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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Currently, you can make slash dash happen over a single meter, or over a single mile. an unfortunate byproduct of building for either radial javelin or radial blind. Stop that. Have it only affected by damage and efficiency. 


    Second change, one that we've been asking for a long time; have slash dash use the melee weapon's damage, with power strength affecting the multiplier of damage it does. (that augment is redundant. Should be in the frame anyway. Possibly change the augment to deal with range control. ) 


    Now give me all your +1s

  2. The message is simple: You dont have to pay to get the mods after the end of the event!

    Which means your argument about them being p2w is simply wrong.

    I dont have to pay for it. I trade stuff i earned by missions and get another currency which i invest into another thing.

    I never payed any money. Which means P2W in this debate is simply not true

    Are we playing warframe or Tradeframe? 

  3. - Very powerful. 

    - Can only be earned in sets of one, for a limited time. 

    - You can now only get them through trade


    So, To get multiple copies  (or a single copy, should you miss the event. There are multiple ranks, so you should want a couple of each) you need to visit the trade channel and offer large amounts of plat for each. Literally a pay wall. 


    Especially when we consider stuff like

    - Piercing caliber is great. The original puncture rifle mod is entirely useless. 

    - The original cold mods for melee suck for some unknown reason, whilst the event mod gives more and costs less. 

    - You can't do a good status chance build without these mods, because the original status chance mods haven't been buffed to a point where they're usable. 


    Buff the non event mods. 

    Release the event mods to drop tables/have them on rotation for tactical alerts OR rework them so they're not simply superior mods you can get through money. 

  4. So currently

    - Tilesets are spread out throughout the solar system

    - Difficulty Changes roughly according to how far away something is. (originaly from the sun, Now with earth as the easiest. 

    - There's currently no clear earlygame/midgame/lategame. 




    Make earth the earlygame. 

    Put all the tilesets on earth. (except the infested ships, which could appear in allerts)  Give earth tons of missions for each tileset. 

    (you can reskin, relight or re-skybox each tileset appropriately)

    Just for earth, the grineer use lighter looking armour (lancers are butchers)

    Make planets/large moons midgame.


    Planetoids, derelicts and whatnot as endgame.  



    1- If a man on earth could lift 500kg of armour, he could lift about 1300 kg on mars. He could lift over 5000kg on pluto, and he probably should. You know how divers need to wear weightbelts to keep the annoying effect of being to light off them? It'd be far worse than that without a thick atmosphere. 

    2 - Enemies on other planets would also need more protection from environmental effects. Also other planets would have sever environmental effects.  Bring on the rain of molten metal...

    3- Many mods would make more sense if these effects were considered. You could (and should) bring heavier bullets into a place where they don't weigh you down and are needed for tougher armours. You would need more multishot in that case too. 

    4- Wilder endgame variety. On some places (neptune) the gravity's pretty normal but more armour would be needed against the cold, creating a high health/low damage environment (in which suit breaches can be lethal) whilst other planets might have more flamable atmospheres for more damage. 

  5. I don't know. I see a lot of downsides to this. One being that we'd have to farm for even more things, not to mention, where would these drops go? And more deviations of the Frames when we don't even have Primes done yet, and those take months, and are still adding more frames to the game makes it sound like even longer wait times between Prime, or any other type of frame.

    Prime frames are simply a reskin, with extra parts modeled on top


    Genuinely new frames... I'm impressed that DE have made so many with unique abilities. But I also think

    1- We've got more than enough. More is good, but we're really just throwing more onto an already large cake. 

    2- Revisiting old frames is important sometimes (poor ember) 

    3- I'd estimate a good... 3-4 new frames with unique ability sets 

    4- We don't particularly need primes before everything else. Primes are endgame content, and the drop tables rarely get kinder. Having a new prime frame is nice and all... but the two frame system is a little shallow; Frame without gold. Frame with gold. Gold is good. Gold is life... 

    6- A few players feel like they spend too much time in the void. I'm sure many will approve of improving their frame without going there. 

  6. I don't particularly want to see wraith or vandal, but syndicate, dex and dragon... Perhaps some more unique brands like "vanguard" rhino or "Pulse" vault. 


    "stop" you cry;" We already have enough versions of frames, I grinded 324 hours for this specific frame and bought things and forma'd and.."


    ...So you split a frame down between grades


    Superior (prime)


    Building a frame (of the same/lower grade), whilst already owning a frame gives you improvements over the already existing frame. For instance If you had ember and built the sancti ember parts, you'd get

    - The sancti specific buff (something small, but worthwhile)

    - The option to wear sancti specific parts/skins on the ember frame. A helmet, different greaves, an additional attachment (personaly hoping for flaming shoulders)

    - Mod-free power changes (optional if likely to not always be ideal)


    Though if you built the sancti ember first (which'd be odd, but possible) you'd get the sancti parts as your only option. you'd miss out on the original frame's own passive bonus (which are going to be done at some point, if memory serves) .- They also all use the same BP (the ones found in the marketplace)


    Now with the superior frames (prime, dragon, Dex) the differences would be

    - their bonuses don't backtrack to the lesser frames (though lesser frame items can come forward onto superior frames)

    - They don't use the same bp. 

