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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. You'd say that, but you would be mistaken. Latron is good, but not better than Burston, and both Latron and Burston are generally as effective as Boltor and Soma in anyone's hands and in the hands of actual skilled players generally superior ingame in high level content.




    What's wrong with making skana better too? :\

    *Insert off-topic argument about the soma/boltor being better because they require no skill to be effective in high level content*. 


    The cleaver/Jaw sword mods encourage you to get weapons you might have missed in leveling up. The skana... Well I suppose you can miss the skana now, but it'd still feel like going backwards to get a starter weapon you've already leveled and sold. Everyone over a certain rank has used the skana, and it isn't a noteworthy weapon for any reason other than being the starter.  

  2. Burston prime is great. But I'd go on to say the latron is much better (except in reloading) whilst boltor and soma make the rest of the prime/primaries look bad. Anyhow. No need to get your nickers in a twist. 


    The early game weapons being useful in the lategame is great. Cleaver and jaw masterrace.  But the skana? Nope.  


    Maybe after you stop spamming uneducated ill-informed threads every week about problems in the game you have no notion on how to solve?


  3. *sadly aware that such a change may reduce his plat income"



    Gone through RNG hell, grinding cell RNG hell and got the detron?

    Here's a better version which is arguably easier to get. 


    Potatoed and forma'd your marelok?

    Here's one, better, I hope you have a surplus of potatoes and forma. 


    Noob? Want a good gun? 

    Trade 70 plat for the best secondaries in the game. 




    Proposed solution. 

    Make this stuff sold as blueprints, requiring the original item as a resource. If the consumed item is potato'd or forma'd, the new item is potato'd/forma'd. (same with the dragon nikana and the tiberon) That way, none of the above problems is an issue.  

  4. The Burston Prime with Gilded Truth is a fantastic weapon, able to kill enemies all the way to long T4 missions, and the Truth effect is surprisingly effective.


    The burston prime should be a fantastic weapon, gilded truth or not. It's a prime weapon and it costs ten cells to make (on top of the rng grind) 


    (my beef with the hek mod was that it's too powerful, not too weak, by the way) 

  5. Weapon augments currently come in several flavours. None of them good.


    1- A significant upgrade to a starter weapon like the skana (or pretty much bottom tier like the single viper).Why would you encourage us to re-use bottom tier weapons that almost everyone has already mastered. 



    2- makes an average weapon godly. Like the hek. Bugger ballance, I;m sure 200% Multishot was an arbitrary figure (and clearly the universal cost of seven at max rank is too). 


    3- Replacements of needed buffs or ballance. For instance the burston prime is one of the weaker prime-primaries at the moment. The single viper very much needs an ammo buff, the supra needed a buff in general. 




    -buff the base stats of the weapons that need buffing. 

    -Offer some mods as alternatives to normal mods. For instance scattered justice could be a replacement hell's chamber for the hek. 

    -Enable some mods to be used on better weapons, but with reduced stats. For example the lifesteal mod on the furis could work at half-efficiency on the akfuris, and a third on the dex furis. 


    also i noticed some pretty delightful buffs to status chance with these mods; When are the normal status chance mods going to get their buffs? 

  6. "dont use it if you don't like it" is scrub-tier logic.


    I'm not a fan of tiger pouching, but does that problem go away if I don't personaly shoot tigers and sell their furs for currency? If I don't bring steamroll-gear into a game does that stop squadmates from bringing steamroll gear. And also: Were everyone to have steamroller gear, does that not cheapen every other weapon?


    But most importantly: 

    I want to like the weapons. I want them all to be valued.  These two weapons are great in stats but lack mechanics for both ballance and fun. 

  7. Primed mods so far


    -Have all been five rank mods, turned into ten rank mods. 

    - Have had no additional effects/changes added beyond more ranks. 

    - Have all became legendary mods, regardless of their prior rank.  

    - Have all been taken from the void trader. 


    Now I'm questioning if that's the right thing to do. 


    Firstly, primed mods seem set for an endgame that isn't really there. This is more of a weapons thing than a frame one. But with mods like point blank getting primed.. (Based on current releases: I assume at some point we'll get pressure point, split chamber and barrel diffusion. The crit chance mods and the crit damage mods. Maybe the single stat elemental mods, though those would need to be sold in groups of more than two as there is so many of them. Now obviously I might get half of these wrong, but half of these right is still a huge leap in power ) we're getting power creep for seemingly no reason. 


    Secondly, Must they be "legendary". It just seems like a pointless credit sink/core consumer, when some of these mods were originally only uncommon. I'm sure a lot of players were thinking "why didn't you just buff Point blank" 


    It just seems to me that rather than giving a mod five more levels, you could do something better like giving it a secondary stat, or keeping it at the same ranks but with a % increase per rank. And that prime trader could sell more mods than just primed ones (rare stances like gleaming talon, unique augment mods...)  


