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Posts posted by ZionTe

  1. Volt: He was my starter frame, his skillset makes him adjustable to many situations, and electricity/lightning is like a "strong" element to me so I thought why not.


    Loki: Third frame played, lets me give grineer commanders a piece of their own medicine(into a pit), and Decoy is just so useful.

  2. In other words, you're asking for something like this:



    It's an old game I used to play, and it pretty much matches what people like the OP keep asking for. I don't think a "stalker mode" should be implemented as it seems like a type of PvP, which fits the game in the video but Warframe...clearly out of place.

  3. Happened to me twice. And once it happened where the door would be open, but there was an invisible wall blocking me from progressing. I eventually just quit that game because I could literally not go past that invisible door. 

    This also happened to me, had to wait until the others got to extraction.

  4. I'm mourning the loss of one of the greatest comrades I've fought alongside with during this war. To his superiors and others he was known as Grineer Elite Lancer #4850291 but to me he was....Bob. He spoke of a dream to open his own bakery but it was cut short when he was ambushed by a cluster of Fusion Moas. I arrived to help fend off the mob while sustaining Bob with my Blessings but when the firefight ceased with us victorious, Bob's injuries were too severe to live another five minutes. I remember his final words "Tenno scoooommmm" but these weren't said with hate, but with respect. To him I was his "Tenno scoom".


    I'm sorry Bobby. I'm sorry!

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