    - They're horrible to build. Prime needs void. Dragon needs sacrifice of the original and many resources. 


    There'd be too many tittles for each frame were you able to combine multiple versions. So ways to fix that would be to have the player choose the title, have the frame's name coloured according to rarity, or the name is generated based on what visuals you've picked. 




    - More reason to get the original frame, even if you've already got prime (mag,frost; looking at you) 

    - More progression and more depth to that progression. It isn't just 1-30 and potato and forma. 

    - More Visual evidence (badassery) of advancement, or dedication to a specific frame. Nothing says you know how to play trinity more than dex dragon secura trinity prime. 

    - More reason for syndicates, or more reason to get involved with the community (the horror) 

    - Some frames are meant to be post orokin (like nova valkyr) and would likely have something other than prime. 

  7. So we all know that warframes have a metric ton of mods that you normaly wouldn't use. 

    On the otherhand, there are ability augments that you want to use, but don't want to give up a slot for, because X is still far more important than Y. 



    Put four slots under the eight slots we currently have.

    Give them a separate mod cost system. 


    Stuff like specific resistances, loot finding, movement mods (not sprint speed or stamina regen) Retribution, downed mods, heavy landing... 


  8. I prefer a recoil nerf for all full automatics, I mean all those currently have almost no recoil

    And boltor prime max ammo should switch with braton prime max ammo

    I like this suggestion. That could work. Could I quote this on the OP? 

    quoting on this site is a strange thing. 



    Edit: Ninjamander

    Those weapons get boring because of how easy they are to use... 

    OP asks to make them interesting. 

  9. How would mastery rank affect the drop tables? I do not see the logic in this.

    I'l fill that bridge. 


    If you couldn't build primes till a certain rank (I'd say nine. I like that number) 

    - more people would be wedged into prime access.

    -Drop tables needn't be  so biased, as prime access is more prevalent, and DE doesn't need to hide things so that only very dedicated/extremely lucky players can get them (as all past that rank have already proven themselves dedicated). 


    Trade would probably die down a bit though. 


    Anyhow. Having different prime items (which all cost roundabout the same by the way, if you ignore current droptable bias) would justify some (scindo) being far better than others (reaper) 

  10. Or we could also make the void missions and prime weapons/frames be mastery rank locked. That way you'd at least need to do some playing first before you can get to the damned gear.

    that'd be my response to evil drop tables, not a few weapons being easier to use than others. 


    But you've already made several nerf boltor prime and soma threads, why make another one?

    Completely different strategy. Most of the time I go with "nerf damage" and idiots charge in with "no" posts, without any reasoning behind it (other than the ulterior motive of already having that weapon, because it was op in the first place) The threads quickly become petty games of trench warfare. 

  11. This isn't a "nerf damage" thread


    Incredible DPS

    Very high firerates

    Bottomless clips

    Often capable of one shot kills. 

    Come with polarities. 

    Very high accuracy. 


    Negligable windup time. The windup time probably helps actualy, to get those one-shot kills. 

    Travel time for boltor is very small and only a problem for fast moving targets at long range (and shooting round close objects). 


    Now, I don't so much have a problem with weapons having high DPS. (latron 4 lyfe) But these guns just seem to do everything as good as every other gun... with less drawbacks. With the latron I'd need to purposely aim at my targets. With boltor and soma I'd just need to spray into a crowd with a wild short burst and get kills. 


    Don't get me wrong. I use these guns a lot. Boltor is my go-to for PVP (along with a duration loki and a weapon with good ground slam. Nasty stuff) and I understand that if I used objective numbers and statistics to back up my arguments and request small reduction of boltor puncture damage or soma crit multiplier the fools on the forums will angrily and foolishly rage over exhadurated nerfs. So instead of reasonable damage nerfs I'd ask


    - Boltor prime gets his projectile speed reduced. (there's a mod to fix that, should you need it)


    - Soma prime gets the clip size reduced. Perhaps an innate reduction to punchthrough (Not that it has inate punchthrough, but rather that you need more punchthrough than usual on the soma for it to exist) Perhaps an inverse windup (gun with a faster rate of fire and then slows) 


    Akira_him posted an alternative. Would also work in making inately powerful automatics more fun

    I prefer a recoil nerf for all full automatics, I mean all those currently have almost no recoil
    And boltor prime max ammo should switch with braton prime max ammo
  12. Prime parts = trader goods


    I wouldnt complain about them

    I would. Ever try to get something specific? Scindo blade perhaps?

    Boar part

    Boar part

    Boar part

    Reaper part

    Boar part

    Boar part


    Though for sabotage it was more like

    Sicarus part

    Glaive part

    Sicarus part

    Sicarus part

    Mag part 

    Sicarus part. 


    Got well enough ducats. Some guys I know have more ducats than they'd need if the void trader one day was selling Every part he has. 

