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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. This is honestly so people don't have their trading plans ruined by unwanted XP gains. Any item that has XP on it immediately loses trading eligibility.


    No - they are not tradeable.

    So, Can I ask DE to release non-tradable syndicate assets sooner than other items. Because At some point I want to switch, do the other half, and get all the items.  It'd really suck if I changed faction, got hated, and then discovered they got a new item I need to go back and get. I was expecting syndanas, I do expect more, and I haven't got everything from my side yet; But it'd be nice to have finalized reports at some point so that we can do this 



    (also: syndicate sigils without counting as a syndicate sigil, please? I've got so many cool designs I can't use) 

  2. And to think I just spent all my syndicate points on garbage... 



    I can understand why you wouldn't (haven't checked yet) but I'd like to see the syndicate syndanas tradeable. 

  3. Whilst some like kubrows. Those are a minority. The majority of players gave up on them. Seeing a kubrow is uncommon. Seeing multiple players in a 4 player game is rare. 


    Thing Is; I think the kubrow is cool. Only unusable and cool. It's like a dog and a bat did the thing and made a dog with a bat's face. I think I'd rather have a bat with a dog's face, but the pet is still pretty cool and somewhat usefull. My problems (and the problems of many a like-minded individual) are the following. 


    RNG is a pain. 

    Defrost times are bullS#&$. 

    The loyalty mechanic is bullS#&$. 

    The DNA integrity mechanic is bullS#&$. 

    Permanently loosing your companion is bullS#&$, given the context in which kubrows are. Were kubrows cheap and easy Ilike spectres It wouldn't be much of an issue. But they're not. They're expensive and needy. 


    -None of these mechanics are fun.They're chores. 

    -None of these mechanics are realistic.

    - We're better off keeping to sentinels. Each and every mechanic suggests this. 


    So here's my genius solutions that absolutely nobody has ever thought of before. 


    - Remove defrost times entirely. 

    - Remove the loyalty mechanic entirely, Or have it cap out between a 0% bonus and a 30% bonus. 

    - Remove the DNA integrity mechanic entirely. 

    - No permadeath. 



    Boom. Kubrows fixed. Now the only reason not to use them would be

    1-They get in the way of your shots.

    2- They're not *favoured sentinel name here*

  4. The raids are coming, The raids or coming! 



    Or are they. Y'know. Increasing the playercount for a mission requires several minor changes. I'd assume they've already done that. What are they doing now? Admiring how broke everything is. 


    the first thing that comes to mind is that you've got impossibly broken power combinations. Map clearing ultimates, infinite energy, multiple crowd controls in layers.Eight players will allow for even more problematic combinations than four. DE will be needing to add things like 

    -enemies don't stupidly run into vortexes/puddles/fireblasts/sound quake (No qualms with them running in intelligently)

    -Enemies can take cover to avoid certain radial abilities (molecular prime?) 

    -No radial insta-death abilities. (Javelin of the radial kind could be made projectile rather than hitscan, or be LOS+some punchthrough) 

    -Enemies have a chance of resisting some CC effects like chaos. 

    -Needs special Enemies with abilities they can intelligently use to counter  you. 


    second thing: damage 2.0 is pretty broke. Moding weapons is all about increasing DPS a hundred fold. Then enemies respond by getting more health and armour. But seriously: Imagine you being the top bloke and using a skill-needing weapon, and all your seven teammates are boltoring It (we're making that a verb. Please make that a verb). Unless that game is dividing players up and giving you space, you're not going to kill a thing.  It's going to be made pretty clear that mods and weapons will need a good check. 



    Lastly, UI. We're going to need it easier to use. Main problem: Not being able to tell players apart by avatar, minimap icon or anything like that. Not having quick access to what everyone's equipped with in the lobby and... ohh. We're just going to need more practical things. 



    Quite simply it can't be done without significant changes to abilities, enemies, a damage 3.0 and some nice UI updates. 

  5. There is one other unit I'd like to see looked at, the Grineer Commander. They're kind of a rare sight but they're a very odd unit, the tactic of switch teleporting a unit into the middle of your allies works from the enemy pov but as a player it's just frustrating as there is no tell that you're being targetted for this ability. 

    the grineer commander hat is something I'd like to see recycled and put on leader/ability using grineer. Otherwise the commander unit can just disappear. The game isn't ready for an enemy with switch teleport. 

