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Everything posted by ImWithDerp

  1. Given that Mirage's kit feels a bit plain, I'd love something like that light pillar idea which would make playing her more interesting, especially if her other abilities could interact with them!
  2. I hope not but its hard to know what alternatives would be reasonably achievable with the current engine. That said, if we want to keep the lighting based gimmick (which is a separate argument altogether), I'd love to Eclipse to give it gives 50% of each buff in neutral lighting instead of nothing at all. Or if changing its gimmick is on the table, then it could be based of something like our current shield percent (max shields give the full damage buff but no defense buff, half shields give 50% of both buffs, no shields give the full defense buff but no damage buff).
  3. Yep, and nothing in the patch notes so I really hope this change is unintended
  4. (Needless to say, everything below is IMO) Been grinding Void Armageddon missions lately for Hespar. This mission type has neat potential (not only Void Armageddon itself but future missions which could follow a similar 'tower defense'-esque structure), but 3 main issues stand out for me: Simultaneous distant defense targets Turret expiry Round length Simultaneous distant defense targets: We are currently directed to defend one target at a time, but other targets far away can still come under attack. Even if we buy extra turrets before moving to a different target, it doesn't feel great to be that far away from the action (and the turrets aren't that reliable anyway). In a group we can also leave someone behind in case this happens, but that doesn't seem particularly fun for them. It'd feel better if either: Only the target we are directed to defend is vulnerable, all others are invulnerable, or There is some form of quick transport between vulnerable targets Which could work out something like: As long as both exo dampeners are alive, the relic drive is invulnerable, and either: Only our current target exo dampener is vulnerable, the other becomes invulnerable, or Both exo dampeners are vulnerable, but there is some kind of shortcut between them When an exo dampener dies the relic drive becomes vulnerable Not sure if a shortcut between the surviving exo dampener and the relic drive is needed (could be an extra penalty for letting an exo dampener die, and the distance from one exo dampener to the relic drive isn't as long as the distance between both exo dampeners anyway), but I'd enjoy it regardless Or if this is intended and turrets are supposed to be how we protect distant targets, then see "turret expiry" below for issues with the turrets themselves, and also it would be nice to have more feedback on how our turrets are doing to see how our decisions are playing out. Not sure how this could be done without cluttering the UI too much, though. Turret expiry: Instead of turrets expiring and also needing to wait for a turret to expire before it can be replaced, I'd heavily prefer if turrets didn't expire by themselves (unless we chose to swap/scrap them), but instead required upgrades to keep up with harder and harder waves (closer to how towers work in 'normal' tower defense games). This might also save some busywork as we can be more selective about upgrading specific turrets vs. repeatedly replacing all the turrets we want. Turrets no longer have a timer before they despawn Placed turrets can be interacted with, bringing up a menu that lets us upgrade/swap/scrap them Unsure if offering different types of upgrades would be overkill, or it'd be better to go with one simple upgrade level that scales the turret in a way that keeps up with the current enemy level Round length: Void Armageddon rounds feel longer than they should be. General endless mission sweet spot for me is no more than 5 mins per round (plus a bit of time for things like choosing to extract/stay or choosing relics), but Void Armageddon rounds take noticeably longer. Perhaps cut down the number of waves from 3 normal + 1 angel to 2 normal + 1 angel, then adjust the length of 2 normal waves until the time is closer to (or slightly under) 5 mins per round?
