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  1. Guys, this is the "Let's make pets not drop dead instantly so I can get data to work out what needs buffing and nerfing on pets in another update" update. Speaking of per survivability, Please consider making the Pack Leader mods heal on ranged and even ability damage. It would be nice to have a way to heal them without melee/abilities
  2. When Loid popped out of the cryopod and sentinel Loid described the player as "tenno, a caste of warriors" or some-such, I suggest that if you've got the family rank to 5, he instead says something along the lines of "This is Ayatan; though from a lowly caste of warriors, they are family in all but blood" or... something along those lines.
  3. Not ideal, but if you want more modding, you can buy more mod slots with platinum. Relics and mods can fund that.
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