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Posts posted by -TSA-warramssie


    its not drop related, after investigating, there are people who have this without getting these latest community drops

    patch 34.0.4 seems to be the culprit but theres nothing in it that helps narrowing down the issue


    copy all the files to new drive D then let steam do the rest by changing the setup or copy all the files to drive D and make a non-steam version out of it

    by using these parameters  ... Launcher.exe" -cluster:public -registry:Steam  >>> its what I did , Steam version only for Tennogen then, but that doesnt solve space issue on drive C  

    you want to point to the new launcher.exe from your desktop shortcut  "D:\Digital Extremes\Warframe\Downloaded\Dev\Tools\Launcher.exe" in case you used the standalone installer as mentioned here.



    vor 2 Stunden schrieb ThatGermanBoy:

    Ah ok ty, can you click on the Kuva Ballista Eximus and show us the Region btw. got the Bailiff in 4h Spy today xD

    Kuva Ballista Eximus - you can get your 3 scans on the new Zariman tilesets. 

    The Codex shows as regions Kuva Fortress and Zariman.


    Deimos Leaper Eximus > Yes , they wander around in Deimos too, not only in vaults.

    Have met Basal Diploid Eximus , Feral Diploid Eximus and Mitosid Eximus too , but not one Deimos Jugulus Eximus so far ....





    its not that all these things mentioned above dont matter but why not focus on the reel matter at hand for once ? It comes in three parts , first correct the Fortress Scanner of the Kuva Forteress tile ,

    secondly tell us who the Corpus is between Shield Osprey Eximus and Shockwave Moa and third implement those 8 last Infested Deimos correctly and we are good.

    The rest is pretty much all uncovered. Then; the Codex is still a long way from perfect but it would give a new sense to those who care.


    to all: If  there are news on any of these 3 things at hand please let me know.

  6. ...

    there we go again...


    dont wanna make a new email account or use an existing account ? - use a very antique technique to trick the system

    add the +Tag after the normal name before the @sign ....

    Your mail program will get these placeholder emails under your normal account.

    example :  warramssie@warframe.com = warramssie+yoursavior@warframe.com and it is still the same email as warramssie+WARFRAME@warframe.com.


    Thats all.


    Special Tip You can make rules in your client for all inbound messages to filter the +TAG emails, so you know exactly what you did with what and when.

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    Yes we are sure , it was this stupid Chesa Kubrow incident .... when I made a post on this forum explaining how to get septuple mod loot drop chance (7x !!!) with the right squad , pets and specter setup and asked if DE would approve of this farming method for mods like Growing Power or Condition Overload - well the post got deleted within 10 minutes... simply for the matter I explained the strategy openly to anyone and I was doubtful if DE had thought this through til the bitter end. they hadnt.

    Tenno you forgot Atlas Petry Gaze and Slashing the corpses at the right moment , when Hydroid delivered the killing blow ( 5+2=7 ) . so it was even more absurd..

    At that time around a nekros spectre would still desecrate which is not the case anymore...


    But anyhow

    that doesnt change the simple fact that, how does banning someone from the trade Dojo hold a candle to worrying about health issues deriving from long playsession issues ??                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The whole situation is rather grotesque and leaves a bitter taste all around.


    ...damn .. you play alot versus corpus or shielded enemies in this game , more then you think, so go get toxin 


      innate toxin is the only weapon damage type which still gets the job done and frees up a mod slot for even more dakka or in the other scenarios where you wouldnt go toxin (vs grineer) then viral or corrosive is only a mod away - i dare say optimal


    exception to the rule are weapons where you would build around the primed elemental mods which we have a few for now


    so to say: melee has a prime toxin mod and shotguns have a prime electric mod - if you really minmax your weapon loadouts you have to figure out what would be the best innate damage type to compliment this big damage dealing mod you have and what your elemental combo wants to accomplish, shall it hit hard instanty (crit) or shall it soften up (then status) and also endurance runs always favors status before crit if you cant have both, these are the questions you ask when you go for a progenitor


    it goes without saying that kuva pistols with the big heat mod around would or should never go for heat as it simply outbalances the spread of the superior viral status - looking at you nukor my honey


     he surely meant voltaic strike and now he can build all melee dual elemental combos there are, thats how I understood him...

    in general I would advise:

    if u have already viral/heat on your pistol or your melee then go now radiation/toxin or corrosive/cold on the deconstructor prime weapon, cause of the everlasting diminishing return factor - forget about blast, you dont want that, believe me

    DONT forget Condition Overload is still a thing, and nothing shreds faster than melee with or without a little help from other sources - but suit yourself




    ... I use Nezha with Warding Halo augment SAFEGUARD on my pet with all link mods, lifestealing vice-versa of course and adding the aura SHEPHERD  on top of it.

    since I use this setup my pet doesnt die anymore instantly in arbitrations after the scaling says hello - throw in a Wisp Specter on hold for good measure .. and your pet should give you much much more pleasure and joy than constant worries about exploding instantly. Nezha plus said synergies and your pet runs around with 4k-5k health, plus the halo ring.


