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Everything posted by yongluofanchen

  1. I have a very "Cooool" and "DE" idea, why not add "LoS" to all the skills? For example, "Desecrate, Mass Vitrify", we can also add durations for all skills, such as "Reservoirs". Trust me, this will make WARFRAME more "Cooool" 🤡
  2. I have a very "Cooool" and "DE" idea, why not add "LoS" to all the skills? For example, "Desecrate, Mass Vitrify", we can also add durations for all skills, such as "Reservoirs". Trust me, this will make WARFRAME more "Cooool"
  3. Right. In addition, reduce the Thermal Sunder range by 50% and increase LoS
  4. They will perish in arrogance, like the Orokines they created
  5. 😡This is commercial fraud. You Corpus give me back my Forma
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