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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. So After much playing void, I went through and painstakingly took way too many pictures of both the void and related places. I came to the following conclusions


    - There's enough here for seperate, distinct tilesets, and you'd be better off making those seperations

    - There are so many cool things that are missing in the tower, but present in the derelict. There are also cool things in the tower that don't seem to be re-used enough. 

    - I don't get windows in this tileset. 


    1- The tower void really does suffer from nonsensical design. We Have huge rooms next to huge rooms, Multiple opposing designs near eachother whilst rooms with similar themes end up far apart. But Were we to group them perhaps we could make more sense of them, or perhaps consistent themes over large areas to so that we're not desensitized to variety (Four dark rooms and then four light rooms feels more contrasting randomly coloured rooms, for example) 


    Group 1: Waterworks; lower and higher.  

    Higher (mixing with civilian areas)


    And this second one, which is an odd one, because there is no water, but i figured 'hey, this could be a pool' http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39738054034405217/A8C26C77C7C7E9B0CB5BD855946183F87C00E806/


    Lower (the important one) 


    http://cloud-2.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39738054034400251/A2DE035849046291AB673CC07490BC3E727FDEAD/ (also note the nice use of verticality here) 

    There's many that I'm missing. There's a deep canal in an ODS tile, Several rooms with ankle-depth water at the bottom of them (or at the sides, like this http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39738054034402582/3D74A28BF43A257E75740501395A2F1A1FB2963C/ ) (what is that device actually? You can find one in the corpus snow outpost too) 


    Lowest (did you even know it existed?)





    Group 2: Electricity. 




    This one rather cooly connects electricity to water and civilian areas, though it's OD, http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39739199598217263/60B1B820A2772D5CD850E4331927FC550C67A072/


    Group 3: Civilian areas. (Possibly for different people) 

    Most of the rooms that seem to be centred around seating and large areas which focus on visuals ( like this one, all hail the tree; http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39738054034401042/F538450439EF7CA24C1F81CED1BE8F496194DB3C/ 

    I'd also like to draw your attention to the varying styles of cool hallways the orokin have in this. 





    Group 4: dark areas/high areas



    High areas





    Solar rail-like rooms. This one for example



    Stuff that the tower seems to be missing, even though it'd be great to have

    Maintenance halways in the walls



    Rooms with dark exposed parts



    The lephantis area; Not in gameplay (it only fits lephantis), but in artstyle




    This style of hallway. It's the coolest style of hallway i've seen in game so far and yet I've only ever found it once as part of a secret area. What the hell, DE? Why would you hold this back?



    This challenge. No words describe how artisticly awesome this room looks (even though it's cruel, made no better by the use of hobbled, I did not see the end of it) http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39739199598217483/D984E27999E0B26B8DB0D5B03F363525F919ACF8/


    This hall, Hngg that's some nice stuff. 




    More order to trees. I like this OD room. 



    I like this room very much and it isn't just down to the knock-off stargate. It is a very visualy impressive room.This type of theme could be a fith or sixth section of the tileset. Oh is this room pretty. More of this please. 



    I noticed this bug from lag. Just using one half of the door looks very nice. Perhaps more often should this happen, only with the top and the bottom switched. 



    Points about the tower that I don't particularly like, because they aren't that fun

    http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39738054034401778/7E6033275EEB8E375CBCE09B6B6D96A2F147B2BA/ this bit. Lasers everywhere, no cover, and the fountains found in each corner are mildly annoying (though easy) to get out of. 


    Points that I think are exceptional and want more of

    Grav lifts are the coolest f'in things ever. Praise the reverse waterfall! 



    I really don't get what's going on with windows. 

    Here you have a window that seems to be showing the 'Aurora' of the void


    And here you have the 'white space' of the void, and I'm not sure which one IS the void. 



    Also note that you can't see what should be on the other side of the windows (in the second and third shot and possibly the first, you should see the structure exterior structure right behind the window encasing what's on the map) On the other hand, there are places that look like there was a window there http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39738054034400939/3435519BA71F7DECA7E7EAFF499B4C4D643E8266/ 


     this one which looks visualy wrong because of how the outside changes as you look at it from an angle http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39739199598216408/70F0F793BCD2A5AA6815C78CC0F7F50E4A428D7C/


    You could justify it with the void is mysterious but I think it'd be an improvement to actually have a crack at clearing that up. 



