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Posts posted by Sigma-118

  1. Id like to start by saying I had no idea where to put this and just clicked on one of the bug reporting forums.

    When naming your railjack for some reason the name Cassiopeia counts as profanity. Seemed weird for it to be intentional so im assuming its a bug.

  2. On 2019-10-09 at 2:26 PM, Jarriaga said:

    While I agree pleasing some players will mean losing others as it is impossible to make everyone happy, changes to difficulty scaling by themselves have no net worth of positive or negative results. Rather, it depends on how implementation is handled in order to accommodate veterans without shafting newer players. For example?

    1) Make difficulty a toggle option instead of forcing a higher difficulty on everyone.

    2) Make specific missions tiles with very high difficulty so you can choose to engage with them or let them be.

    The only problem there is that some people will just think the increased difficulty is not worth their time and effort, so they'd return to play on easy. In any game, harder difficulties offer better rewards, but you'd then get the complaints that DE is locking people out of content based on skill. At that point, they'd have to make a decision.

    Aight this sounds like a legitimately good idea. The only potential problem with it that I can think of would be if it would devide the playerbase so much that people can't find pugs.
    Of course you would need to have a bunch of player statistics to know for certain but personally I wouldn't bet on it being a problem. So yeah im all aboard for this.


    On 2019-10-09 at 2:26 PM, Jarriaga said:

    I don't think being an MMO means anything in particular. What does MMO mean with regards to the combat or gameplay loop? Does it mean it's a shooter? Does it mean it's point and click? How does Warframe play?

    Steve himself has said that WF's combat loop is more like Dynasty Warriors. Taking the game's creative director's words as a base, how does Dynasty Warriors handle higher difficulties?

    1) Increase base enemy horde level. ( Enemies in WF do scale infinitely. The problem is pacing. I should not have to wait 1-2 hours to fight enemies appropriate to my gear).

    2) Throw around elite enemy units that have a lot more HP than normal base enemies and deal a lot more damage. These elite enemies tend to have buffs your character may not be able to exploit. (That's what Eximus units are supposed to be, but they are not distinctive enough to feel like elite units. In DW, elite units tend to have your own abilities and are more than just cannon fodder enemies on steroids).

    3) Rather than killing you, these elite unites often stall you and target your mission objective so you can fail the mission instead. (WF has nothing like this other than in Disruption, but that's the design of that game mode per se rather than a difficulty balancing mechanism).

    As a base, the following things can be done to increase challenge:

    1) Allow players to select missions with a high base enemy level (150-200 from the very beginning).

    2) Throw in miniboses beyond Eximus units that feel meaningful and threatening. Enemies designed to counter Warframes by being immune to ability damage, having damage caps per player so you can't be the only one attacking it with your Riven Rubico while other players mind their own business like the enemy is not there, enemy buffs while they are close, and a health restore nullifyer aura so the enemy feels dangerous by making you take "permanent" damage while it lives. An enemy that feels like a threat you have deal with ASAP and make it a priority over trash mobs because of how dangerous it is. Some players would definitely hate enemies like this being thrown around even if sporadic, but it would make the mission a lot more engaging.

    3) Add enemies designed to make you fail missions instead of killing you. For example, in Interception, add an enemy that can capture all 4 towers at once if you fail to stop it and/or or an enemy that prevents you from capturing any tower as long as it lives. In Survival, add an enemy that can destroy unused life support capsules if you fail to stop it and/or an enemy that decreases life support levels for as long as it lives. And so on. 

    I am under no delusion WF can reach Dark Souls difficulty levels. It is not the same game design. Dark Souls, Devil May Cry and Monster hunter are focused enemy encounters. WF is a horde shooter that plays like Dynasty Warriors, which means any possible difficulty improvement would need to adapt to said core framework.

    Well yes a game being an MMO doesn't directly mean anything in regards to its combat and/or gameplay loop. But it does mean that the game relies on and is expected to have social aspects to a degree that is on average greater than other types of games. But honestly I don't remember where I was going with that. Think it was something with the psychology of being challenged and responses to changes when applied to big groups or whatever. I can't recall the details of it now. But if it comes back to me i'll edit it in ASAP.