    I ll bet you that any Inaros Smeeta dies sooner than my pet as is.....

    • Like 3

    ...please I beg you dont mod your nukor wrongly.  the weapon is simply amazing by itself but it does love more firerate and if possible punchthrough ---

      if you manage to get this into your build you ll be amazed at the sheer potential this weapon has for applying viral/heat status to everything around you and then let your melee weapon     TALK and do some crazy-ass amazing finishing damage... that definitely has an unrivaled style for the current iteration of warframe - nothing comes even close than the combo of a kuva nukor / krohkur or a kuva nukor / kronen prime.


     ..none of these... the winner is clearly . TETHER , followed by Seeker Volley. Hell, a skilled pilot does even more with his particle ram and some carcinnox then with an overnerfed Void hole - Void Hole is the loser avionics atm - do not fall for it . once you have seen it in action , thats it - no need to grind for it or buy it anymore. I prefer even Battle Slot 1 Munitions Vortex over Void Hole - and I could mod for 920 flux capacity.


    2 pieces of advice :


    use the big zetki reactor with 80 avionics capacity and 300 flux and hyperflux avionic (thank me later for never having to go to the forge, when used in tandem with Artillery Cheap Shot), you dont need more capacity and certainly you dont need any tactical avionics.


    - if you are still grinding ressources, use Particle Ram / Seeker Volley and ram evrything, from structure to I dunno - but this nets you much more asterite ( the last bottleneck ) than the superior Tether avionics.



     this may actually not help you in the slightest, but it will give you some assurance that you are not alone in this and if Im only able to spend some solace for you, then still fine for me. 


    ...from my own experience , current Fortuna bounties, which includes the profittaker, prove to be very troublesome under certain conditions, a great part of our alliance acknowledged this


       only from this week nightwave challenge, I could tell you stories about glitches and weird stuff you wouldnt believe


     am I worried ?  Not in the slightest 

     does it have something to do exclusively with Chroma, Vex Armor and arch-weaps ? Certainly not, but it fits the narrative 

     do I plan on reproducing some of these silly encounters ? Hell no!

  14. ..

    . you simply cannot base the legitmitacy of your clan stats on captured Eidolon stats, there are too many inconsistencies in it itself ... for all others things statistically (an example, the old total scan numbers of a certain enemy) it may work or did work, but for Eidolons or Tridolons it doesnt work.

    So stop worrying about that and accept another fact in WF which doesnt lead you anywhere.


    As for myself the sum of my captured or killed Hydrolysts outweighs by far my successful captures of Gantulysts. How should this be possible as it is a prerequisite to do the second one successfully to even get a chance at the third one?  There is no logic there at first glance, it is the same with your most used frame or gear in your profile but dont you ever reset that stat by giving it another forma or you may see things you dont like. 

    The game simply messes up somewhere something along the line or sets double flags or gives triple triggers or whatever, but dont try to further assume things: its SIMPLY broken as most things.


    Im pretty clueless myself atm about whats going on ? There is not any missiontype or "island" left in this game which is not an utter mess or still full of old and new bugs .

    This cant or should not be happening , unless their goodwill intentions are only fake at best.


    ..probably because it`s not a bright idea to go after the spider with a bow (however good that piece is for nuking other things, but not here) and an arch-gun with lousy firerate and curved shots, which stagger you and have intolerable damage falloff ??

    or simply the things an Inaros player does: which doesnt kill me makes me stronger -- uhhh?? 


     vitus drop is overnerfed and surviyal life support drops and never climbs again,

     playing defense arbi without vaccum on certain planets and waiting for the sweet 4x smeeta, I cannot describe how unfun and mentally challenging this is... Rework & Revisit pls

  18. vor 1 Minute schrieb Marine027:

    As good that sounds but i fear it can screw it up also, since all consoels stay hackable afterwards, so it might hack the same or ones you had already.

    it hacks one time and then goes into cooldown...never ever did it hack twice on LUA rescue sortie - there is simply no time

    and useful maybe on other tilesets  this MOA does what the old operator did - it opens security doors with you as first together 


    .. those avionics were all designed without much love or any noticeable concept -  How do you tell them apart ? Yeah form over function I get it, but please...

       Now it may well be that all we get is more dumbdowning and some damage control in panic mode. 


    Then again all these folks who applied for the new test server - they could actually save us, save this - who knows, but do not look at their credentials because then you might despair.

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