  6. So, We have the following issues


    Gold looks bad (being solved by PBR reskins, hopefully)


    Sometimes, The original frame has a better skin. 

    Mag's texture looks better than mag prime's texture. 

    Frost's texture is arguably better than frost prime's. 

    Nyx prime immortal skin looks terrible and doesn't match her prime parts. 

    Nova prime's skin... I am very glad I have immortal. 


    For these the solutions are... 

    Allow the player to go back to the regular skin. 

    Redo nyx prime immortal, and perhaps any future frame needs an immortal skin check. We pay for skins so that things look better, not worse. 

    If time is available; Maybe make versions of the skin where some parts of the tintmap become shiny PBR. (ember prime's initialy pale-gold channel comes to mind)

    Frost and mag... the second issue. 



    Frame parts. Sometimes you just might not like that particular one. 

    Again, Sometimes you might just.. Not like a particular addition to a prime frame. We're all going to have our disagreements on what we like and don't like (I might not like mag's additional floaty parts, or whino's extra bulk, Or i might prefer ember's regular thigh-cage. You might disagree, but it's objectively better to have a choice in what you like and don't.)

    Frost and mag also need some extra/alternate parts. 

  7. The tech seems to be there. It would be very, very nice if... 



    Players could control the secondary colour of sigils. (not being reliant on frame energy colour)

    Players could colour badges. 

    Players could choose to use any special effect that they have for any sigil design they had. 

    Players could choose to reduce the glow of a sigil, so that it looks like regular paint has been applied. 

    Players could wear Syndicate sigils they've unlocked as a pure cosmetic with no syndicate effects (or minor, only positive effects) 

    Player syndicate point bonus was tied to their rank rather than which sigil they equiped. 

    badge and sigil designs were interchangable. 

    Players had more size/shape options for their sigils

    Players had more places to put sigils on. 

    Badges could be put on either shoulder.

    When applying sigils, the sigils don't render above the armour that they're actually under.  

    Regalia had a 'remove all' option. 



    I think that covers it. Please support. 

  8. Limited framework of options? Yes.

    Freedom to create whatever you want? Umm...no. I don't want someone "expressing their freedom" by throwing up an avatar of their own personal Organus Prime...and neither does DE's QA and legal depts.

    Don't they normally come with a 'online interactions not rated' or something like that? 

  9. Stuff

    Hmm. I'd like eximus units to eventualy be phased out, but not merely by the use of minibosses. 


    Seekers, Breeders and ospreys have their place. But there's other things I'd like to bring in, like: 


    Snowglobe-shielding grineer. Like nullifiers but with a slow rather than power disabling. (though powers wouldn't be able to target the character from outside the shield) Perhaps it would be easiest to grab the power-pack grineer to use. 


    (but really, I can think of loads of good osprey/seeker/breeder ways of adding many an eximus effect)


    I'd also like to see enemies who can heal/buff/resurect specific allies. Or turn their whole team invisible. Could be fun. 




    For hyenas... Twice the rarity of Techs I say! Jackals, about the same. Depends on the planet really. It'd be interesting to see such enemies in support roles or as the central figure of squads. 

  10. Two things: 


    First thing For powers could we get

    A: Caps so that we can't increase range/strength/duration beyond/below a set value. Why? to balance B of course

    B: More warframe corrupt mods. Examples:


    Dangerous precision. +strength -range

    Straining spread +range -effeciency 

    Hurtful patience +duration -casting speed




    Second thing


    Could we move corrupted mods out of the vault. 


    So At first I was thinking "put differrent mods in different vaults" but I concluded: there are still too many mods in the vault even with seperation (just did extermination 20 times to get all the mods? Now to do capture 20 times to get part 2!) .When I was writing this I even thought "what if each vault run gave several mods at a time?" (which i quickly saw as too optimistic) 


    So, I don't care where they all go. Many could probably stay in the vault. but otherwise They can spread out amongst many different systems.  Top ideas include


    - Having corrupt mods drop from enemies when past a certain level, So that as players progress their build variety naturaly increases. 


    -Mission rewards for missions that don't have rewards. (spy? sabotage? Hijack?)


