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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1.    IMO, I think it would be nice to make Terminus, Mercury a guaranteed assassin-free zone (i.e. Stalker, G3, and Hunter). I know a lot of vets who take new stuff there for trial runs and to get the first few levels on things not to mention the presents of new players on this node. Just a thought.




    (Wasn't sure if this really belonged in the other level/mission categories as it isn't about mission type or maps. Move if needed.) 

  2.    ...happens too frequently. Didn't really notice before we got player ships but after spending time in the Liset when chatting or whatever can get kinda annoying with Frost smacking the ground every 10 seconds or so lol. IMO, extending time between animations to a minute would be better. Anything longer than what it is would be nice really.

  3.    Got smacked by a Toxic Ancient's scorpion attack almost instantly upon joining a friend's mission. Friend happened to kill the Ancient just as quickly resulting in my Warframe getting knocked off-screen and then it stayed that way. Was unable to move camera or see/move my Warframe.


       Need a very brief period of invulnerability upon joining a started mission.







  4.    Yeah, it seems as though the "Accept Invite" button will mess things up/get messed up every time until the game realizes I am actually not in the squad I'm attempting to join. Although there would be no way for me to consider this if I wasn't able to see someone else's screen since as far as I can see on my end, I've been completely removed.

  5.   When trying to do the past two Forma alerts, the game would throw me and my squad into the node's default mission with Grineer instead of infested, making us complete the mission. After completing the default mission with no Forma reward, I went to select the alert mission again and it was gone. After a relog, the alert returned and we tried again with the same result.


       So I relogged again ended up trying to get into the alert by myself to see if it would work. The UI showed the right alert information when flying towards the ship at the start of the mission and there were infested running around so I knew it worked. I proceeded to invite my squad members post-entering the mission and we got the Forma.


       Anyway, I don't know why this bug is happening but found a workaround for it until it gets fixed for anyone else experiencing this issue.

  6.    Never had these problems before. As the title says, this was happening waaay to often last time I was playing. After I get kicked from the squad and return to my ship, according to my UI I am no longer in any squad but it shows on my brother's screen that I am still in his and my name is also present in his squad chat screen. So I ask my brother to send me another invite. He does and when I click "accept", nothing happens except the top left portion of the UI that shows your squad members while in the ship disappears with a couple of transparent gray boxes on the sides of the missing squad info area. I have to quit the game and start it up again to get it to work. If I stay out of the game entirely, I saw on my brother's screen that the game continues to show that I am still part of the squad until he starts a new mission without me.


       Really frustrating and happened a lot last night to the point that I just stopped trying. If it happens again, I'll upload screenshots. I was too focused on trying to figure it out that it didn't occur to me to take screenshots at the time.


       Also lots of host migrations resulting in squad members getting split up into separate solo missions.



    T asks, what is done for the initial planning of a UI? For example do you use concept art, photoshop screenshots, or a white board with dry erase markers?


      small typo haha the plain 'T' is kinda cool. Might be confused with Mr. T though... which I guess is still cool. I'm honestly just happy my question got in there :) Thanks!


  8. Hello! My small clan would love to join this alliance! It's perfect for our playstyle




    - Clan Name: Lotus Dynasty
    - Clan Tier: Ghost. Will not go any higher. Currently there are 3 members counting myself and a possible 4th soon. 
    - Clan Representative: Myself, 7.T.
    - Clan's Theme: Just a clan I made for my brother and I to have access to clan tech, dueling, and Obstacle Course without having to rely on others. We're pretty relaxed and easy going. Mostly play on our own but being a part of this alliance and having the option of the Alliance Chat will be really helpful for difficult missions/grinding for parts. Plus we can help others too!
    - Clan's Fandom: Zelda games, Skyrim, BL2, modding Skyrim, Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2, Pokemon Games (Generations 1, 2, and 4), Diablo games, Torchlight 1 & 2, Final Fantasy games, Kingdom Hearts games, most things that are Nintendo 64 especially Mario Kart (freakin rubber band A.I.!) . IRL: Hiking, swimming, anime, space, and animals of all kinds. Pizza... Sleep is nice too.
    - Clan's Contact: No sites or anything like that.
    Looking forward to hear from you :) Feel free to PM me on the forums or /w if you happen to catch me in-game.
  9. So solo I have 1 in 4 chance of having the right key equipped if there is a vault, so throw us OD soloers a bone

       This^. Obviously it is a co-op game but I prefer solo play and only have one other friend who plays Warframe. Rather not use recruiting if I can help it. IMO, when "Solo" is selected, there needs to be more balancing done for many things.  I agree about those ancients lol their range on their grab attack is a little unreasonable not to mention it seems to ignore obstacles occasionally. Anyway, yeah the 1/4 thing kinda bites.

  10.    IMO, this mod needs a buff. I don't mind the range because I use it when I'm using melee but I can hardly notice the enemies slow down. I see the ice on them but that's about it usually. I think it should be buffed to slow baddies as much as the ice strips in the void when they are within range. Or give it 3 ranks and have the max be that slow. I'm up for either

  11. Codex scanner & Helios will only scan enemies whose Codex entry is existent and incomplete.


    This little change would even make Helios really useful and still satisfy people who want to continue scanning things they already got a complete codex entry of.

       Hoping this will happen soon. Honestly wont use him til then

  12. There were people who forma frames before Auras were created.

    My Loki is stilling on extra 15 points just FYI.


    My despair and acrid being multi-formaed, are still not anywhere comparable to the new generation of top dogs.

    Just accept it and move on.


    Going to use Hexerin's picture for this



        Totally didn't read my whole short post lol. Not asking for anything except that power duration be taken into consideration for her changes. Also not "auras", I was talking about the Aura Helmet. Please re-read

  13. Quoting myself from other thread about Trinity: 


       I too forma'd for max duration a while back. As I assume many other players have done. This seriously needed to be taken into consideration for the changes. I hope this is seen for future adjustments. It was well known everyone wanted the Aura Helm so it surprises me that this wasn't thought of. Not against change, it just needed to benefit from duration mods somehow.

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