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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. TL;DR Why constantly $#*(@ about a game because you dont like it, play a different game that has the things you're looking for or shutup.


    What i see when i read the OP is, effectively, I want this game to be conformed to my play style and mine alone, screw everyone else. If they dont enjoy the same things I enjoy, theyre wrong. Guess what? I love XCOM. Go play it. Its long and slow and tactical and fun. Even better with the long war mod. I like CS:GO. Go play it, its all PvP. You know what games I dont really like? CoD. You know why? Super nukes that destroy everything, health that regens in a game about WAR etc. You know what I did with CoD? On their forums and to other players while playing? Nothing. I stopped playing. Because i didnt like it. So I reiterate my TL;DR for Dspites post. Go play something else or shutup.

    Are you uncomfortable with feedback in a feedback forum? 


    It's not me, it's you. All the 'max power' nuts wanting to be all-powerful at the expense of gameplay and most other players. If you want a power-trip; Can't you just play the game on easy? Maybe ask for an easy mode for harder tilesets? Don't try to delay progression for The entire game just because you want power. 

  2. So, Asking for ballance tends to get a small team of dedicated mobsters yelling 'but I like being OP' for weapons and for mods; 'but i need this for t4 survival 80 minutes' (even though most would assume, and in some threads it is explicitely stated, that enemy scaling would be rebalanced accordingly to any changes mods would make) So I decided to write a small list on the bad things that are results of the game being reliant on you continualy doubling increasing nothing but the damage of your weapon. 



    - If the player wants to play a game on a tileset of an early game, and wants some semblance of challenge, he will need to handicap himself hard. You can't just waltz into a game, you need to go to the back of the liset, change your loadout (taking anywhere between ten seconds and several minutes) so that you're within good margins. You shouldn't need to do that if you don't want to instant-kill everything with the slightest scratch of a fully automatic weapon. 


    (the playerbase is too spread thin for difficulty levels, and the extreme range of damage players can do might just need us to spread thin the difficulty levels) 



    - Bosses are made less interesting. Do you know why almost all bosses have this bullS#&$ one-weakspot system  and periods of invulnerability? It's to stop players from instantly killing him with uber-guns. 



    - The reason for the lack of development on ai (or stealth for that matter) is because it would be entirely wasted. What's the point of intelligent enemies if they will be instantly killed before having a chance of doing anything intelligent? 


    - Weapon modding is far less interesting. + damage and + multishot are mandatory. Crit chance/damage is for crit weapons and elemental damage is highly recommended. Want to improve your gun rather than the bullets it fires? Nope. Try using 3-4 'utility' mods in a game of level 35+ enemies. One of those mods better be ammo related; Because you will need far too much. Thing is; Utility mods make weapons far more personal/enjoyable to play. Compare the difference between the mareloks; Damage is the same in the Vaykor, but the weapon is made infinitely greater with a higher ammo count and the syndicate effect (the damage is also more specialised and there's a higher status chance; Not that people go for status when damage is more effective) New and interesting mods aren't being made because nobody would use them. (any reason to use that +projectile speed mod on anything other than pvp?) Instead we get stupid additions like 'piercing caliber' or 'Primed weapon mod we just threw in with limited consideration no.5' which is just a straight upgrade of a mod that needed a buff (in context to the current system). 


    - Enemies are of a lesser quality. We don't get increasing enemy variety to deal with our increased utility; We get the same enemies with higher numbers because all we're doing is adding more numbers. DE's true 'enemy variety' comes from things like nullifiers who are unique in which they stand up to a certain amount of hits seemingly regardless of your weapon's 50 damage multiplier.  (this is less true for infested, but very true for grineer and corrupted)The result is a lesser sense of progression as enemies are the same, and can scale endlessly higher than you can. 


    - Infinite gamemodes. you gear up to be capable of killing a level 60 enemy; Only problem is you're going to be bored out of your mind whilst they grow from 20 to 55, and utterly incapable five minutes after they get to your powerlevel. 