  13. So a lot of tilesets have only one room for interception/defence, when really, they already have many tiles that could be great with only some tweaking. 


    Now I particularly Want to see this room. There's four defence missions plus interception and I spend a lot of time on them. I want a little more variety there, please. 




    You know the part. Lots of narrow hallways, chokepoints, Good use of height. Very different from the open expanse we currently have. 


    Post your own. I want to see suggestions for the asteroid,gas rig and grineer/corpus ships at the least. 

  14. So a couple of items in warframe are either


    A: part of an outdated mechanic, where new and better methods now exist that almost completely replace that item's use. (ampules and samples. We have invasions occasionaly offering the decent reward of the completed product) 


    B: Items Made really,really common, just to stop you from getting something valuable. 

    - Boar prime parts. 

    - Reaper prime parts. (not worthy of it's cells or name)

    -Sicarus prime parts. 

    - Mag prime parts. 

    - Bo ornaments. Maybe frost helmets. Fang blades? Ankyros gauntlets?  Those items that are found in multiple places... Ugh. 


    Frail momentum- There is currently no reason to use this mod (shotgun spazz is enough). 

    Vile accelleration- Usefull only on slow charging weapons (the Opticore, or bows with critical delay) 

    Anemic agility- We have gunslinger and lethal torrent. It's very unlikely that you'd want this mod. 

    Void containers... After 800 hours i finally got that shotgun spazz. I hold no Hope for sanctuary. 


    And still, We have group C: 

    Status chance mods

    Band-aid mods. 

    Warframe utility mods. 


    Could ya do something about this, DE?

  15. Three questions:


    Why are the grineer weak on earth and strong on ceres? I can answer that. 

    Why do the grineer look the same on mercury and ceres.... I can't. 

    Why is the gravity always the same no matter where you are in the solar system? (and why is low grav mode always the same level of low grav?)



    Anyhow: On planets in which there's less surface gravity, The grineer, corpus, infested AND tenno, Bulk up. Add more armour. Add an aditional shield generator. Give yourself a bigger gun/more gun. A bigger powerpack. This isn't just a matter of personal choice: you need to be heavier to run normaly, else you'l end up leaping slowly through the air with each  stride. 


    Now I know I'm normaly the balance guy who wants to nerf everything OP (for the greater good) but this'd still be mighty cool, and it'd enpower players. 





    Earth/ Earth like gravity

    The infested are the same

    The Corpus are the same. Weak looking crewmen. 

    The Grineer are less often the big, hulking lancers we get. Most of the soldiers are of butcher or eviscerator size, with bigger units like lancers/troopers considered tough, elite enemies. 

    The tenno are loosely capped. Some mods won't be active to their full potential, though the player is still more than capable of being overpowered. 


    Less gravity

    The infested grow larger and become denser. 

    The corpus crewmen get some additional armour, and heavy things like nulifier backpacks get more common. 

    The grineer bulk up so they're now more made up from the more normal heavy units. Their armour is heavier. Though some lighter enemies remain that can now take advantage of some aspects of low gravity mobility. 

    The tenno cap on certain mods are lessened/removed. Small bits of additional armour on the frame Appear (to both weigh the tenno down and to house the more powerful mods)


    Even less gravity.

    Infested again grow more formidable. 

    Everything corpus is heavy and better armoured. 

    Grineer get even more armour. Bigger guns too. 

    The tenno get more suplemental armour, Not only to keep them from floating away, but to surpass their potential. They get extra mod slots that only activate on doning this extra gear


    Endgame/very low gravity (but not quite archwing) 

    Many enemies have extra abilites not seen before. 

    Infested are each on the level of demons. 

    Many corpus have armour (like, yellow health, sirs)  

    Some grineer have shields. 

    Tenno have even more armour. More optional mod slots. 


    But wait: what about ships/artificial gravity

    Entirely up to the developers. Maybe every comander is different and makes their gravity different, or perhaps ships orbit close enough to use some gravity (Seems scientifically dubious, I'm aware, correct me politely) 


    But this planet is heavy and this planet is light and this planet is easy and this planet...


    - Expand earth so it encompases more tilesets and more factions. The snow outpost and asteroid at least. Should solve the issue of mercury/mars becoming more difficult (less gravity).  


    - You can't be on the surface of jupiter. But you could be on the surface of saturn. Move gas tileset there? 


    -Neptune/uranus are pretty earth like in gravity, but they're also extremely cold, so enemies would likely bulk up more for that in armour if not weapon. Could make for some interesting deviation in difficulty.


    -No phobos. Move that tileset to mars. 


    - Possibly switch the endgame planets to more likely places of occupation? Pluto has half the gravity of the moon, and many planets are smaller. You could probably put ships in a similar orbit to one such dwarf planet... but there'd be little point unless it's some kind of secret training facility that is so secret that... 


    -Far stronger visual sense of progression. Not just "lancer (6)" and "lancer(43)"

    - More gameplay progression. Enemy variety (and player customisation) expand. 

    - Players Can create more powerful builds without concern for how they might adversely affect low-level games. 

    -Makes story-sense. 

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