    As for the points you went through i'll respond with the same setup.

    1) I do agree with this, not having hour long wait times is an idea i'm 100% behind. Pointless waiting is indeed pointless.

    2) Ye I could go for some minibosses, especially with the idea that they do things to sabotage your mission. That sounds awesome. The thing with ability damage immunity is not really a idea I support though. Maybe some resistance or other mechanic that changes things up but without taking away your toys/tools. I'm more on the camp of putting players in a situation where they have to adapt how they use their toys/tools instead of the game just going "no you can't have that now, use your other toys/tools instead. You'll have it back later".
    Metaphorically speaking of course.

    3) This is the best sounding idea i've heard in quite a while. If implemented well I can see it opening up so many possibilites for future additions to the game. While it is mathemaically impossible I support this idea with 500% of all my being!!!


    On 2019-10-09 at 2:26 PM, Jarriaga said:

    The movement system doesn't make you powerful. You don't get damage buffs or damage reduction buffs while wall latching or double-jumping unless you mod for it. And even then, it is neutralized at higher levels. You can not dodge hitscan. You can only dodge projectiles. Enemy accuracy increases with enemy level in WF. There's a point in which it is impossible to dodge hitscan unless you wish to present the argument that you are so fast in your input that you can get away faster than a computer calculates "Is X present in LoS hitscan cone Y/N? If Yes, damage¨.

    Out of time so ill get back to this with an edit.

  3. 17 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

    I never said that the veteran base was the most valuable or that DE gets the most money out of veterans. I am using myself as a reference as to why veteran retention is important, because they still lose money when they lose us. They'll need to keep me invested for at least 2 more years so they can get Khora Prime Access money from me in particular. I'm not quantifying which base spends the most. I'm referring to what I want to spend money on. Money they'll lose if they can't retain me.

    No idea why you went there.

    There was a guy who beat Dark Souls using a guitar hero controller. There is a point in which you become so good at a game that nothing can keep up with you. That is true.

    However, in those other games, that difficulty plateau is still designed to accommodate what is expected from a late-game player. Warframe completely ignores it. Difficulty peaks extremely early into the game vs. how much you can grow, hence why the disparity is so painfully noticeable.

    Warframe mobility is only an advantage in the early game. Late game players stand still and nuke the map.

    I went there cuz if DE does things that effect the game for the purpose of keeping you around and do eventually get that purchase from you. What happens if they lost 4 or 5 purchases because they change the game/change part of the game/add content specialised for you. If their loss is bigger than their gain suprise suprise the totality is a loss.
    As we both know DE is going in pretty much the opposite direction from what your asking for. Can you imagine the massive loses they would experience if they were to just add some content made specifically for you (well the part of the community that you could aptly be grouped into)? Even if its just one piece of content it will be a departure from the games current direction. 

    And that will create and air of uncertainty for the rest of the community. And financially speaking that is a HUGE bloody risk.

    As for the design of the difficulty plateau, im not gonna deny that plenty of games difficulty designs are more satisfying to go through than warframes. But are any of these MMOs? 
    Cuz single player, lan style co-op etc. work with very different limitations and freedoms compared to a game built around having thousands of people playing online at the same time.
    Personally i've never even heard of an MMO (discounting PVP heavy games) with a difficulty curve satisfying enough to even be compared to stuff like dark souls.
    Since theres been a bunch of talk about what MMO means over the years I just wanna specify i'm using the definition of any game built around being constantly online playing with thousands of other players.

    And finally mobility thingie. I was not talking about active playstyles but rather made the statement that even without all the extra tools we have we would still be powerful enough for the game to be pretty damn easy as long as we have the current movement system. Though that wasnt a main point or anything, just a mention on the side so to speak.

  4. 12 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

    I play DMC5 on Dante Must Die difficulty. I say bring it on! If that's what it takes for DE to keep me engaged for 2 more years so I can buy Khora Prime Access then I'll gladly take it! 

    See why veteran player retention is important? 