    - PVP ballance. Would be so much easier to obtain if increasing your damage by 70 wasn't a thing. I'd even go as far to suggest that were players to mostly use utility mods on their weapons; You could almost have a respectable pvp game without needing to re-unlock most of your mods. (no, it wouldn't be balanced. But it'd be a lot closer) 


    In short: players stacking (or being able to stack) a crazy amount of damage onto their weapon is the reason for warframe's lack of progression as a game. 

    Here's the OP, If you could make an intellegent argument on why these things aren't issues, rather than 'make asinine comments' about myself, then maybe you might have an argument worth reading. 

  3. Players cannot customise their weapons. They're given false choices in all but the lowest tier games. 


    But can't we have some nice mods to for customisation? 




    -'bane' mods for specific enemies like 'heavies' or flying. 

    -Buffs for status chance, reload mods and clip size mods. 

    -Energy vampire on weapons. Or Armour vampire. Maybe even shield vampire. 

    -Non-elemental/physical statuses. Stuff like 'slow' or 'fear' or 'reduce accuracy' 

    -Intelligent multishot mods; Like mods that change your gun into burst fire, or mods that make you deal a wider cone of the same damage. 

    -agro changing mods. You can already make your gun quiet (not that you would, you need more damage instead) but mods that draw attention to the player firing that gun, or away from the player firing that gun. 

    -Adding ricochet to your weapon. 

    -Adding effects that build up on your weapons, similar to syndicate weapons. 

    -Explosive bullet mods. 

    - Ragdoll mods for weapons that don't already have it. 

    - Conversion of damage from one physical to another. 

    - negative effects to put on your gun, which give you extra points for positive effects. 


    If weapon mods were more like that, and less 'do moar damage to deal with S#&$ty level scalling' warframe weapons might become as interesting as frames. 

  4. So currently we've got this premium item that you can only get through trade (usualy the trade of platinum) 


    Now, I'm a lucky guy who had both vanguard and hemlock before arcane helmets were seperated from normal helmets. I don't think I could tolerate playing either rhino or saryn without them; I just hate being slow. But, were I not a person who had these nice things, i wouldn't play either of them and probably whine about this aspect of the game being pay 2 win as you can only get these items through trade (yes, you could say that you could trade for your own plat; But somewhere down the line someone paid for you to win). 


    At the same time, We still have the problem that DE set out to get rid of. I don't pick the nicest looking helmet I have, because I have awesome arcane helmets with stats that I don't wanna go without. I want to use pulse; But I have storm arcane. I want to use mag's default but I have coil arcane.. And so on and so forth. 



    Simple solutions; 


    A: Cosmetic parts* of each warframe  come with a small bonus. This bonus is permanent and works reguardless of what helmet cosmetic item you equip. The bonus is smaller than that of arcane helmets but comes with no negative downsides. 


    B: Cosmetic parts* of each warframe come with a bonus like those of arcane helmets. The bonus is not tied to the cosmetic item, but rather is unlocked as a checkbox in the upgrade menu; To be activated or deactivated 


    C: a combination of both of the above. 


    *by cosmetic parts, I don't mean things you can apply to all warframes like sigils, attachments or syndanas. I mean things like alternative helmets or alternatives to specific parts of the warframe (alternate arm-bands for volt, alternate thigh-cage for ember, alternate skirt for trinity etc) 

  5. So, quite simply we could remove around 25 items from the drop tables with this. 



    Don't have the blueprints drop in the void. (excluding blueprints of individual frame parts) 


    Instead, Have a secret section of the market open up upon reaching mastery rank 9 earning a prime part. 


    That's slightly less drop table dilution, and future prime entries will be slightly less of a problem. 

  6. So things are as follows. 



    Bronco prime is an OK weapon. 

