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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1. Quoting myself from other thread about Trinity: 


       I too forma'd for max duration a while back. As I assume many other players have done. This seriously needed to be taken into consideration for the changes. I hope this is seen for future adjustments. It was well known everyone wanted the Aura Helm so it surprises me that this wasn't thought of. Not against change, it just needed to benefit from duration mods somehow.

  2.    I too forma'd for max duration a while back. As I assume many other players have done. This seriously needed to be taken into consideration for the changes. I hope this is seen for future adjustments. It was well known everyone wanted the Aura Helm so it surprises me that this wasn't thought of. Not against change, it just needed to benefit from duration mods somehow.

  3.    As of this update the Bo is doing its ground attack instantly instead of when you land on the ground. I do have max Fury on it if that matters but it's really throwing off my fighting style. Didn't realize I smacked the ground so much lol

  4.    Infested spawns on this tileset get stuck in the area above the second place that the pod moves to. Happens every time without fail. Mostly they just stand around as if they don't know where to go. Other times they get stuck halfway inside the ceiling in the small spawn room that is two ramps above the second area I mentioned. Will update with pictures if needed


    P.S. Its also possible to get pinned between the pod tram and the wall if your in its way when it moves to the second area. You can't get out until pod moves back

  5.    As subject says. Bought/Crafted right when they said a change would come. clearly remember it having the stats then. Submitted a support ticket but no reply yet that I know of. Hoping others could check theirs to see if they still have stats on it or not.



    Should display that it Raises Power Duration and lowers Shields when moused over but as you can see, it doesn't. Post update today, It has the same description as the statless one in the market yet still says "Arcane". 

    (P.S. I was just leveling those weapons at the time lol)


    EDIT: Picture is PRE-Update

    EDIT2: Nevermind, I just check my support and have this reply for anyone else worried about it: 

    Hello 7.T.,
    Thank you for reporting this bug! Even though the Arcane Pulse helmet is currently not listed as having stats, it still has the unique stats :)
    The dev team is already aware of this issue and we will have it fixed as soon as possible.
    To see when this bug gets fixed, please keep an eye on the Update notes posted in the forums:
    Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!"
  6.    Has there been any more thought on mission and enemy level scaling for solo players? Some missions are basically impossible for solo players. Especially defense on maps where the defense object can be hit from all sides

  7. -snip-

       If the door heroes happen to be in range then sure but letting the baddies into one room helps farming a ton instead of having it spread all over. And your supposed to stay near the defense object in defense modes... Otherwise you'd loose. If the whole group were killing baddies at spawn, you'd loose and if you expect one player to stay behind to make sure a prod crewman or a charger doesn't sneak up on the thing, that isn't considerate at all either. I'm sorry but here really isn't a situation where door heroes > fighting in the same room for this. Its just better logically all around


    EDIT: Also, less about entitlement to the affinity of other players, more about sharing the wealth

  8.    Although leeching by the pod would make them more exposed  on most maps wouldn't it? And leeching is always an issue for sure but I still think something should change. I dunno lol just tired of it. Maybe when your downed and at the revive/dont revive screen, the gaining of exp could stop. so people would realize who is leeching while afk, let them die, and they don't get exp but they'd still take up a squad slot I guess.... ugh


    EDIT: After thinking about it for a bit, I think I'd prefer leechers over hallway heros on these maps.


    EDIT 2: Screwed either way exp wise though huh....


    EDIT 3: Not as much as leechers though since instead of no exp from kills happening far away, I'd get the kills lol still...

  9.    I'm sure this has been mentioned before and personally I've tried to deal with it for a while but 98% of the time I'm the only person in the same room as the defense object on these maps. This really bites for the enjoyment and my EXP earnings. When I first joined, people were good about fighting in the same room and more vets asked other players to fight in the same room, letting newbies know that EXP sharing is proximity based. It seems like everyone stopped caring completely around U10. Not sure why. Nearly everyone goes to these missions for EXP so it is literally better for all players to fight in the same room.


      The only suggestion I can think of is to give all EXP made to people who are in the same room as the defense object regardless of how far away a kill was made. If your in the room, you get the EXP. If your not in the room, you don't get any EXP even if you made the kill but the people who are in the room get the shared EXP. 


       Obviously I could attempt to form a group of friends that will fight in the same room but that isn't the point or a solution.


    If a Dev reads this, please consider something about this issue.


    Thoughts? Suggestions? Please post if you agree.


    Thank you for reading

  10. -snip-


    The recent issues warframe has been undergoing also make farming these more difficult. With the loss of items gathered successfully during a mission, not being able to hold a connection, or not even being able to open/sign in to warframe.



       I'm hoping they'll reset all the Argon timers after the issues are resolved but I see your point

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