    It just seems like the concept of primed mods so far has been misused. Stuff like primed flow and continuity fit into the game perfectly, whilst the weapon mods so far seem like a highlight of DE and their credit sinks,powercreep and unwillingness to balance a mod and preference to just make a stronger version. 

  8. 1- Give the odonata to everyone, no quest needed. That quest can be for another archwing item or something. 



    2- scrap the parts. these aren't primes. I'm not running that one mission four more times for the last part of the velocitus. Let the player build weapons with resources, damnit. Actualy hunting for specific parts of a weapon only works in normal gameplay because there's already a huge pool of weapons  you can get before you need to do that. Archwing doesn't have that pool of weapons. 


    3 Stop with the bullS#&$ rank 10 mods. There's no need. You could do these in five ranks or less (or buff the mod to give more per level, so it's worth having at low rank). The regular gameplay has similar mods with but five ranks. 



    Now if you're going to intergrate archwing missions into regular missions, this is especially true. At the moment you can happily ignore them entirely so it's not "a bad mandatory game problem" but rather "a drain on developer resources that keeps  effort away from wanted things like fixes, better enemies and parkour/new content/that thing you wanted". At the moment it's like "kubrows 2.0"';Liked by a minority of the population, deemed too much effort by everyone else and permanently locked in the freezer with the frozen vegetables. If normal missions start going "oh you need to complete the archwing quest (or, In game-play language, demand you have a better archwing) the problem will be bigger. 

  9. we already have this in the form of hellions.....theyre not a melee enemy sure but jetpack grineer are already a thing and they do use explosives on you once they hover in the air with their jetpack and they use the jetpack to get plenty of mobility on you

    They play quite defensively though. The jetpack feature is something they use to avoid fire, not get in close. 

  10. I think butchers got an awesome increase in damage that makes them extremely dangerous to players using text chat. 


    But seriously: melee enemies in warframe... suck, and it feels like many of them are redundant. There's nothing to set the powerfist apart from the butcher. At most we get the scorpion. They're all weak and only capable of taking down the most stationary of players. 


    we're ignoring the infested enemies for the sake of the argument. 


    Anyhow. I'd like to see more variety in melee enemies. Is that much to ask?


    - Make the powerfist different by giving him the ability to leap slam. Or perhaps charge up a ground slam. Maybe even a short dash. 


    -Add a heavy enemy. This one could be really easy. Get a bombard. Take away his gun. Take away his stomp. give him a hammer. Preferably give him a "rage" ability that increases his speed. Enemies like this are typically huge fun to take on in games. They can break enemy ranks and change up the way the game is played. 


    - An enemy with a jetpack. We have sprag. Why not have a more common enemy who can be so mobile as to appear where ground oponents wont. Not running straight for the nearest player, but flying in behind them, trying to deliver an explosive killing blow. An enemy that can surprise you with speed or mobility, that requires skill to anticipate. 



    Invisible prod crewmen. I can't imagine corpus trying anything bombastic like the grineer (other than warframe-like assassins), so wouldn't they go more subtle? They see a rival member of the board, they send in invisible guys to knock out the competition discretely. 


    Some nice butcher/prodman changes might too be interesting. Be it an ability to sidestep whilst running towards you, or even parkour. 

  11. So I was wondering why the prime parts on my nyx looked tacked on, bright and plasticy in comparison to the rest of my nyx. Then I realised the original skin looked bright and plastic (and the addons almost seamlessly added). In comparison my precious immortal skin looks dark and dirty. I'm still not sure if I want the immortal skin to be more bright and shiny or if the prime parts should become darker and grittier;  but one should probably change. 


    It's especialy noticeable with this image




    compared to



    or, for out of customization menu reference. 





    If you can make them both bright and shiney-prime AND add a more immortal look to the prime additions: bonus points. I promise to buy whatever prime access trinity comes with. (assuming the robberies go well) 


    so having Weapons apply to Abilities is a tricky situation. it's nice to have, but it needs to be in such a way as that one or two Weapons aren't miles ahead of the others, effectively making choice out of the question because disparity is too large.

    Interesting. Maybe slash dash could become EVEN MORE INTERESTING. 


    Even if there's a best weapon, you could add procs. Different procs. Just from slash, impact and puncture could you have some cool effects. 


    I can see the logic in your reservation, but it's still a step forward, no? 

  13. Or... you know..... they could have it actually be modified by Range rather than its distance being controlled by Duration.  Why remove a controllable variable from a skill when you could instead just put its controllability onto a more managable/synergetic area that still fits to an extent?

    I'd be happy for that, though if you were building either build, you'd give yourself a massive range boost, and would travel very (too) far. 

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