    - The void trader is reworked so that he isn't an awful tacked on, ill thought out mess giving out ruin to balance and the economy and is always available to trade these corrupt mods. Or darvo could do it but making the void trader an asset rather than a problem would be nice.

    https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/390100-the-void-trader-is-dumb-and-will-always-be-so/ if you're interested in that scum. 



    Anyhow. It'd be nice to see corrupted mods more readily integrated into the game 

  11. I bet most vets feel the same.

    I'm pretty burned out by DE, I've been waiting for a good balance update ever since the game went OBT.

    This is why i don't have faith in them anymore.


    The problem is, DE is always trying so hard to make "everything" equal w/c is pretty much impossible to do with 100+ weapons and 15+ frames.

    Rather than making X have unique trait/utility than Y and Z.


    Game needs some big overhaul. Mod 2.0 needs to go its the source of powercreep

    I don't think the line 'DE is always trying so hard to make "everything" equal' really applies. Give a fan a week with their numbers and we should get better ballance. The issue is that they just don't...


    Also, It's more damage 2.0 than mods 2.0. Game is set up for weapon damage to be multiplied and multiplied and multiplied repeatedly. Warframe and sentinel modifying on the otherhand is mostly fine. 

  12. So the infested have some kick ! units, the corpus have a few new cool units (and one that we can debate over at some point in the thread) but the grineer are still largely a collection of man with guns (and the constructive criticism of the corrupted could be summed up with: Why haven't you converted enemies into that faction properly. 


    Regardless of faction, there are several enemies that just don't add as much as they should




    1- Seekers. 

    So the Idea of seekers is that they drop little rolley mines that follow you, jump on you, stick to you, then explode. Right? WRONG. They're currently somewhere between the trooper and the balista and the mines they deploy might as well be a cosmetic. Seekers have very powerful guns and very weak mines. But the guns are uninteresting hitscans and not very fun, whilst ,if punishing, the mines could be a genuinely good game mechanic. 


    Even better: Seeker mines from late-game specialist seeker units could indeed be a better replacement for eximus units. Rather than a BS invisible aura of punishment, we could have avoidable/removable mines that could leech,vampire,slow or extinguish you. The infested faction could also offload some of their eximus abilities by tying them to breeders in the same way.


    2- All sniper enemies. 

    So the job of the sniper is, from a distance, to pick off high priority threats, or at least the slow ones (tf2 taught me that) and whilst I don't particularly care about the distance (though coming within metres isn't the best thing) Having a hitscan-nuke hit the player with no prior warning isn't fantastic. 

    - Laser sights when vulkar is aiming. They take time to acquire the player, giving the player time to move out of the Line of sight.  

    - Sniper crewmen use lankas and need to charge their shots. They aim straight for the player and don't change their aim, giving time for the player to move. 


    3- The nullifier

    Main issue: he's a sniper. 

    Second issue: I often can't distinguish his shield from another enemy's when he's a shadow of the dead. Green or purple when mind controlled/SOTD? Maybe make it easier to see out of when they're allied? 

    *prepares flame shield because he doesn't think there's a problem with the shield. Speaking of flame: 



    Rather than just 'bombard No.2' it'd be nice to see them get a function, a niche, on the battlefield. Like perhaps making the environment hazardous to help grineer, rather than to do direct damage. 

    -Players can roll or slide to stop themselves burning. 

    - Napalm gun doesn't do blast damage. But creates a big damage over time surface. 

    - Blast stomp is replaced with fire stomp, giving him a protective ring of duration heat damage. 

    - Napalm is entirely imune to fire, and weakens ember's fire abilities just by being in them (Buff ember though. Always buff ember)



    The ignis is an incredibly disappointing weapon (buff it inline with any changes i request for the scorch!) Anyhow. 

    Make scorches short range suppressors. Two or three times the range, appear liquid based, and enemies can't see past it so they either use it in long bursts at the same target, or spray and pray (spy checking please?) 

    As a downside to their increased power; Make their backpacks explosive. 


    6-Grineer melee

    Scorpions are fine (there are so many cooler things they could do with their grapple, but issues first)

    The butcher, powerfist and flameblade are... eh. The powerfist in no way distinguishes himself, and the flameblade is a myth. (the guardsmen rather silly)  Regaurdless; They're all light enemies and I'm wondering why. Would suggest Grineer melee is done as follows:

    Butcher. Gets a speedup and the ability to dodge at high levels. 