  5. On one hand I miss our old Void Dash, on the other hand I'd love a more controllable form of aerial mobility. How about something like this? Instead of both bullet jumping and double jumping being replaced with Void Sling in operator mode, we can choose to assign separate movement abilities to each of them Movement abilities we can choose from include the following, each with a distinct advantage: Void Dash, best speed and fair efficiency, but is the trickiest to use since we cannot control its range Void Sling (with a buff to its energy efficiency), best efficiency, balanced speed and ease of control Void Flight, a new option with the easiest control, but must either sacrifice efficiency for speed or vice versa We defy gravity and can move forward/back/sideways relative to our camera pitch/yaw as long as the jump button is held and we have energy left Each use starts off slow but energy efficient, so it can be used in short bursts for efficient close range maneuvering The longer we maintain it, the faster but less energy efficient it gets, so we can dump a lot of energy to cross a large distance in a short time Focus nodes that currently apply to Void Sling (e.g. Chained Sling, Protective Sling, Far Sling) also apply to Void Dash and Void Flight (since Void Flight doesn't have a maximum distance per se, Far Sling improves its efficiency instead)
  6. They used to have plans to make Necramechs available in all modes, meaning an extra one would have a better chance of enriching general gameplay. They might have abandoned those plans due to collision issues with existing tilesets, but I'd love to be able to use them despite the remaining collision issues since we can pop out of them in troublesome spots anyway. EDIT: (Plus I'm on an Armored Core high and would love some of that stompy-stompy-skatey-skatey action in Warframe :D)
  7. There are parts of Valkyr's kit that are pretty outdated. Since we've had a successful combo-focused Warframe (Kullervo), and comboing plays into Valkyr's berserker theme, how about giving Valkyr some combo bonuses too in her own style? Passive: Unlike Kullervo's heavy attack bonuses which encourage frequent heavy attacks, Valkyr's bonuses encourage retaining combo most of the time then spending it occasionally for emergency burst damage. Gains X crit/status chance per combo multiplier for all weapon attacks Spending combo grants much higher crit/status chance per combo spent, lasting for a few seconds, but then her passive is disabled for a few seconds after that "Spending combo" includes non-Tennokai heavy attacks and alternative spenders like Secondary Outburst Also keep her current passive effects (no hard landings, faster knockdown recovery) for flavor Ripline: Gains a new niche as an opener which helps to quickly build combo. Also some QoL improvements. Grants a combo gain rate buff with a short initial duration, but the duration is refreshed on melee hit Hopefully this would encourage Valkyr to use Ripline to pull herself/enemies into melee range without requiring her to spam it too much to maintain the buff Improved control over whether Valkyr pulls herself or tries to pull the target toward her, there are several ways this could be done: Casting while airborne always pulls Valkyr to a surface/enemy, casting while grounded always tries to pull an enemy to Valkyr Casting without aiming always pulls Valkyr to a surface/enemy casting while aiming always tries to pull an enemy to Valkyr, or vice versa Tap to pull Valkyr to a surface/enemy, hold to pull an enemy to Valkyr, or vice versa Edit - could also use improved base casting speed Edit - also control of whether she pulls herself all the way to the target or releases early like she does now, maybe make her pull all the way by default but pressing jump/crouch makes her release early Augment allows the buff to be refreshed by ranged attacks too, and also causes ranged attacks to grant X combo points over the next few seconds (the reason for doing this instead of simply giving X combo points per shot is to even out combo gain between rapid fire/multishot guns and slow/single shot guns) Paralysis: A 'safe' choice might be to add AoE armor strip here, but I hope some more flavorful options can be considered. such as: Pause combo delay by X seconds per enemy in radius Multiply weapon damage by X% for X seconds per enemy in radius, Any status procs received by enemies in radius in the next X seconds (even ones immune to paralysis) are doubled (like how Archon Vitality doubles heat procs) Hysteria: General buffs to keep up with modern melee weapons and to benefit more from gaining combo. Buff stance multipliers to match modern stances Combo count is no longer lost on cast, it is carried over from Valkyr's equipped melee weapon Gains a chance for forced slash procs equal to her passive's current bonus status chance (so scaling with current combo multiplier and spiking after spending combo)
  8. I'm curious what Limbo players like most about his kit that they'd want to be retained through any sort of rework. Being able to control which enemies you fight? Mass CC? Being able to deal some damage while still remaining untouchable (using damage that can cross the Rift)? His entire kit as a whole? If nothing else, it should be possible to keep his gameplay unchanged for Limbo players themselves while no longer disrupting Limbo's allies (by making banishing enemies/allies purely beneficial to allies, even if Limbo himself still needs to be on the right plane to deal full damage). E.g. keep his entire kit the same, but allies interact with the Rift as follows: ally vs enemy on a different plane, ally deals normal damage to enemy and takes reduced damage from enemy ally in the rift vs enemy in the rift, ally deals increased damage to enemy and takes normal damage from enemy
  9. I feel an option like this would be a more accurate gauge of how 'built' a weapon/Warframe is than Forma count, especially with those that start with many of the polarities we want and therefore need less Forma to fully mod, or cases where we re-Forma a slot repeatedly to try out niche builds, Rivens, etc.
