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Everything posted by Nakti

  1. I have almost same issue, but not at daily reset. On monday, I took left pic at 7 AM UTC, and right at 14 UTC same day. The left melee changed from Edun to Syam While pics were taken on different platforms (left on mobile, right on PC), i remember having checked names of pieces on PC, and Edun was there still there. I had Edun equipped and put a forma into it, if that matters for investigation
  2. Fine, let's do that. Although I bet you will still be more active than us, spreading anger and lies (for example, about being "gutted"). Especially if things get "gutted" like Dante, aka not burying them.
  3. Lowered OG and errors in LoS (not its existence, but issues with it: many people were talking of it before DE posted that thread) were addressed, so "nothing" is wrong. So either those "people" are only you, or you were deliberately spreading wrong information.
  4. Could you guys stop lying at least for a moment?
  5. Some LoS checks are not from PoV of player, but from point of ability applications, aren't there? Khora whip, maybe anything else? Will these be addressed too? There were enough people whose only concern was state of LoS. And this finally pushes fixes of that! I'd consider LoS issues tedious to fix, and before yesterday they weren't significant enough to justify putting time into them. So at least something.
  6. Exactly. That's why I called them "uncompromising", as hate train won't stop until every single claim is satisfied.
  7. This community is so uncompromising. Guys, chill. You cannot even agree on what you want, there're lots of different proposals that contradict each other.
  8. Yeah, I know. I was just sharing some information on the topic in hope it would help somebody or somebody would throw any ideas. Although while I was taking my time in replying you, issue seems to be gone on itself. I'm not being kicked out of the squads, and no those particular errors in EE.log. I don't recall having changed anything on my side, so I'm not sure why it was fixed and whether it will return any time soon.
  9. I'm not the wife in question, but i still have same problem. I found a workaround: if I am the host and other people join me when I'm in mission, after mission the squad doesn't get disbanded, so we can play continiously without having to join after each mission. However that wouldn't work, if there are more people with that problem: being clients, they would still be kicked. Issue persists only when connected via wifi to that router. When a PC is connected via ethernet cable, this particular issue is gone. When I use mobile hotstop with wifi, also no this issue. Using vpn resolves it too. It's unlikely a PC issue, as I tested both built-in wifi adapter, extenal usb adapter, and on another PC. 2 years ago I had opposite issue: when I was connected to the router with cable, i would be kicked out of squad, but on wifi it worked fine. We changed router at some point, and I thought that problem was fixed, but turned out it just jumped to wifi. Both routers are Keenetic, although much different generations. I tried tweaking wi-fi settings on router, but nothing seems to help. Maybe i didn't dig settings deep enough.
  10. The consoles used to mark consoles on minimap, but now they are not showing. While I remember where they are, newer player might have hard time finding these. Kahl near unhacked console, but it doesn't show on the map: Example of old visuals - a big white dot on the map.
  11. The linked topic seems to be about slightly different issue. OP here was talking about losing connection outside of missions specifically, while in-mission everything works perfectly (at least for me). I cannot disagree with it, but cannot agree too. It seems like they handle connection differently in mission and out of it, so there's a way for game to connect even when players have some issues. But I won't say that they should just copy that solution. I'm sure that'd be extremely difficult or even impossible :)) I tried researching into MTU too, however I couldn't really find what can fix these. It might be a coincidence but it also might be related to the issue. However I didn't contact ISP yet, I'm going to do that only after I eliminate problems with my hardware/software. UPD: I remembered that it's most certainly not ISP issue, because I disconnect even when connected via local network (192.168.1.* in logs instead of public ip).
  12. I was having this issue some time ago (i think, winter 2021-2022). When my PC was connected to router via ethernet cable, I would be disconnected from sessions in either orbiter or relays (even when I hosted). If squad was already in mission or just started loading into one, everything went ok. When I was using Wi-Fi, no such issues happened. Another PC in same local network could use only ethernet and had same issues. When we changed the router, the issue seemed to have resolved. However in autumn 2022 issue began again but with different protocols: when I'm using ethernet, everything's ok; when I'm using wi-fi, I'm kicked out of sessions in relays and orbiter. This might be connected to having reinstalled windows on the pc, starting using wifi instead of cable, or the crossplay test. I don't remember exact dates when issue started. Also I've noticed that when me and host are in clan dojo (or when I'm the host and in dojo), I disconnect much less often. This is most certainly because of issues in router settings; it's also might be that bad settings of router meet bad settings on my PC, or mistakes on interner provider equipment, or even some failures in network code (as warframe is the only game having this issue - and only in orbiter or relays). I feel that fixing router would most certainly remove this issue, however I cannot imagine what to change there. When reading logs, I also noticed lots of errors "SSL Error on non-MTU sized read, requires the next packet" when using wi-fi that has issues, and no these errors when using cable or another wifi. I think they occur in mission, however I'm not sure whether or not they have any effect on gameplay and are caused by same reasons as disconnecting from squad in other instances.
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