    Akbronco prime is the most expensive secondary weapon in the game (resource wise, forget plat trading) and it's merely 'OK' 


    Now the vasto is also an OK weapon, one that many people are eager to see dual wielded for it's full potential. (the lex too, to a lesser extent) Now the hikou prime is only 8 cells. It's a 'complete' weapon that uses two hands. The vasto and lex are 'incomplete' weapons. Don't repeat the mistake of the bronco prime; Don't require a huge 20 cells for the dual versions. Instead; Make Bronco, vasto and perhaps the lex only cost 7 cells. That way at most the dual weapons require a fair 15.  



    The sicarus, despite being a 'heavy pistol' (which is what I'd call any pistol that's large enough for you to not expect to see a dual version; Sicarus, detron, marelok) is very... well it's kinda a letdown amoungst prime weapons. To the extent of being the 'joke' item in the drop tables that you continuously get instead of something you want. (sicarus barrel? Sicarus barrel? Sicarus BARREL?) The sicarus should be comparable to the marelok. A burston in pistol form. It should not be this weak. It needs a buff. 

  7. Currently solar rails have cool little personalisers like showing the emblem of the clan/alliance that sometimes distinguishes it from other rails (not everyone can afford that. but it helps a little)



    anyhow, Having a little option to choose the colours of each rail's interior would be nice (like the dojo, but you only choose once and it spreads to every room) The tileset is cool; But it's currently visually quite bland. This would fix that. 

  8. So, Asking for ballance tends to get a small team of dedicated mobsters yelling 'but I like being OP' for weapons and for mods; 'but i need this for t4 survival 80 minutes' (even though most would assume, and in some threads it is explicitly stated, that enemy scaling would be re-balanced accordingly to any changes mods would make) So I decided to write a small list on the bad things that are results of the game being reliant on you continually doubling stats, increasing nothing but the damage of your weapon. 



    - If the player wants to play a game on a tileset of an early game, and wants some semblance of challenge, he will need to handicap himself hard. You can't just waltz into a game, you need to go to the back of the liset, change your loadout (taking anywhere between ten seconds and several minutes) so that you're within good margins. You shouldn't need to do that if you don't want to instant-kill everything with the slightest scratch of a fully automatic weapon. 


    (the playerbase is too spread thin for difficulty levels, and the extreme range of damage players can do might just need us to spread thin the difficulty levels) 



    - Bosses are made less interesting. Do you know why almost all bosses have this bullS#&$ one-weakspot system  and periods of invulnerability? It's to stop players from instantly killing him with uber-guns. 



    - The reason for the lack of development on ai (or stealth for that matter) is because it would be entirely wasted. What's the point of intelligent enemies if they will be instantly killed before having a chance of doing anything intelligent? 


    - Weapon modding is far less interesting. + damage and + multishot are mandatory. Crit chance/damage is for crit weapons and elemental damage is highly recommended. Want to improve your gun rather than the bullets it fires? Nope. Try using 3-4 'utility' mods in a game of level 35+ enemies. One of those mods better be ammo related; Because you will need far too much. Thing is; Utility mods make weapons far more personal/enjoyable to play. Compare the difference between the mareloks; Damage is the same in the Vaykor, but the weapon is made infinitely greater with a higher ammo count and the syndicate effect (the damage is also more specialised and there's a higher status chance; Not that people go for status when damage is more effective) New and interesting mods aren't being made because nobody would use them. (any reason to use that +projectile speed mod on anything other than pvp?) Instead we get stupid additions like 'piercing caliber' or 'Primed weapon mod we just threw in with limited consideration no.5' which is just a straight upgrade of a mod that needed a buff (in context to the current system). 


    - Enemies are of a lesser quality. We don't get increasing enemy variety to deal with our increased utility; We get the same enemies with higher numbers because all we're doing is adding more numbers. DE's true 'enemy variety' comes from things like nullifiers who are unique in which they stand up to a certain amount of hits seemingly regardless of your weapon's 50 damage multiplier.  (this is less true for infested, but very true for grineer and corrupted)The result is a lesser sense of progression as enemies are the same, and can scale endlessly higher than you can. 


