily login bonus xp (from the end of a mission) before equipping a level 29 sentinel.

  7. There was one minor thing that was overlooked with the controller button mapping. I didn't like using the touch pad from the get go and have always used the D-pad to cycle and the L1 to use the ability. When using that setting after update 11, I could just swipe right on the touch pad to mark way points or modules. So naturally after my settings being forced back to the default controls I mapped it the way I've been playing since day one, now I have no way to mark way points since there isn't an option for it in the mapping. I even tried reverting back to default controls and still can't mark them. So I changed it back to the way I like and am unable to mark way points for others.


    Unless I'm completely overlooking a way, if I am then someone please post it.

    The fix is posted here:


  8. yea they turned V-sync off probably in an attempt to increase FPS.  V-sync off = tearing.  That doesn't bother me as much as the ~5 FPS on mobile defense and long survival sessions.


    It seems more like a game optimization issue rather than a "bug" as the devs are thinking.  Timo from the DE helpdesk told me they were aware of the issue way back in December but he might have been thinking of the <1 FPS on void that stayed like that for 10-15 seconds at a time.  I think they got it running a little above 1 FPS now when it gets crazy but it's still borderline unplayable on most mobile defense / survival.


    At this point I'm just not sure if it's even possible for them to fix it without making major changes to the game engine.  All I know is that when the CryEngine was first released it was very pretty but it was also one of the most unoptimized janky engines ever released.  It only improved when they made major overhauls to it that only came from completely new game releases.  They eventually optimized it so much that it was able to run games on 360/PS3 which have like 512MB of ram.  As far as I know there isn’t really a way to overhaul a game engine for an existing game short of making everyone delete the game from the hdd and download the whole thing again from the marketplace.


    The only games I’ve ever heard of where the changes were so big that they forced you to download the whole game over again were Happy Wars and D&D Daggerdale.


    It would be awesome for them to improve the framerate on this game somehow but at this point I’m not going to hold my breath.

  9. I've done the mission several times. And I believe I'm going to be doing it a lot more if I'm to gather those plant extracts and make plenty of antitoxins... no idea just how many I'll need, but never hurts to be thorough.

    You only need one crafted toxin to get 100 points.  Bare minimum is all 4 squad members need to have a Lapis or better.  Or if you want to be a badass and get the max 400 points (which does nothing other than leaderboard rank) then you can have each squad member inject a vermillion.  Or if you yourself are badass then you can inject a vermillion solo to get the 100 points (good luck with that).

  10. Having a hard time updating.The game won't update and the support page for update support is for pc only...




    Click here



    Then click the PS4 icon to login, then it will kick you back to the main warframe page, so scroll down and click the support link or just paste the link again.  Then in the top right corner click "submit a request".


    Oh also there is the obligatory "Have you tried turning it off and back on again" <3 IT Crew

  11. And according to the livestream they are fixing the networking and frame rate issues, along with Booben and several other things specific to the PS4 release with the next update.  And... continuing to test the rainbow bridge link w/o updates matching, so we can get it sooner than later since the time offsets between PC and PS4 updates is different from what they had originally expected.  

    awesome news, thanks

  12. Yes if you die with the scanner equipped then you can't shoot your secondary when you are bleeding out.  It's probably a bug but it might be intentional.  Not sure.


    I recommend submitted a bug report on http://support.warframe.com/.  Not worth the wasted time of going into the PC forums to read if it's been fixed in a future patch.  Just submit a bug report and they'll tell you if it's a known bug or not.

  13. Rebecca, can you tell us if the framerate be fixed?


    If it's not fixed, can you post a community vote on the forum to delay the patch until it is fixed?  I think most of us would prefer a playable framerate rather than new content, even if it meant we have to wait until game version 12.0 or whatever.



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