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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1.    I would like to know too. 3 hotfixes and still missing. Can a Dev or a community mod lets us know where its gone? lol kinda weird to straight up remove something. Especially after what happened with the Snipetron 

  2.    People who like to get max numbers are fine IMO, but Spawncampers are ruining it for me. I can't think of a solution other than putting a radius around the defense object where only the players inside get exp for any kills made anywhere on the map. A radius the size of the room i guess, not outside of the doors where the defense object is. I dunno

  3. I think we could put this sent into a good place by:

    1. reducing the time it takes it to scan anything.


    2. improve its scanning logic to only scan things you dont have completed in the codex.

       I agree. Hope some kind of change happens before I'm done researching and cookin' him

  4. 100% agree.


    The spawns are almost hilarious.


    I remember doing a mission once, I was playing stealthily and had just finished clearing the 3 enemies out of a room, backtracked to the previous room for some exploration and got spotted by a stray enemy.

    What happened next? About 50 enemies poured out of the room I had just cleared and proceeded to shower me in bullets.


    The enemy clown cars are one of biggest things in Warframe that I hate.


  5.    Yeah... Imo, not a fan of new spawns happening behind me either. At the same time, I can't think of a way to change it aside from basically turning every non-defense/survival mission into an exterminate+whatever mission. Kinda bites but oh well. Most noticeable when when trying to run a full stealth mission

  6.    I know this is an old thread but I'm going to bump it anyway. I pretty much stopped scanning once I saw how many it takes to get a full entry(long time ago). Plus there is the problem about being able to scan an enemy that you have complete info on as mentioned here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/152835-index-of-little-things-small-suggestions-done-by-the-community/?p=1805014 in the Index of Little Things thread here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/152835-index-of-little-things-small-suggestions-done-by-the-community/

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