    Yes it did, up until my growth rate continued to grow disproportionately with regards to how I was approaching the game and how the game reacted to me. It started to feel like instead of killing enemies, I was killing ants by pouring molten aluminum down their nest. Meaning, extremely one-sided, and therefore no longer engaging.

    To me, the enemies that show up just 1 hour into Arbitration feel like the enemies I should be fighting by default. I miss the struggle. I miss the adrenaline of barely surviving a mob and having to run away to reload or find some health orbs. I miss feeling like it's not just a numbers game.

    I had that in the early game. 

    Ok lets be honest here, none of us players have the statistics available to know what parts of the community sends DE the most money.

    We have nothing to incinuate that it is speciafically veteran players whos retention is financially speaking the most valuable.


    Ok so the sense of difficulty was good for a bit untill it plateaud and then sank. you know thats how difficulty works right? Not just in games litterally everywhere, everything! 

    Everything that is difficult eventually becomes easy if you do it enough. Cant expect DE to have devine powers. The pysichal limitaions of our existence cannot be broken with our current capabilities. Yet what you ask would fundamentally require this.

    Plus we got movement 2.0, "movement is power in games and warframe wants you to be as powerful as you can possibly be" 

    Quote by youtuber Skill Up 

    I mean just think about it, no matter how weak you can imagine DE making you if you still have that movement youll still never die expect for the literal random chance of autodeath when in line of sight (high lvls, hit scan weapon enemies)

  5. On 2019-10-06 at 9:16 AM, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

    Well because there are alot of abilities now and weapons that strip armor

    And heat is easier to optain than corrosive 

    Add on that you can have corrosive and heat builds

    Having 2 elementals that can strip armor is too much in my opinion 

    What i would suggest however is to give it that magus accelerant treatment where further heat procs makes enemies more vulnerable to heat damage ticks, or heat damage

    Still 6 seconds

    Still doesn't stack

    But increase in damage ticks as you build in more heat

    And don't underestimate heat ticks when they are huge, i've learned that from gauss 

    Heat damage is good...it's only negative is against proto shields...it's neutral towards armor

    Heat should be the damage amplifying type not the CC or the armor debuffing type


    I think its a fantastic idea, hell I just want em to give even more elements armor strip procs and then add another effect on top of corrosives normal armor strip.

    And once armor stripping procs can come in many flavors, just imagine the build diversity! I mean right now we dont really make much use of the various elements and with how armor scaling works ur definetly gonna be keeping either corrosive around for its armor strip or alternatively true damage from slash with either viral or corrosive (depending on the weapon).
    That kinda leaves all the other elements/IPS in the dust.

    But if these vital effects were added to other elements/IPS then all off them would be in the same playing field. And once they are in that same playing field then they can be balanced with some easy number tweaks. 

    Now I dont necessarily think all elements/IPS should have an armor strip effect to their proc, but since its such a useful thing to have in higher lvls how about a setup where (for the most part) you always have it in your build one way or another. Ok so a bit below here is a short layout of how this could be setup. Leaving numbers out since those are easy to tweak, the idea is a damage system setup where its close enough to a balanced system that only number tweaks will be necessary from that point onwards..

    Just a quick heads up this whole idea kinda manifested as a full idea while reading this thread so plz think of it more like spitballing than anything else 

    Element  /  Proc effects

     Impact: stagger, -max shields
     Puncture: -damage, armor strip
     Slash: bleed, stumble chance (think of it like a random chance to stagger as long as the proc is active)

    Cold: slowdown, -max shields
    Electricity: chain stun, weak armor strip, weak -max shields
    Heat: burn panic DoT, armor strip
    Toxin: poison DoT, weak bleed

    Blast: knockdown, armor strip
    Corrosive: armor strip, weak -max health
    Gas: toxin cloud, weak bleed
    Magnetic: -max shields, -shield regen
    Radiation: -accuracy, friendly fire, -max shields
    Viral: -max health, weak bleed

  6. 7 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    I use sustainable vaguely because it’s different for some. My version of sustainable may be  32 player ship battles with full fledged bosses in space on railjack while yours might be 2 hours in mot 

    Oh wow this clears up so much i've been confused about in regards to the term "sustainable content" in the warframe forums specifically. Apparently you, and I can assume other warframe forum goers as well. Have for some reason ended up using the term "sustainable content" as a blanket term for whatever your own personal prefered type of content is and what you feel you would play a lot of.

