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  1. 1. Tip: Arca Titron, Jat Kittag, Dual Ichor, Sampotes, Syam and Zenistar. 2. Tip: Antifaction Rivens. Thank me later.
  2. Its weird, that this discussion is even a thing. Its a game that had a moderate playerbase for over 10 years, is online focused etc, but the content itself is maybe 1year worth of time. After that the game becomes repetetive since its a grinder (i dont care, i love this game). So why not give us incentives to stay strong and play forth? We already have stuff that i dont see many ppl has unlocked i.e. Sentient armor, sigils etc. Also they gave us the heirloom collection lately. Why not build up on that? Give clans a way to unlock now fashion ites etc. Armor parts that have requirements like the sentient set. Maybe make it "play 100 missions with clanmates" while having a full team (you and 3 clanmates) counts as 3 missions played (so the amount of mates joining counts). We have awarded dojos and we have reocurring events. Why not couple that? Besides the awarded dojo slots, at 5 more. 1 for scarlet spear, one for orphix etc pp. The clan with the highest even point count gets to host the even (clan dojo gets put on the slot, and other clans have to go in the dojo and start the events from there). If other clans happen to get more points than the curent clan, the node switches to their clan. It would give this game a litle bit of endgame competetiveness without taking away from newer players that still have so much to do. Much like you unlocked ignis wraith for your clan, just a tad deeper. Honestly, theres so much DE could do without changing, adding much if they wanted to. Sadly, i already know that i get downvoted for my ideas as always. Still wanted to at least try it again.
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