    Powerfist: Has more big attacks with big animations. More armour too. 

    Flameblade: Elite teleporting enemy with grineer greatsword. Use eviscerator-like model. 

    Hammer: Heavy enemy with hammer. Has 'enraged' ability that gives a speed boost. (think fleshpounds from killing floor. 

    Jetpack variants of all of these. Because jetpacks are cool. 



    7-All drones: 

    Move in all three dimensions. 


    8-All drones in corpus archwing:

    ...Please tell me these are placeholders. 


    9- I find your lack of robots and minibosses disturbing. 

    Why not every now and then throw in a lynx or Hyena into a corpus mission. Throw a few in even. Why just one? Perhaps a grineer jackal (which they bought from the corpus, but decked out with grineer buzzsaws and other nasties) or a grineer officer with a randomised loadout of powers, abilities and looks. (for the 'why not' question, please refrain from saying something logical like path-finding or animation.)


    10: Enemies who throw grenades.

    Why not add more varieties of grenades, maybe some warning as to when a grenade is in your proximity. It'd certainly spice up gameplay if even a common enemy could throw something that might mix up the playing field.  We'd probably need some UI to warn us of grenades though, or more visual cues of grenades within animation, models particles and lighting. 



    And the corrupted enemies... Port more? Seeing all these crewmen with struns isn't quite a reminder of quality. Still seems like a mistake that lancers (butchers) are using deras, and importantly the corrupted faction is missing so many basic enemies. 



    And much more, these just happen to be the ones that stick out the worst, which I'd like fixed before other enemy changes. 

  13. DE must make sure all items are either fodder or OP; they are of course, digital EXTREMES. There can be no middle ground when it comes to the extreme. 




    Serious face time: 


    I genuinely don't know why they don't balance more. Sure, a small portion of the community are extremely vocal about nerfs and buffs, but they should really be inconsequential. 

  14. See a low ranking player with his Mk 1 weapons and starter frames asking for advice or struggling? Help him. Recommend the good easy-to get weapons in the markets (usualy having to point out that blueprints are in a different section), suggest all his starting plat goes to more slots, waypoint things he might need,  move through the level at a pace more agreeable to them; and if they seem like good guys, Take them on vault runs, to the void, or perhaps even give away some spares of things they probably need.


    See a low ranking player with his rhino and boltor prime


    (bonus points if he's coloured himself black and red, and happens to be rude) 



    Just seems like there's something... Wrong with that. 

    They didn't support the game with prime access, nor did they grind hours in the void, they haven't even played the original rhino. 

    This isn't even coming from a 'I had to work for my millions!' stance, this is a 'don't they ruin the game for themselves by doing that?' stance. By being able to access the easiest items ever at rank 2 they skip over most (i would add, better) content.  Creating burnout (and also allowing players to largely circumvent the warframe section in the market)


    I get flak sometimes for sounding like I'm telling players how to play the game... but isn't this a symptom of not playing the game? Should prime frames ( Originally a symbol that you've supported the game a lot) be available for under 50p a set once you hit rank 2? 


    Not saying that prime items should become more RNG locked (maybe more skill locked, in more difficult missions, and maybe mag and frost are a bit too easy) but maybe we could get some restrictions (for future players) like


    -Prime frames can't be traded to players lower thank rank 9. 

    -Prime frames can't be built by players who haven't used the regular counterparts. 

    - Perhaps, as an alternate to rank 1 and 2,  The BP of a frame cannot be traded or found in the void, but rather apears in the marketonce conditions are met. No restriction on parts. 

    -Prime weapons are ballanced against eachother, so the most powerful ones currently (also the most generic) aren't more desirable than the more varied ones. 

  15. So warframe's elemental system is a bit... Dumb, at times. 


    Firstly the whole system of adding damage to a specific type of physical, Improved from only that specific damage rather than base damage as a whole, is crude. It is incredibly limiting; Want a boltor to do more impact damage because corpus? Tough, it's only sensible to increase puncture as the boltor is almost entirely puncture anyway. 