    Also: Final note; You've got the skin here, why isn't it in the corrupted faction? 


    (then again, you're just using tintmaps; Right? So why isn't everything in the corrupted faction?)




    Anyhow; I hope these feedback is helpful to DE. I hope the idea of being more consistent in theme could carry on to other tilesets, for examples:

    Front of ship, midship, back of ship or top/bottom ship, or outer/central ship. 

    Cargo ship/battle ship/warship/ capital ship (as a map wide thing, if this thread is received well and kept alive, i'll probably have a go at supplying feedback for the corpus ships) 

    arid desert, arid canyon,arid settlement, arid river-side.

    Lab area,living area, military area, 

    Resource harvesting, resource refining, resource shipping... and so on and so forth. 

  2. There are many, many problems with this idea


    - Game is supposed to be set up so that, without paying real money, someone can obtain the best of everything stat-wise. Will a minor buff to excal prime be gamebreaking? No, but it'd ruin this statement. 


    - Many players would have bought prime access if they had played warframe during the time it was available. Hell; I started playing late november 2013, and excalibur access ended on the first of that very month. 


    - Prime doesn't always mean best. It could mean 'of first importance'. Excalibur prime was the first warframe in the lore. Perhaps for excalibur in particular the tenno were able to make a frame of equal quality? 



    Thus, For such reasons, Excalibur prime with buffs would only be truly acceptable if the common people could either obtain it (through grind, or at the least a S#&$-ton of plat), or we had something else like 'Excalibur Dragon' 

  3. *face palm* you know there are 13,000 words here? No, this is much deeper than just star chat progression... 

    Well, If you're going to be verbose, don't expect people to read the whole thing (no offense meant to be given) 



    Right, So I read more about the weapons. You know the game isn't linear. i wanna go back and forth between all the planets. I don't want to be stuck at a place around my level all the time. The power-gap is already to big, and you seem to want to make it larger. There are far simpler answers to the issue of progression than this. 

  4. Good teamwork can make a game. But warframe isn't just a co-op game, and even in co-op players play at different speeds and often need to move apart; So we can't have any harsh-left 4 dead mechanics. But we can have rewards. 


    1- Give each warframe an passive that applies to all teamates nearby. For instance; If you're within 25 metres of a Mag, your max shields are boosted and recharge slightly faster. If you're near a nekros, your bleedout slows down. If you're near a volt, you all get shields that electrocute enemies when damaged too much. If you're near a trinity, your excess energy will be past to the next tenno,  Near an elemental frame and you'll resist the effects of similar eximus, near mesa and reloading/switching will be faster, near mirage and enemy accuracy will be reduced, near vaubun and everybody gets heavy landings (which would be godly with bounce)... and so on and so forth. 


    2- Auras. Some of you might be disappointed with me, because this might seem like a bit of a nerf. Anyhow: Auras should get stronger when near those that it effects, and weaker as they are further away. Having Player A on one side of the map with corrosive projection wouldn't affect player B on the other side of the map shooting grineer. On the other hand the effect could be stronger were both A and B close to the grineer.


    3- Friendship doors don't occur if the majority of players are together at the front. 


    4- army of two-style stealth; Well, not as pronounced as army of two (that game might have overdid it) but the logic goes: If one player is attracting lots and lots of attention, they draw attention away from the players who aren't. At the least; If an enemy detects only Player A, he shouldn't know that there's a player B,C and D, much less their locations (that's a really annoying mechanic that I'm sure many want gone) 

  5. Which exact things are you against in the OP? Why is this one of the most flawed ways we could do it? Just curious on what you think.


    Method 2: Make it Innate. 
    Remove damage mods, refund the credits/cores/ducats. 
    Have weapons increase damage as they level up, in the same scale as serration (165% at rank 30)
    Extra slot for customization
    -Only tackles power-scaling excess if other mods surrounding serration (multishot, elements etc) are changed. If not It'd probably just mean another slot to stack damage on.  
    - Unless the innate serration is capped for each mission, Players would have the problem of lesser control in how much damage they do on lower level missions
    - Would encourage players to do xp farms/exploits. 
  6. Yes/No

    and 'why'



    I don't. Hate every aspect of maintenance. Sentinels are superior. 


