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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1. I have a few of questions. 1. Is about use of a controller, 2 and 3 are about Frost's powers (and others but I don't want to write a huge post), and 4 is about the color options. I've posted questions 2, 3, and 4 in other threads but maybe the devs and more people will see them here.

    1. Can you or are you planning to set up more compatibility for the Xbox Controller for Windows? Personally, I would like to be able to assign the controls on my controller to be the same as the controls for Borderlands 2 since Its gun/melee is kinda similar and I just play that game often. So it would just be cool to have controller customization. (If there is already, I've gave my old controller to my little brother and have been waiting to get a new wireless version of the controller since before.. I think update 7.5 )

    2. I just want to put out there that I think it would be fair if his Freeze attack also froze enemies very near the target without damage. Not a complete freeze, just the same freeze/slow you get when you shoot an enemy with a rifle that has a Deep Freeze mod. Can something like this be done?

    3. I realize this is still in beta and Snow Globes's (as well as other power animations) animation might be a rough draft but In case it isn't, -in my own opinion- I think it would be cool if it was a perfect globe/dome and looked like a thick sheet of glass around the edge (but not distort the view from inside) with a nice blue Warframe style shine and have a vortex of ice and snow whirling around/against the outside of it and dispersing about half way up it instead of a horizontal blizzard from nowhere. Also, I think it would be a little satisfying if enemies still tried to shoot at Frost at least a little bit while hes in it. (The enemies haven't seen these abilities before right? And most, if not all will soon die after seeing it.) Sparks could flying off intermittently from the bullets when shot at. Wait... would sparks fly solely from a bullet hitting ice like that? lol If that's weird then nevermind the sparks. Maybe shiny ice chipping off. Then to finish, the globe could crack everywhere (large cracks, not a bunch of small ones) 2-3 seconds before it's duration is over then dramatically shatter into chunks and have the vortex of snow just stop in place and drop to the ground with the chunks. I realize this would take a lot of work but would this be possible and/or is something similar planned for this and other powers?

    4. Now for the colors. Can we get a Metallic Pallet? That would be sweeet. Some Warframes look metallic with some colors but not all. And more simply, I would love just a more purer black lol The darkest colors at the moment are more of a dark gray on most Warframes and weapons or a really dark blue or red. Would like to see a stealth, Batman, black.

    Otherwise awesome game and I will continue to play probably as long as it lasts. Which hopefully will be a long time.

    P.S. Also would like to see more support in mods and weapons for players who would like to be more melee based. And more open environments. Planet orbiting spaceships with huge windows, jungles, deserts, an awesome beach (PSO Ep. 2 lol) More awesome views of the stars, close planets, and nebulae.

    Thanks D.E. for this awesome game!

  2. Or change it to a spear that freezes and impales the target to a wall would be awesome too but I'm more than cool with just slighting changing what is already there. I understand it would be difficult to do a redesign. Thanks for your input Dante130666.

    Anyone else agree with the slow/freeze?

  3. I just want to put out there that I think it would be fair if his Freeze attack also froze enemies very near the target without damage. Not a complete freeze, just the same freeze/slow you get when you shoot an enemy with a rifle that has a Deep Freeze mod.

    Everyone, buy at least the Disciple Founder Package! :)

    P.s. this game is awesome.

  4. lol Yeah, I would say it everywhere, but that would be redundant... and annoying lol

    Thanks for your support Whitehorus

    Anyone else agree? Reply with what you think or just that you would like to see this too and hopefully it will be noticed.


  5. I realize this is still in beta and Snow Globes's animation might be a rough draft but In case it isn't, -in my own opinion- I think it would be cool if it was a perfect globe/dome and looked like a thick sheet of glass around the edge (but not distort the view from inside) with a nice blue Warframe style shine and have a vortex of ice and snow whirling around/against the outside of it and dispersing about half way up it instead of a horizontal blizzard from nowhere. EDIT: Also, I think it would be a little satisfying if enemies still tried to shoot at Frost at least a little bit while hes in it with sparks flying off intermittently from the bullets when shot at. Wait... would sparks fly solely from a bullet hitting ice like that? lol If that's weird then nevermind the sparks. Maybe shiny ice chipping off. Then to finish, the globe could crack everywhere (large cracks, not a bunch of small ones) 2-3 seconds before it's duration is over then dramatically shatter into chunks and have the vortex of snow just stop in place and drop to the ground with the chunks.

    As for the colors, Metallic Pallet would be sweeet and just a more blacker black lol The darkest colors at the moment are more of a dark gray on most Warframes and weapons or a really dark blue or red. Would like to see a stealth, Batman, black.

    Buy at least Disciple Founder Package people! :)

    P.s. this game is awesome.

  6. Couple questions:

    1. I checked the FAQ about the optional post beta account reset. I was wondering if we get all the platinum we're ever had up to the time we reset or only the current amount at the time of the reset?

    2. I plan to upgrade my Founder's Package in about 2 weeks. Anybody know if that will be possible or heard any news? Also, I assume we will still have the Prime frame and weapons after a reset?

    Thanks for any help.

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