    - Infinite gamemodes. you gear up to be capable of killing a level 60 enemy; Only problem is you're going to be bored out of your mind whilst they grow from 20 to 55, and utterly incapable five minutes after they get to your powerlevel. 


    - PVP ballance. Would be so much easier to obtain if increasing your damage by 70 wasn't a thing. I'd even go as far to suggest that were players to mostly use utility mods on their weapons; You could almost have a respectable pvp game without needing to re-unlock most of your mods. (no, it wouldn't be balanced. But it'd be a lot closer) 


    In short: players stacking (or being able to stack) a crazy amount of damage onto their weapon is the reason for warframe's lack of progression as a game. 

  9. Stop trying to put realism into things. 


    If I were to kill people in a police officer's uniform (and selling what they had on their corpses on the black market) would the police accept me as one of their own and give me a pat on the back? No. If I wore a StarShmucks logo on my chest (obviously a greater of the evils) does that mean I will automaticaly be a member of that corporation and get all the goods, perks, secrets and so on and so forth.



    This isn't a uniform. It's a symbol. Symbols are ideas and you can go against them rather easily. 



    I've got such cool sigils from faction A but I want to move onto faction B. I put work into those sigils, why shouldn't I be able to wear them. Is having a ui popup telling me 'I can't do it' more "realistic?" 

  10. It's unforunate but I don't think DE understand the disparity of wealth in both developed and developed countries. That sucks for us; But I suppose they don't need too. Generalizing this way and offering discounts to those in poorer nations is economically sound. 


    Just wish I had a 75% off once. I'm a student. If it's not 50% off or more then purchase isn't feasible for me. 


    Then again I could be the son of a rich billionaire from the developing world consistently getting huge discounts. (sadly, I am not) 

  11. I'd also make ciphers into instant unlock devices. And add ranged ciphers that you need to aim at the console.


    You need to be careful not to tread on frame-power territory when making gear :P

    Awesome Idea, might add that


    But, Y;know spectres are just shadows of the dead with differences. I don't think getting 'near' is quite such a bad thing, so long as we don't get 'the same' or 'better'.

  12. So before the easily accessible large restore packs and spectres; Most players didn't use gear. I Mean I still haven't even ran out of the items I was given at the start of the game. But gear still has several shortcomings. I think it'd be nice to both add more gear, and make it easier to replenish lost gear. 



    Gear to be added/changed: 

    Shield Restore- Change this to an item that also gives a bonus to shields (like a shield osprey)


    More accessible restores for lower ranked players. 


    -Mines. Tenno mines. Maybe some grineer ones too. (again, you're not going to have the versatility/power of a dedicated vauban) Ninjas were into traps, right?


    -A Deployable nullifier shield. Have you ever tried to solo a defence in a non-defensive frame? It can be insanely difficult depending on a few factors. Having a nullifier shield could help. It'd protect you from eximus, but it'd get smaller on damage. Unlike the frost snowglobe; There is no slow, there are caps to how much you can bring and caps to how many you can have deployed. 


    Super-special gamemode specific items. Be it equipment to assist in capture or defences in defence. (both example gamemodes would need to develop somewhat; but as this is supposed to be a year of quality it might not be unrealistic to see such things before two years) 


    Alternatives to the sentinel

    Sentinels are awesome and there's few reasons not to have one. (the first being that sentinels take away some needed challenge sometimes, the second being that they cost a lot for new players, the third reason being that the player doesn't mind maintenance enough to enjoy kubrows) Anyhow; I think it could be cool if, rather than a small assistant, the player equiped some extra heavy gear that gives them cool bonuses. Items like


    a Helion jetpack/ Tenno equivalent that activates on double jump (allowing for both high jumps, evades and horizontal long jumps; All hail super-mobility).