    Secondly, elements are so rudimentary; Use magnetic on shields, use corrosive on grineer, there is absolutely no point in using corrosive on corpus. You essentially lock several damage types away for each faction. You could have something cooler; Like corrosive being damaging to corpus robots, or causing crewmen pain; It doesn't have to suck for everything not-grineer. 



    Proposal for elemental damage: rather than adding damage to each shot fired, each elemental mod adds a multiplier against a flesh type, and a selection of status effects which are improved and unlocked as the mod ranks up. Each flesh type should also have a multiplier for different status chances.Power/duration of the status is affected by base damage. 


    Would also propose that elemental mods get eight (or ten) levels. Too many things to level up? Probably. Maybe don't separate single stat shotgun and rifle elemental mods because they're the same?  On the other hand; You only really need to level up your favorites. Perhaps those shotgun mods could instead transform into... Read the section for elemental mods. 


    Example of flesh multiplier. 

    Gun has a 50% Status chance. Does heat damage. 

    Enemy infested flesh has a 1.5 multiplier weakness against fire. 

    Each shot has a 75% chance of igniting. 


    Example of status effects

    Cold damage


    0- causes the part struck to take extra damage from future hits, larger area and bigger multiplier each level. 
    2- Causes slow of that particular part. (we could have a cool limping system, but for now that'd be something like legs=movement slow, upper body=slow reload and poor accuracy. head=long stun)
    4- causes full body slow, and a chance of total freezing in the area shot. 
    6-frozen parts shot explode and hurt nearby enemies. Also, as a sort of red-crit, there's a chance of full freezing
    8- Enemies slow down when near a frozen victim, who radiates cold. 

    dual stat elementals could work by taking the values of the two combining mods at half.  
    Physical damage. 
    The normal physical damage mods increase that type of damage from the base damage. So If I wanted Puncture on the Jat Kittag, I'd get puncture on the Jat kittag! 
    The event mods however? Sweeping serration, piercing calibre and the like...
    Drop them from late-solar system tables, and have them convert a portion of the damage, rather than add more. 
    But for elemental damage weapons, what would we do? 
    Reverse it. Reverse it all. Elemental mods convert (or add a bit of, for the event mods) damage, whilst physical damage mods add physical status effects and damage (think of it as putting shrapnel in the bomb, or sending it out of a weapon through a beam) 
    I left lots of holes in these plans. (I could patch them through explanation that draws from too many other things) but it would work. (assume enemies will get changed accordingly so that such a change remains balanced) and would be far, far more interesting.  If I write down everything from the get go: I'd leave no discussion room. 
  16. i suppose the problem here is that everyone is seeing only their own side of the problem.


    founders see exclusivity as their right, the gamble and risk they undertook rooting for a game with an unclear future, and being rewarded for it, which is further endorsed by DE's own promise of exclusivity. 


    the opposite camp are people who nag about their lack of access to founder equipments, and ignore the fact that founders went through painstaking risks to allow the game to blossom to what it is today.


    BOTH these groups of people suffer from an inflated sense of entitlement


    Biased much? I'm looking at this from an unbiased, objective standpoint here. 


    Founders got told what excalibur prime was. They got it. That's what they paid for. Regaurdless of buffs. If they get a buffed version of excalibro- so should everyone else . Excalibur prime looks better and comes with a S#&$-ton of respect-points. It's only scrub-tier logic that can skip that. 


    What are you talking about dude. There are plenty of items you can't get any more!


    It's a LIMITED PIECE OF GEAR. There are SO MANY other pieces of limited gear that these "completionists" can never get anyway! With money or otherwise!


    Why is it that all of this other limited gear which beats the original version hands down (Latron Wraith, Strun Wraith) in the game is forgotten when you morons make this argument of "Everything needs to be available to everybody even if they started yesterday."


    Please would you tards stop making this argument. There's plenty of limited gear in this game that you simply will never get. Excal P is one of these bits of gear. Regardless of whether it was event specific, founder specific, closed beta specific - whatever. The limited gear in the game should NOT BE IGNORED JUST BECAUSE YOU WHINING PLEBS CAN'T GET IT.


    It's like talking to fkn brick walls I swear.

    Most limeted gear will probably cycle round, and none of the exclusive prime weapons are worthy of note. Also: please at the least pretend to be understanding and rational. Calling us 'morons' and 'plebs' and 'whining' is both foolish and ironic. 

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