    Well now things are a lot clearer for me since whenever i've read about "sustainable content" here it's always sounded more like wishlists for specific content rather than actually asking for content designed in sustainable ways. But now it all makes sense again, so thx a lot for that mate.

    One thing i'm still curious about though is why not just directly say its your preference instead of throwing all the ideas/requests/whishes together into the "sustainable content" term?

    Just feels like it would be more clear what your asking for then, and it wouldnt create so much of a disconnect between what your asking for as what your saying your asking for.

    Which really might make communication easier to establish, both between players and between the community and the devs.

  7. 9 hours ago, Akai-no-bara said:

    Like are you for real? In wut region do you play that every single scrub will alt+f4 whenever it feels so. Attempting to force people to do anything has been one of the more practical solutions to the variety of problems throughout the history of human civilization.

    This is as wrong as one could possibly be. Forcing people to do S#&$ has historically been the absolute worst way to get people to do what you want them to. 

    Lies, deceit, manipulation, guiding, take your pick. That S#&$ is what actually works. Forcing S#&$ on people only ends up with them working against you since u know. NOBODY LIKES SOME RANDOM #*!% TELLING THEM WHAT TO DO!!!!

    Even if you get them to do S#&$ if they know their being forced they will not be very inclined to give it their all/be very agreeable so to speak. They'll work against you, one way or another.

  8. 14 hours ago, (PS4)OriginalEquinox said:

    Ah I see, joined long after these were removed so all I heard about them were how challenging and fun they were (probably when they worked properly) ,and the fact that you had eight whole players to goof around with, didn't know they were such a disaster. But I hope DE keeps their word and adds a similar mode back that you need endgame builds and a ton of teamwork to pull off, or atleast let 8 players run around the open worlds even.

    Oh yeah completely agree there. Cant wait to see what DE ends up adding to fill the role of raids 😄

  9. On 2019-09-21 at 6:20 PM, (PS4)OriginalEquinox said:

    Probably not, there used to be these things called raids which were pretty good apparently but they were scrapped for whatever reason. DE seems to have gone down a path of noob friendly content and I doubt they'll turn away now

    To be fair all that the raids really ended being gameplay wise was that you picked up a thing (similar thing to the data keys from mobile defense missions), moved the thing a little bit, dropped it. And then u also walked onto small platforms in a specified order. This is what 95% of one of the raids consisted of. With a pretty good but really short bossfight against chicken suit vay hek at the end. And the other one was just a archwing cluster#*!% so annoyingly complicated that if you actually found any teammates that didnt screw everything up you would only ever want to play with those ones. A toxic culture of elitism was born from raids and it was not a positive influence on the game as a whole.

    Hell even among the people who miss raids, they dont talk about how fun they were to do. They do however talk about the social aspect. And by that they mean chatting about random stuff while waiting for the newb to finally catch up in case of the archwing one. Or in case of the other one for the newb to walk ontop of the bloody platform.

    Oh and also about having 8 player squads (which I very much agree was awesome) and for some reason about "having to cooperate" which I just dont get. Why? Because the level of cooperation in raids wasnt really that different compared to every other farm in the game. Sure you couldnt succeed at all if you facked up in raids, but in the eyes of players when u f up in normal farms and get only a small amount of loot it is psychologically the same as failing in a raid anyways. Expect u get a small consulation prize.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Zekkii said:

    That's just a convenient excuse people use because the developers are struggling at balancing content properly.  It's easy, therefore it is intended to be easy.  I'm fairly confident that the devs would be more satisfied with a more normalized difficulty curve.

    Regardless, my point was that the language being used here is ambiguous.  The OP might be referring to something entirely different to what you might immediately think.