  10. Although they did make pressing jump cancel the auto-mantle animation into a double-jump, doing this can actually send you under a ledge you would otherwise be able to climb over due to how the start of the auto-mantle animation can abruptly push downwards from the height you touched the ledge at. +1 for making the animation more fluid! Especially when we already have upward momentum or are close enough to clearing a ledge that completely dropping down like that would logically be unnecessary.
  11. Even if auto-mantling needs to be kept for some reason, there's a lot of room for refinement. It feels like the auto-mantling animation abruptly halts your upward momentum and/or pushes you downward. In such cases (you either have some upward momentum or almost cleared the ledge) it would look a lot less awkward if we didn't drop down and hang for a moment at the start of the animation, skipping straight to pulling ourselves up.
  12. Added a bunch of extra ideas, like a selection of different Railjack orbital strike abilities and tactical menu functions
  13. Been trying to use him to help hold solo interception points, but he seems to stop firing his Grattler if I tell him to hold position. He still uses his grenade, and his brothers don't seem to have this issue. So far I've been able to reproduce this reliably by going into missions where a location is swarmed with enemies (interception, defense, survival, mobile defense) calling him in and telling him to hold position, then observing what he does.
  14. For these, maybe a portal to your Railjack could open up using the same technology used for things like Deimos void portals, and the orbital strike fired through it. It'd be nice way to actually see your Railjack in these missions too!
  15. I'd love having the choice to involve our Railjacks in more of our missions someday. Some speculation on how it could happen (keeping in mind that simultaneous Railjack and ground combat might not be technically feasible): First, the navigation menu now lets us choose whether we want to use our Railjack or landing craft to begin any ground star chart mission. Entering a star chart mission from our Railjack has some benefits and costs over using our landing craft. Cost: Before we can head down to the planet, we need to do a bit of dogfighting to clear out nearby space enemies. Once space has been cleared, the squad can teleport* down from our Railjack to to begin the mission in earnest. Ideally, the time we need to spend clearing out threats should be less than (or at least roughly equal to) the time saved from the benefits listed below, meaning using our Railjack does not slow down mission completion. If the planet is undergoing an invasion, there could be a crossfire between ships of both factions! *I'm not sure where the best place for the Railjack-to-ground teleporter would actually be in the Railjack. Maybe have it as a platform in the middle section where the exit currently is, and have two exits where the side turrets used to be? Or maybe it could be somewhere near navigation for convenience, but the cockpit is already pretty full. Or how about if the navigation console sunk into the ground and was replaced with the teleporter platform while a mission is underway? Benefits: Teleporting down from our Railjack starts us closer to our objective than if we used our landing craft (except for cases where this isn't useful/applicable, like survival or open world missions). Extraction is sped up by letting us use our Omnitool to warp straight back to our Railjack instead of running to an extraction point. Prior to extraction, we can use the Omnitool to call for one of several forms of assistance from our Railjack, which we could select from pre-mission: Call down an orbital Tunguska strike. Straight-up, no frills nuke. It should pretty much one-shot all non-boss enemies in a significant radius regardless of level, but have a big cooldown. EDIT: When underground, a portal in the ceiling could be opened through which we can see our Railjack charging up, firing the orbital strike from the portal! Teleport a large group of non-boss enemies up into orbit, where our Railjack holds them in place in front of it in a helpless ragdoll state, losing a percent of their life every second. We can choose to either let them suffocate slowly on their own or follow them into space (tap vs hold the Omnitool key?) to finish them off using our Archwing. Cooldown would only start after all spaceborne enemies are dead, so manually finishing them off means we can reuse it more quickly. Either way, after they die their drops are vacuumed into our Railjack and shared with the whole squad. Open portals in front of each of our 4 Railjack turrets (2 side turrets, 1 pilot turret and 1 artillery turret), with the portal exits appearing around the area we selected with the Omnitool, facing enemies inside the target area. Each turret automatically fires at enemies visible to it through its portal. Once a turret runs out of visible enemies or it overheats, its portal closes until the turret cools down, then its portal reopens in a different spot facing any enemies remaining in the target area. This continues for a while, during which we can move the target area with the Omnitool. Turret damage scales with the current enemy level. Doesn't instantly kill/remove enemies like