    A modifying tenno backpack that, when turned on through the use of the gear menu, changes some abilities towards a frame's eximus counterpart; Frost can slow all enemies and his snowglobe (though weaker) follows him. Ember gets access to a charged up Arson explosion. (i hold the opinion that eximus units largely suck and need changing. regardless; toggle  alternate abilities through the use of warframe addons might be something to look into. )


    Deployable robotic companions. A customized roller or osprey to wreck the enemy. Not a simple specter: something you can customise.



    Now gear got a lot better with being able to buy from the market in bulk. But it could still get better. 

    - New players having access to mk-1 restore blueprints. 

    - restores are bought in bundles only. No single use blueprints. 

    - a fast option to replenish all gear used in a mission. 

    - being able to buy in bulk from the inventory, not just the market, would be nice. Alternatively having more items (such as scanners) being 'buy once, have forever' would be an improvement.  


    Now, Most of this isn't 'well thought out'. I just though I could throw some bones down and watch the community (and hopefully DE) add the flesh. Gear could be a great tool in expanding the skill involved in warframe. 

  13. We just got Primed Point Blank, and now base damages are getting removed?



    Primed point blank is agreed to be a dumb idea by anyone who's really 'thought about it' (as is ravage and heavy trauma)


    The ones already in your inventory will stay there. It just won't stop for new players after this change is implemented. Like the arcane helmets. 

    Players had few arcane mods, but Players have a lot of damage mods. Trading. plus imbalance. It would never work.


    This would upset so many people that bought one off Trading -- especially fully ranked ones.

    Well they get the refund of cores and credits. The people who buy fully ranked mods ain't exactly the most starved for cash. 

  14. I agree that I like the direction the Vaykor Marelok went from Marelok Vanilla, but it was a pretty OP gun to begin with. Honestly, I cringe everytime I use my Marelok because I know it doesn't belong. I know it isn't right. It does nearly twice (94%!) the damage of the Lex Prime. It does 40 more damage than the full sized rifle it's based off of! And it's a secondary, with secondary mods, which are great, making it more OP.

    Yeah, Warframe is getting weird.


    With the Synoid Gammaor, I feel like DE (probably Steve or Sheldon; they're so trolly sometimes) is giving us one last troll for New Year's before they get back to srsbsns. It's gonna get nerfed.

    I too am fully aware of how OP the original marelock is. If it did 30% less damage (that's an arbitrary guess) I'd still be very happy with it.  


    I'd class marelok as a 'heavy pistol'. Like the Kraken or Sicarus (prime); we're not going to get a dual version, so it might as well be a little more powerful (then again the sicarus prime sucks) 


    However, DE are notoriously... Bad, when it comes to balancing weapons. All you'd need is one guy and a spreadsheet with a bit of trial and error. 

  15. So Last devstream's thread some asked improvements to kubrows because maintaining them is too much tedious mainatance, going on to state that hardly anybody uses them. Rebecca replied with



    Now I looked at this and thought 'S#&$ son, sentinels aren't as popular as I thought' (because those guys were right. Most players have abandoned kubrows after the hype went down. Mine's siting in the freezer all permanent-like, seeing one kubrow in a game is uncommon, seeing two is rare. Seeing three or four is like seeing something more valuable than five cores in a tower A rotation. It just doesn't happen anymore ) were we to see a pie chart for 'using and not using' and possibly another older one so that we could do a  'then and now' I'm sure it'd look less favourable (I asked for a that actually. They didn't seem too keen on it)


    So why are sentinels so unpopular?


    1- Because there's nothing really to introduce their concept to the player. Kubrows get a quest. Archwing gets a quest. Sentinels get nothing. I think when I first started playing (so very long ago, though much later than some) I Suspected sentinels (and weapons, for a much shorter time) of largely obtained through plat because of the way the market is laid out.


    2-  The occasional inconvenience of getting in the way visually(especially as some are pretty big)or the occasional 'shooting when you don't want it too. Compare this to the awesome things sentinels do (but also the awesome things sentinels don't do)


    3- Weapon conflicts


    4- preferring to get different things first in the early game, or not using sentinels for a challenge. not really too important for this feedback. They're fair enough reasons.


