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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Just some thoughts on enemies at the moment and how they should be improved. 


    Pointless and obvious observations made:


    +Good amount of infantry with interesting weapons

    +Units like helions , scorpions, commanders and so on and so forth add lots of variety. 

    - Don't often see levels fully utilise the variety of units. One level might have copious snipers but no seekers. Another might have dozens of butchers but no scorpions. 




    + shockwave

    -Infantry variety is terrible in comparison to the grineer. 



    -Uses about two units from each faction. 


    Where would be good areas to improve on?



    increase variety of grineer per level.

    some more non-humanish-infantry would be good

    Doesn't need units as badly as other groups



    Make corpus versions of helions,bombadiers, seekers and so on and so forth. Units don't need to be directly copied. But the inspiration is there. 



    Incorporate more units from other factions. 


    All factions

    Add large outdoor-only opponents. vehicles or giant infested biomass. 

    Perhaps add a few 'smart' characters that act more like players. 


    What the hell do you mean by 'subfaction'?

    A variation of an existing faction



    To some extent there's already a small visual difference between ship based grineer and land based grinner. But maybe, as an excuse to get some grineer on grineer action, some grineer might form rebellious factions. 


    enemy tenno.

    No, not the stalker. When you pick a side during a conflict other tenno might pick the opposing side. perhaps a ten or twenty percent chance that a team of tenno might join the enemy at some point? 



    To my knowledge they're a collection of companies. Different companies aren't going to be exactly the same.  They might have different funds or might have researched different things. 

    - Research focused group- Might have a few special units or weapons based on biological/chemical/energy advances that have yet to be shared amongst other companies. 

    - Less advanced group that use ballistic weaponry (bratons) rather than plasma based stuff. 

    - least advanced group that are very lightly armoured. 

    - red group. By that i mean that corporations might actually fight each-other in invasion game modes. 

  2. It's just too much. You're in a large map. lots of lighting... and there's a minimum of fifty soldiers fighting with you. It became incredibly hard to shoot the enemy at five frames per second. It's not even an issue that comes up at certain points. Your frame rate is destroyed FOR THE ENTIRE DEFENCE SEGMENT. It doesn't matter if it's a 10% fight or a 100% fight. it becomes very laggy.

    I feel like i've dissapointed my squad. There was a guy who had used the 100 antivenom. I was of little use to the team because my accuracy was unusually low. Somehow we got to 90%. Getting to 90 was painful and slow and we only got that far through frost's barriers and a player with enthusiast level specs.

    The easy, logical solution: Fewer, stronger enemies.

    (or you could optimise the game more. But fewer, stronger enemies is an easier option)

  3. Warframe suffers from being repetitive. This is especially true for the beginning of the game where you're given an all purpose assault rifle with a massive clip and lots of secondary ammo. But it's also true for the later game where you're overusing other weapons. 



    I think you should be able to pick up weapons from fallen enemies. Max ammo should be lowered (forcing you to switch more often) And weapon affinity is built up with weapons that you don't own (if you often use a gorgon you don't own and then build yourself a gorgon, you might find the gorgon at level four or six or thirty or whatever)  


    Along with increasing the depth of combat this might actually increase the sales of weaponry. People are more likely to buy a weapon if they know and experienced it's greatness.

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