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Posts posted by sickley_twisted

  1. I've brought many people to the game thus far. about 6 or 7, IMO bringing a new player to a game that has gone through a plethora of changes since closed beta and a handful of hot fixes ever patch, and the streamlining of the market, it if far easier to bring someone new to the game. when a new player comes to the game that I brought in I ask them questions and answer theirs. It's easy to see the flaws when a player starts off alone how bad the start can be. I myself ran solo at the start then went to online for help with things I couldn't do alone. My new friends and even both of my brothers loved the game, although our problems with the game are the late game.



    Things you can do to help, your new friends carry them, the game is so far along now it's easy to help new players by helping them far and explain what weapons are good to start off with, take them to places where you know where a good riffle mod drops. My best friend had no trouble using the MK!-Braton to gun down the first test with only 3 mods (fast hands, ammo drum, point strike)


    There are plenty of problems with the game this I know, and DE works to try and fix them, but one thing you can do for new players is not send them in blind yourself, if their a friend give them a hand and help them learn the game. 

  2. Would be nice to see a different skin set for some of the bosses, a handful of them seem to have the same overlay as the generic enemies that are already everywhere (aside from maybe vor, ruk, krill, and the ODA boss) would be nice to see the other Unique bosses have there own skins as well instead of see bosses with the same skins as every other enemy in the game.

  3. I wish they had a skill point system that came with mastery levels, no other real reason to level up.


    More end game. The current end game gets stale and old after a run or two, or getting just about everything you need.


    Better explanation of the lore to the game, it gets really old that I have no idea what really going on, other than I woke up, and some voice named lotus over a com link is giving me orders to kill people.


    A rework of several warframe abilities. and some warframes.


    More tile sets that don't have me running around in the exact same place every other level (aside from phobes)


    Better mission difficulty, night mare gets old after I get everything I need from them, needs to be a real reason to do so.


    Something I would like to see added, we have exchangeable helms why can't we have exchangeable frame parts? (Arms, torso, legs.) Would be a good reason to farm, could have 2 of each just like helms, each has a positive and a negative effect.

  4. So upon reaching level 6, I feel as there is no longer a reason to continue to progress my mastery, I feel as there is no real benefit other than being able to unlock the use of 2 weapons. I feel as though there should be real benefits to progressing mastery levels other than hitting level 6 to get Soma, and now the Penta. 

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