    (Edit: i'd probably use them without the BS maintenance. Excluding the defrost rush I can afford it, I just don't like doing any of it. The buying blueprints, the building, the defrosting, the petting to keep their loyalty up. It's all BS.)

  7. - Could you please, please, change the way the void trader works? This is less so on the subject of him appearing every two weeks and more to do with the fact that his additions seem lazy and rarely thought out. In the first week we had a warframe mod that was suitable for lategame players playing lategame, A shotgun mod that has no place, since it would have just been better to buff the original, and a superior detron that almost invalidates any work we've put in. (we also had the first of many cosmetics that force us to abandon energy colours) The week after we again had a fitting warframe mod and then a mod that should simply have been buffed (in the context of the current system, which many fondly criticize for being entirely damage focused) Or maybe we could have got a genuinely good shotgun balance pass instead? It's lazy, and we had the prime armour parts separated just to make it look like we had more. The last trader had a reload mod (nothing gamebraking, though the original could have been buffed) and a primed heavy trauma; The original was fine, and this is a very niche mod. Were you just going to choose any mod with five ranks to make legendary? Was the only thought put into this 'we need more credit sinks'? Could you please step in and put a quality check on what the void trader has to offer? 


    - Will you ever buff the single-stat status chance mods. Such as sure shot or shotgun savvy? They've been criticaly useless since damage 2.0, and the only thing you've done to make status chance is release dual stat mods. 


    - Will you change Elemental/physical damages in the foreseeable future. 


    - Will you make attempts to ballance weapons in the near future. Even though Boltor prime requires the same amount of effort to build as other prime weapons it is much easier to use and offers far more killing potential. Whilst weapons like the reaper prime are weaker than those in it's cost range. 


    - Will you ever move weapon modding away from just adding more and more damage? Currently Almost all builds involve +damage,+ multishot, +elemental damages and possibly +Crit chance/damage (for more damage) and this is both harmful for build creativity in the late game and to players who play a variety of difficulties (who need to run to the back of the liset to change things so that they don't one-shot everything with a full auto weapon. )


    - Will we at some point get utility slots on warframe so we have a place to put things like intruder, maglev or master thief. Perhaps warframe augments too, Since some of them aren't so useful that you'd sacrifice a slot for them (or should have been innate) 


    - When will past event mods be available. 


    - Sigils. I'm experiencing the following shortcomings

    I want to wear a syndicate sigil because it looks cool and i've earned it, but I don't want to earn rep points for that faction.

    I can't wear two syndicate sigils from the same faction.

    Sigil has an awesome effect on a design i don't like, or vice versa.

    Cool sigil doesn't have the best bonus i can get. 

    Can't wear a sigil on anywhere but front/back

    I have loads of badges i will never use. Can i use them as sigils and vice versa 

    Sigil glows too much, I'd like it to not contrast so violently against myself.

    Any plans to fix any of those?


    - Will you at some point change the size of players back to normal in archwing


    - Will some archwing only items (dregs, rangers, the trench run tiles and so on) be moved into normal gameplay (and are those ospreys placeholders?)


    - Why didn't you just buff point blank, rather than add a primed version. 


    - any news on the customisation of prime parts on a prime warframe? For example If I didn't like gold rhino-skin or all of his prime-attachments, could i take them off? Will I get an additional colour channel should you PBR them?


    - If you can pbr things now, Will you go back and make changes to items that have no colour customisations (vandals,phased and rubedo etc) 

  8. Just edited OP and added a great post by Innocent_Flower explaining why this change should happen. My post mainly spoke about how we could implement it. 

    But y'know, I'm pretty against several things in the OP.


    Here's a thread I wrote that got ignored (maybe I write too much. The topic is just way too important to not get excited about) https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/388264-there-are-multiple-ways-to-change-damage-mods/  Although your idea is better than not changing a thing, I see it as one of the most flawed methods we could do.  