the Tunguska strike or space teleport do, but provides more persistent area coverage and may end up killing more enemies in total. We could even gain partial access to the Railjack tactical menu, allowing for things like: Summoning any NPC crew members that are filling in for missing squad members, even ones that aren't on call. Teleporting ourselves to squad members/summoned NPCs. Ability Kinesis (with squad members/summoned NPCs as targets). Changing our Omnitool ground action mid-mission. If changing weapons mid-mission is technically possible, maybe allow us to select a few extra primary/secondary/melee weapons from our arsenal to keep on our Railjack, which we could swap with our Warframe's currently equipped primary/secondary/melee weapon through the tactical menu. Maybe Tactical Avionics too, though we might need to specify one set for ground missions and a separate set for proxima missions given that several Tactical Avionics wouldn't have any use for ground missions. And some bonus features that would supplement this: In proxima missions, using the Omnitool to warp back to the Railjack could leave behind a warp beacon, which we could then return to by using the same teleporter that would take us down to a ground mission. This would cut down on tedious backtracking in solo Railjack proxima missions (or any proxima missions where only one player is doing an away objective). The Railjack's navigation console lets us select ground missions as well as proxima missions, and lets us return to the Orbiter without needing to stop at a dry dock first. Rewards for ground missions started from our Railjack (and proxima missions too IMO) should be saved on mission completion without us needing to return to a dry dock. Infested proxima enemies! (will edit more stuff in later as they are suggested or come to mind)
  16. How about making shield gating duration scale with the highest amount of shields you reached since they were last depleted? E.g.: Minimum duration if we reached only 1 shield point is 0.33 seconds, same as now Duration increases by 1 second (1.33 seconds total) if we reach 300 shields, even if our max shields are higher than 300 Duration increases further (maybe with diminishing returns) as our shields go above 300 If we don't use diminishing returns we could give another 1 second of shield gating per 300 shields reached (in other words 0.1 seconds per 3 shield points) If we do use diminishing returns, each extra second could require more extra shields to reach than the last, so something like: 1.33 seconds at 300 shields 2.33 seconds at 900 shields (300 + 600) 3.33 seconds at 1800 shields (900 + 900) 4.33 seconds at 3000 shields (1800 + 1200) etc. And in the UI we could see a line on our shield gauge showing how high our shields got, so if reached about 50% shields since our last shield gate we'd see the following: ===|====== Then when our shield gate triggers, that line would start moving to the right at a speed that makes it reach our health at the same moment our shield gate expires
  17. Would be nice if Fireball scaled with the damage of existing heat procs like Thermal Sunder does, allowing it to do solid single target damage (+ some AoE CC) after using a heat weapon on a beefy target That and/or applying vulnerability to heat damage Heck, maybe make it apply heat vulnerability, then scale with heat proc damage based on Immolation level (higher Immolation levels add a greater % of heat proc damage to Fireball), so we can use it as a debuffer at low Immolation and a nuke at high Immolation
  18. Oof, this seems like a pretty bad issue considering how essential multishot is
  19. Excluding weapons with alt fires in case they remain incompatible with Incarnon transformations: Rifles: Gorgon Opticor Shotguns: Phage Sobek Secondaries: Angstrum Staticor Twin Grakatas Melee: Ghoulsaw Hespar Orvius Sun & Moon
  20. When someone else is controlling the Orowyrm, am I supposed to do anything to help? Thanks for answers EDIT: Also, its funny that a tag is required but none of the tags seem to cover a question like this :P
  21. What if we were able to spend excess focus/endo/intrinsics/etc. on one-time custom cosmetic colors we can specify RGB values for?
  22. It would be nice if defending the target long enough released some sort of nuke that kills every remaining enemy and progresses to the next wave, saving us from spending too long hunting down stragglers Like if we're doing 5 waves per round, this nuke triggers 60 secs into each wave if the wave hasn't already been completed
  23. Oh :( I was hoping that because multishot on beams multiplies status procs, it would mulitply incarnon charge too. Sort of simulating the beam hitting multiple times per tick. If not then I hope it could get a bit of a buff somewhere once higher priority issues are sorted out.
  24. Repro steps: Use a loadout with no multishot or fire rate mods, the Atomos will take about 2 seconds of uninterrupted headshots to fully charge Add Barrel Diffusion to the loadout, you'd expect charge rate to double (as per other Incarnon weapons), but instead it remains the same at about 2 seconds Might be related to the Atomos being the first Incarnon weapon to charge using a continuous beam
  25. Make Dark Split Sword actually change forms in Incarnon mode
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