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  1. Heirloom Collection and Regal Aya is way Overpriced!!! Smh
  2. Heirloom Collection and Regal Aya is way Overpriced!!! smh
  3. Rhino Ultimate Dex: ONLYVIOLENCEG{PS5} https://drive.google.com/file/d/15-YvTp0su8QPFlww4RX7u9PPTjXEGUr1/view?usp=drivesdk
  4. ONLYVIOLENCEG: PS5 Why Wolf Of Saturn Six Armor and no Wolf Of Saturn Six Syandana? Won't be complete😅
  5. I would have a imaginary Platinum trophy if my Intrinsics in Railjack wasn't glitched!!! 🤣 I'm 1 trophy away from 100% all my Railjack Intrinsics are Maxed but no trophy how do I get it fixed? Big accomplishment for me as a gamer.
  6. Why can't we have the option to choose from new or diff items rather than choose from items that we grinded for already/credits?
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