    Multishot; Make it a utility/weapon mechanic changing function. Different for each weapon; Be it burst fire on a semi auto, widening the cone of damage so that you hit more, spliting a missile/grenade into several smaller ones, or doing the whole legolas thing with firing two arrows. Something simple like a nerf could work; but I'd like to see DE expand on some things. 


    As for elements. I'd say conversions are great, but another thing I'd like to see is no projectile damage at all for elemental mods; adding an elemental mod adds the status, and ranking said mod up increases the severity of the status, and the variety of the effects the status has. Plus enemy flesh types are changed so that certain parts of an element are stronger/weaker/more likely to proc/less likely to proc. At the moment we've got this thing where some elements are entirely useless on one faction and incredibly effective on another; It sort of limits choices. 

  9. Fighting corpus; 


    'Oh wow this shield polarize is great it's so versatile I can use it to help myself and hurt the enemy simultaneously. Truly great ability.'



    Infested and grineer. 

    'uhm... it don't work' ( getting just your own shields back isn't really enough, especially in late game) 


    Now, obviously, it's called 'shield' polarize for a reason. But we're called mag. Can't we use some other kind of magnetic power when an ability literaly has no place in the mission. (well, regulators use shields, does that count?) Grineer are covered in metals, infested... probably have iron in their blood, or some stuff you could make up? 




    Crap ideas from me, that I gave a few seconds of thought too, regarding alternates. I have no names for them, so i gave them dumb ones.


    shoo fly; Enemies become ragdolls and fly away. 


    Coconuts: Grineer are attracted to each other, smashing into their neighbors real hard. 


    As repulsive as your mother: all enemies move away from mag at a respectable pace. 


    the Itch; grineer armour becomes magnetically attracted to itself, causing them to ragdoll for brief periods over a time period. 


    Pole: Infested loose their sense of direction. 


    slippy surface: infested can't stick to walls or the ceiling. What's this you cry? "infested can't stick to surfaces"? Well you're right, but you should be wrong, and you know it! 


    Interference; Eximus abilities don't work. 





    I don't really care what precisely happens, just give mag power when against the grineer and infested (I'd say corrupted, but DE could, y'know, add more corpus enemies?) 

  10. So much of this is art, but some of it is gameplay/metagame . Thought I'd put it in here (though the mods might want to move it) 



    Prime mechanics: 

    The secret reaction that prime frames have on certain orokin objects in the void: I've yet to notice it. 


    Nova prime: 

    The third V slot isn't a good thing. Can you make good builds that use three V slots? Yes. Do most builds use three V slots? No. It would have obviously been better for builds to put an extra - or D slot on there instead. But was this what you were going for, DE? To use the prime frame we must have dedication and forma the frame at least once? The Normal nova is a frame that doesn't really need forma much; yet this one does. 


    Rhino prime: 

    Should the speed really go with the arcane vanguard helmet's speed? Rhino ain't meant to be a fast frame, and I'm sure most players who have Arcane vanguard will want no other helmet so long as they have that speed. Vanguard is popular because it counters the slugishness of rhino; but you don't need to counter the not-so-slugishness of rhino prime. 



    Nova specific: Default skin works terribly with many colour schemes. If I didn't have Nova immortal, I'd ask for the option to use the normal nova's skin (with pbr added? That stuff's wonderfull, please add to all) Also; items on back clip pretty bad, even on thick things like the opticor;  and I cried a little on the inside when I found the other helmets don't have that glow increase from exertion. 


    Nyx: Imortal skin is default Nyx immortal skin, meaning it's dirty and contrasts too greatly with the additional prime parts. (i think I complained at the start that the nyx prime immortal skin wasn't 'immortal' enough, Then they changed it it seems, to the default, who's very desaturated and darkened (whilst still having saturated/bright prime parts attached. Not a great contrast)  


    Frost: Other than the helmet, which is often changed, there is very little to say that this is a 'prime'. Can't you just whack a few extra parts on over him? 