    Why are kubrows so unpopular?

    1- Maintenance

    2-They're dogs

    3- Maintenance

    4- Credit sink (maintenance)

    5- Defrosting.

    6-Another layer of maintenance. 


    8- kubrow sizes. 

    9- can't use the sentinel.




    - Sentinel quest. Or maybe a line of dialogue from the lotus on the mater once you get to a certain point in the solar map. one line. 

    - Make that carrier ability a thing for all sentinels. It's one of those odd things where if you have time to talk about it, you have time to do it. If you can talk about it a month after talking about it... you probably could have done it. Giving the carrier a unique ability to compensate? Must you worry about that now? It could be anything from 'ammo bonus' to 'drop mines' So long as we know it's coming... 

    -Give sentinels (or have a unique sentinel) abilities that allow them to interact with technologies on the map. 

    -Forget about mod conflicts between player weapon and sentinel. Realistic? Debatable. Fun? No. 

    - Have each sentinel's unique ability inate rather than something on a modcard(should ease the droptables),

    - Augment mods for sentinels? 

    - Sentinels smartly avoid being too obstructive to the camera (AI)

    -Targeting precepts are made interchangeable between different sentinels

    - Sentinel weapons are rebalanced between two teirs, each weapon is equal in value to every other weapon on that tier. (tier one; Market sentinels. Tier 2; Prime and Dojo sentinels) no more 'sweeper weapon best weapon' or 'don't use the laser rifle because it's worthless' 




    - Remove the concept of kubrow loyalty as it is. Getting a good 20% bonus for petting it on occasion wouldn't be terrible, but getting penalties for not entertaining it is too far.  We have ordis, right? Can't he do that stuff? Why does being very happy increase viciousness whilst being very discontent reduce it's willingness to bite enemies shooting at it?

    - Reduce size of the largest kubrows. They get in the way.  

    - Remove DNA integrity as a function. No deaths, no penalties. 

    - Remove defrosting time. 

    ^ those three are the problem, but improving them furth

    - Drahks for players? An alternate breed from a different environment? (possibly still following the sunika/huras etc temperments but with different base stats)  

    - Feral kubrow appearance for some? Glowing eyes as a cosmetic? 



    Mini-hyena for players? Kubrow-skin syndanas? There's also a mask called 'kubrow'.. why can't my kubrow look like that

  16. but... it still has high damage...

    but if your reason for veykor>synoid is that the mechanics makes it feel like a gun without forcing u to rely on MLG-level skills with only a mk-1 lato, then try boar/ boar prime. good dmg, but the catch is that u need to work on strafing to get into a nice lead-spraying range

    It's not the damage, I mean I like the marelok for it's damage as well as it's mechanics, but it's the way it's upgraded. It's made so much better and it hasn't increased the base damage, but rather reduced the faults of the original and very much changing the feel of the gun. 


    Like, can't we have better utility mods? Less emphasis on more damage as a whole? 


    (has boar prime)

  17. Players adopt a single pistol animation when downed, Even when holding dual pistols or throwing weapons. 

    The crawling animations aren't great (turning isn't really there in animation) 

    I would also ask for the option to roll onto the player's front in order to shoot enemies in the direction of the player's head. Perhaps were you to be downed from behind this would be the position to start in. 


    Adopting a floating 'dead fish' animation doesn't work well in the no gravity or atmosphere of space. 




    Now getting knocked down also has problems like 

    - The knockdown will often be in an inapropriate direction in relation to the damage (same thing with rolling on a fall) 

    - No sideways knockdown

    - Knockdown as a mechanic seems to disregard the severity of the hit. If I'm hit by just the tip of a shockwave for example I should be trying to get up even as I fall. 



    Now whilst this is cosmetic, these are also a gameplay feature that could be changed by animations. 

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