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  1. Still I'll take forums over other 'Social' media cesspools any day. I'm intrigued by the Wally play - it seems we're to some extent just playing in the Matrix. Wally can decide which 'path' we take it seems. Perhaps though, the 1999 thing was triggered by Loid (Disgruntled employee? Thought Albrecht was corrupted by Wally?) smashing Albrecht's (or Wally at that point?) pod caused some weird time thing and so created a 1999 timeline where Y2K went real bad. I have no idea where they're going with the giant sleeper thing, other than maybe 1999 is a game it its head...
  2. There's more stock, but damn, I ain't paying nearly $500AUD. Shipping ($130USD) is ridiculous, otherwise I'd get it immediately! :(
  3. Thanks, that's interesting and I can understand that now. It's a big mess. Mods do some combo, arcanes create some more, ranged weapons now have combo, all sorts of stacks going on. I mean, 'elite' players aren't even going to notice as they just annihilate everything anyway, but the 'middle-class' group just starting with Arcanes have a very inconsistent experience. Combo at least doesn't require kills to work. That's sensible as at least pounding on a group of enemies will build your power, so long as you can survive. With these weapon arcanes etc, you have to be strong enough to kill them immediately to then get the power to kill them, seems kinda illogical. Not even new player I think. For New players you get a fairly reasonable run going through the star chart so you know what to do, but you learn nothing about goals in power and acquirement of it. It's insane, you finish the star chart and then there's a million things to do with no direction or idea why. You get an Arcane or two, see youtube videos where of course you need finished arcanes (good luck with an Eidolon up front) and to drop serration, then need to figure out all this business with status stacks, combining now with damage and crit stacks, gating, ENERGY SUSTAIN, focus schools, damage types, weapon tiers and unlocks, incarnon, etc. To this, I like that there's lots to do, but the content is mostly similar in doing so and there is absolutely no informed way to plan power growth. So making all this 'stacked' extra damage, to me, is just a completely unnecessary additonal complication, built for the players at the top to add 'build complexity' but does nothing because they do more than enough damage in the first place. It doesn't help the 'middle-class' players who can't quite kill those SP enemies to get the damage scaling in the first place... In other words, these stackable bonuses are only useful once you already don't really need them. Note for context, I'm a solo player and feel this is particularly where the problems come out, in group play your gaps can be covered by others.
  4. 'On kill' - is not exactly skill based...
  5. Why does damage lately require 'buid-up' or specific actions (i.e. headshot) to get damage going? I just want my damage out of the gate, I don't want to have to 'stack' it all with arcanes or mods. What's the rationale behind these design decisions, because they create an inconsistent feel that reduces the power fantasy? For newer players (or casuals that don't explore mechanics in depth) it makes it confusing and unnecessarily complicated, for experienced players it makes no difference as they smash through content regardless. Is it a way of hiding the power creep that the Arcanes have brought?
  6. I love the design aesthetic of Warframe, the concepts and environments are fantastic. I am quite surprised to find there has never been a book of Warframe's art/concepts released anywhere (or help me find it if it has...). Especially considering the Art of Warframe panels at TennoCon! I would certainly buy a Warframe hardcover art book filled with concept designs and renders, with some background on the concepts and artists, anyone else?
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