    Mag; Again, This is the kind of thing that you reskin and change helmets on, not noticing that it's prime were it not for the small golden floating items


    Loki: what's with the badge? Otherwise; best translation of a frame into prime. The extra parts are cool, The immortal skin works well (did they change it?) One thing I'd noticed though is that when not wearing the prime helmet the seam between the two models apears a lil worse. 

    Ember: Good. (don't have her immortal skin, so no comment about that) (flaming shoulders cosmetic please? firey leg cages perhapse)

    Rhino: extra-bulky shoulders aren't fantastic, and don't work well with skins. 


    So the four things I'd like to see on the visuals of all prime frames is:

    -The ability to choose what prime additions you wear. 

    -an extra colour channel for PBR stuff (or stuff like that. Iridescence please?. Having control of sigil secondary colour would be nice too), or perhaps extra for cosmetic energy (ember's fire-head being a different colour to her abilities perhaps, mag prime with more visor options perhaps.


    Prime acquisition

    -Frost and mag are too easy. Very Common reards that are tradable versus untradable drops from bosses you need to get a taxi for (as a new player) .Though that might be because they're so like the originals that they're unworthy of being more difficult. The others aren't much better;today I gave a clanmate a rhino set, half of mag and a bit of ember for some fusion cores. I'd assume most don't have it as easy as him; But trading for a prime with platinum,rushing and buying a catalyst is still usually somewhat cheaper than buying the original. 


    - Other than trading making primes so easy to get (it's not something I have issue with, I played long before prime trading, but the drop rates were so much better back then, for some things (and worse for others, ember BP where art thou?)) you've got the issue of not being rewarded for your efforts on the standard frame. Maybe like... Each standard frame could have it's own passive that the prime frame doesn't, and were you to max that frame, that passive will be available to all variants (which at the moment just means prime frames). So for example if trinity had a passive that lets her take in more energy from energy orbs, and trinity prime didn't, trinity prime would get that passive if you maxed trinity once (as well as maybe getting default trinity's skirt or back-decoration as a bonus cosmetic to replace whatever new trinity has; because why not? Same could be said for ember's thigh cage or rhino's shoulders) 


    - To lessen the diloution of drop tables, Could the blueprint of the prime frame (or part, this'd be good for weapons too) be bought in a store,with the helmet,chasis and systems find-able in the void?  


    - I heard in Devsteam 44 that prime parts might be moving out of the void. Still; I liked the way I made the dragon nikana; I made the nikana, mastered it, destroyed it and rebuilt it better than before. Primed frames on the other hand are RNG layers. I'd like to see dragon versions of frames

    (I also like the interesting customisation capabilities of that dragon weapon. Got high hopes), but on the otherhand I don't want to be devided between dragon and prime were the two to  coexist for a single frame. I'd propose that they share the same 'item'. They share the same slot in the inventory, and the same level and mod-loadout. Building one of the two will give you the frame. Building the prime will give you prime apearance and unique buff, building the dragon will give you the dragon apearance and unique buff. Building the second frame will give you the buff and the options to swap prime/dragon cosmetics.


    -Primed frames,unlike primed weapons, are more about visuals than stats and.. showing others that you're a more hardcore no-lifer than them with bling.  As such; It might be more fitting to have prime parts drop more on higher level missions than lower level ones. They should be harder to get; But not through RNG.



    Edit: I don't have excalibro prime. But must we count him? He looks cool, probably wishes he could have the pendragon effect without sacrificing his void-key-in-face helmet and... is otherwise is fine. - aura's are better though!  He's not obtainable, and won't be obtainable, so I can't otherwise offer anything constructive

  11. Large, decently written (rather verbose) argument. 

    I think you missunderstand me. (or perhaps I Misunderstood you; You tend to factor more items under 'DPS' than I do. Also you specifically used the term 'damage' in the first post.)


    I'd be extremely happy to have players increase their DPS with stuff like;

    Reloading faster

    Having larger clips. 

    Converting damage types to be more specialized. 

    Adding a specific damage type (with limits to how many times they can do this)

    Having a status proc that does damage. 

    Having a mod that increases collateral damage through punch-through or explosions. 