    Ok now we seem to be in a bit of a my interpretretation vs yours kind of situation. If i've understood you correctly you are under the impression that DE either didn't intentionally make the game as easy/make players as badass as we are now or that they have changed their mind sometime after making it so and now want to make the game more challenging/hardcore. Of course please do correct me if i'm wrong, at the moment I am only making guesses to hopefully speed up the conversation since forum discussions such as these can drag on if I stop and wait for confirmation at every uncertainty.

    Anyways continuing on the assumptions I just made, why would this be the case? Why would DE who are filled to the brim with vets of the industry slowly steer a game in a direction for several years without realizing what direction they were steering it into? Why would they change their minds (ok not the best question here)? What is it that they have shown/said/done that would indicate that they want to go in a challenge-direction, so to speak?

    As for the OPs post, i'm not sure how much room for interpretation there is really. They are talking about and praising the feeling of melting a S#&$ ton of enemies like they were nothing. And then ending by asking "Am I a god?" which yes, is a bit of an ambiguous question. But when you take context into account the amount of possible interpretations decrease drastically. At the end of the day the two most sensible interpretations that I can come up with is that the OP is asking wether this sense of power in the gameplay is intentional or wether the tenno are in-game gods in some shape or form. Of course I can only act according to my limited understanding of things but this seems to make sense to me at least. Again please do correct me if I am wrong.

    Edit: For clarification the third paragraph is made under the assumption that OPs question is not a rhetorical one.

  11. 22 minutes ago, KimbraC said:


    this here is for the developer of the game.

    The support asked me to insert this here in the Warframe Feedback sub-forum because the developer of the game monitor it.

    I left the game and do an uninstall of Warframe:


    I’m a typically casual gamer. I liked playing the game for ca. 200 hours. I also bought stuff for more than 50 Euros during this time.

    But I stopped playing the game because I have no desire to do the tests for the “mastery rank” exams from one level to the next level. From a middle level, these tests are no longer easy and you have to invest a lot of work and time to pass the exams. I will not invest more time (and money…) in this game because I can’t be sure that I will pass the next mastery rank test. In this case I invested a lot (time and money) and I will not be able to play further.

    I will come back immediately to the game when there are no “mastery rank” tests or when there is the possibility to skip these tests.




    U are aware that u can do infinite practice runs in chephalon simaris room on any relay right?

  12. 11 minutes ago, Zekkii said:

    Depends on if your perspective.  Does it make you a god gamer?  No, there's no challenge.  Are Warframes actually gods in the lore?  Sometimes, maybe, sort of.  Are Warframes far more powerful than enemies?  Most definitely.

    My apologies but your intent behind this reponse seems lost to me. What I meant with my previous comment was that warframe is designed to be a breeze. To make people feel badass, to make them feel like they are ... well .... a god. Not sure where feeling like you have god-level skills as a gamer came into play here. I mean this is neither a pvp centric game or a super hardcore pve game like dark souls.

  13. Agreed 100%

    Seriously, every get boss has great boss music. Its a super important part of the boss fighting experience. Just try fighting for example a dark souls boss wihtout the music. Sure it doesnt suddenly and magically turn into a S#&$ boss, but you can still I dunno, just kinda FEEL how theres something missing.

    So yeah

    Boss music FTW!!!

  14. On 2019-09-16 at 2:36 AM, VotumPrime said:

    Zaws. Kitguns. Magus Lockdown. Rivens.

    A bunch of hill billies and debt slaves will do what a mighty ancient empire never could and make more powerful and deadlier weapons than the Orokin Empire defeat their greatest enemy the Sentients at the same time.

    For those of you who don't know what Magus Lockdown is:


    Go. Change my mind. We're just lucky Nef wasn't smart enough to put Eudico and the Solaris in charge of weapons manufacturing.

    Thank you so much for this thread, funniest thing i've come across all week! Also great dedication to the bit!

    Cheers mate.

  15. Under the assumption that numbers would be tweaked so that the grind takes just as long as it would now it would probably be a massive improvement to a large section of the game. Especially big areas where enemy scarcity is far more noticeable, the fun factor for most of the game would probably increse too. As for negatives, the new player experience woukd feel a lot more difficult than it does now. Some people would revel in this, some others would not. As for which group consists of more people, well if anyone would know that I guess DE would.

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