    But; I'd be even happier to have damage not so powerful as to completely dominate mods. Look at the above list: you probably won't need all of those for most guns. You'd probably have one or more slots free for something that doesn't improve DPS, but improves your survival rate or helps the damage of something else, or makes the game otherwise easier. Maybe if players didn't instakill everything, slowing the enemy down or putting them to panic with guns might be useful enough to take a slot; Or perhaps such mods would be cheaper than the DPS increasing mods. 


    I'd also be happy to have a 'nerfed' serration that might not always be best for DPS in comparison to another mod(though i'd prefer serration removed entirely, both as a mod and as an innate feature. As an innate feature you wouldn't be able to scale your damage back for a challenge;and if you could; what would be the point in it?) 


    Players might always want to do the most DPS; But I'd go on to say that it is that it's sometimes best to not let the players do what they want and set restrictions. (and players without restrictions also has the problem of encouraging the game to throw in enemies without restrictions) 

  12. So ingame you get represented by a picture, the picture doesn't represent you though does it? There are two mechanics an avatar should being; 


    A: a unique picture that represents you. I should be able to see an image and instantly know the name. Currently; We have a million excalibros (I am the 99%) a fair few trinities; And a bunch of vile disgusting scrubs who'd go as low as to buy avatars (I kid, I kid) and yet even within the ranks of those plat-wasting-bourgeoisie scrubamites the avatars are not unique. That guy who paid for a banshee picture? Same banshee picture as a few thousand others. Love Rhino, but only when he's pink? Tough luck, you can't have that. 




    B: An image that tells you what frame people are currently using. Having to manually check in the lobby, or even find that player in pubs, to know who they are (rather important if you're the kind of player who keeps everyone's health visible for gameplay reasons), isn't a fantastic use of the avatar's space. 


    The Avatar is currently useless. there are two ways it can better the UI of the game and it does neither. 


    Change it; 

    For A, I'd ask for player made emblems. A simple colour changeable graphic on top of another,both chosen from a pool of colourable images, would do (like halo). More complex options (ever tried making an emblem in Cod;black ops? Sadly it was the best part of the game) would be very welcome. We could choose from basic shapes,  tenno symbols, grineer and corpus icons, the vast amount of event badges we have, syndicate images, sigils, Helmets from all characters... and so on and so forth. (or we could just have custom images, that would work. 


    For B? 

    Helmet icons for the helmet our warframe is currently using (hopefully rendered in a nice artistic style) with colours  chosen from the colour pallet we're using. . 


    Now they could be mutually exclusive, or they could both be used (helmet on top of custom emblem.Or perhaps the player has the option to switch between what they want to see?) Regardless; The system gets better. It's a tiny feature we don't really pick on because there are other, more prominent problems; but it's true that the current system's very basic. 



    What about the players who have bought avatars?

    Sail them off the edge of the world. 

    Many ways to do this; 

    - Give those players the option to use that purchased avatar, regardless of the new system. 

    - Put exclusive icons into those packs, so the players who bought them have more options. 

    - If the other two don't seem like good options (they are);Refund them. they're a small amount of plat for a bundle. You can't even buy a potato the amount that most of them cost. Regardless; The money has already gone into warframe.  Will a good 15-30 last long enough to hold someone from buying more? Not likely. 

  13. 1,What makes you think you know better than DE about what is balanced, once DE put it in then is should be left alone unless there is a complete balance review


    2,WF is not a player versus player hence the AI never complains that the players are OP, only the players do any complaining at all and it is all based upon opinion.


    3, DE are IMHO spending far too much time rebalancing the weapons to cater to a small loud minority who just cant leave things alone and like to think they know more than DE about game mechanics.


    1- The numerous balancing failures made (or not made) by DE give a good indication of their ability to balance. Not trying to bash DE: but you can't deny that there are loads of balancing mistakes in there. 



    Part 1: there is PVP. (and the ai wouldn't complain if it were PVP) 

     Part 2: PVE can be competitive as well as co-operative. 

    Part 3: enjoyment is a subjective thing. Everything is based on opinion. (also, who else would be complaining, if not the players? Their children? The government of Taiwan? Eh?)  


    3: DE aren't spending enough time balancing because of a small loud minority plaguing the forums with protests against any reasonable request for change or progress that doesn't make them more powerful. 

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