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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1.    Usually I go to Hieracon, Pluto depending on the taxes. Sometimes its 0% so that's 21k+ in 5 minutes and a chance for Life Strike to sell for plat. Last time I was there the tax lowered the credit reward to 17k but that isn't counting whatever credits you find during the mission. IMO, it feels like you gain more money in less time than defense to wave 5. Now that I've said that, I realize I haven't timed it with a Speed Nova Booben combo.


       Anyway, for solo, I'd go Hieracon. Ancients don't show til after the 5 minute mark.

  2. But yeah, I like the idea of having a scanner-type sentinel too. Good for infested missions where you apparently are trying to find a nonexistant tumor.

       Thanks for your post. I didn't think about the tumors haha, good point. I also think it would be a usable alternative to Shade or Huras for stealth missions as you can sometimes get spotted by a guy you didn't see. This X-Ray would allow you to make a strategy before entering a room or show you the guy that you would have missed. I would use it in regular missions as well just for kicks



    We have a sentinel weapon of every kind besides rocket and bow. I feel like this could go great with a bow/sniper type sentinel.

       That's a good idea too. I didn't consider it's weapon either. I'd be content with whatever so I'll leave it to DE and the community :)

  3.    Hello. My name is 7.T. and I am addicted to Carrier...


       I've been thinking for a while about what other type of Sentinel I would consider using. Heres my idea:


       Name: X-Ray.... or not. That's a boring name but I can't think of a better one at the moment

       Signature Ability: umm... X-Radar (lol DE, I'll leave the naming to you and/or the community.) It would simply show where all enemies are within X meters through ceilings, walls, floors, and whatever else. 


       It would do so in a radar pulse manner much like when you're trying to scan things with the Codex Scanner, minus the scanning bit. Showing you where they are for a couple seconds or so then again after X amount of seconds. The wait time between pulses could be reduced with rank.


      Sorry if this idea has been posted before, I didn't sift though the posts. Credit goes to the oldest similar idea if there is one and I wouldn't mind at all :)


      Just a thought. Thoughts?

  4. If there's one thing I've learned in my 26 years on this planet it's that absolutely no one but yourself can be trusted, without exception.  You'll figure it out, someday.

       Yeah, kinda how I feel about it. This would be a simple little thing where you put your key up on display. You can kinda do it now by selecting the key mission but not actually start it. It works, but its not good enough and needs to be simplified so people are more willing to show they have the key instead of feeling offended for not being trusted by a complete stranger on the internet... (lol)


      This wouldn't prevent them from leaving anyway of course but it would be helpful.  :)

  5.    I've been thinking about this since we've been able to use the recruiting chat to form squads but with the recent update, I thought I'd throw this out there. Hope this is posted in the right place.


       Obviously we can't force people to use keys or put them into a "squad key mission pool" of some sort because there are times when you need to leave abruptly. Say you're having a heart attack or the dog ate a tennis ball or whatever. 


      So, I think it would be nice if we had a way of simply displaying that we actually have a usable key for whatever mission we are getting into/recruiting for. Just being able to see that SuperMegaDarkNinjaAssassinofDeath16* from Recruiting truly has one will help a bit when it comes to forming these squads. 


    *SuperMegaDarkNinjaAssassinofDeath16 is not a real person in Warframe... I think. It's too many characters.

  6. the point seems to have something equivalent to current overall rep gains but which won't have as much the daily chores format.


    no opinion, unless some good ideas get pointed out. I don't mind the daily chore format because I don't have much to do but if there's something more interesting and not too favoring why not.

       Thank you for your post. Your understanding is correct and I apologize for how... absolute my original post may have sounded. 


       As for other ideas for changing the "daily chore" format, I did include some suggestions and it would be awesome if there are others out there with ideas on how this can be done.


    If you want to gain standing with a Syndicate, it would imply you want a mod that they have. If that is the case, what is the difference in that or grinding the void hoping for a random drop? This system at least builds up points and then you buy what you want.


    Once you have it, like everything else, it's permanent, and you can stop "grinding".


    DE stated this was supposed to be a long term concept, and the only way to make it "long" is this. If DE adjusts gains too high, they will be going against their original idea.


    Pretty sure they wanted the average player to build up rep slowly, with only the dedicated ones "grinding" multiple syndicate missions.

       You're right with it being a long term concept. I want to point out that at no time have I complained about the grind. I did talk about time spent on nine missions but that was not about the grind, it was meant to be about the amount of time someone may or may not have to play and how they would like to spent that time. My preferred change would have an equivalent reward system minus the "daily" aspect as stated in the quote above yours.


       The difference between timed daily Syndicate Missions and farming the void is this:


       When you have Syndicate missions sitting there and you decide to do something else, it can feel like a missed opportunity while with the void, your void key doesn't disappear if you choose not to run it that day, thus no loss in the potential total of rewards. Hope this makes more sense. 

  7. ...and you said you're not using the daily missions, so there. Answered your own question.

    Some people like them and do them, especially new players who can't gain loads of reputation on high level missions. Some people don't. Easy as that. No need to take them out because you don't like them. Just ignore them and let everyone else enjoy.

       Feedback post in feedback section with feedback and opinions. Thank you for your opinion

  8. You aren't required to do anything in this game, if I wanna go to the first planet and dodge around for 8 hours then leave without doing the mission I can. The syndicate missions are an option to earn a fatter slice of XP for a modest challenge and you can meet other members to finish them more quickly. Utterly pointless thread lol. Don't wanna do syndicate missions, don't lol. They are here to stay.

       I could have sworn I mentioned something about not doing them being obvious...

  9.    TL;DR below. Kinda rewording a post I made in another thread and section. I felt I should post most of what I said in it's own feedback thread. Here it is:



       Lately I've been starting to feel like the Syndicate missions gave off a chore-like vibe. You know, you log in and you want to farm the void or level a new frame but these Syndicate missions are there and they reward a lot of standing compared to running normal missions so you run 'em. By the time you're finished with six or nine of these (Nine for me. Not bragging. It sucks), you might be bored, want to do something else, or have an appointment.


       I don't know, that's how it feels to me at least. Personally, I've decided to stop running the daily missions and just wear my Sigil until further notice.


       Again, just my opinion: DE, Remove the chore-like daily missions. Increase Standing gained while wearing a Sigil and have the amount of Standing gained increase with Syndicate Rank. Or have it be something done on the side during a mission. Or put it all into one crazy mission of some kind.


        I wouldn't like three daily video game chores but it would be better than nine. Either way, I don't think "daily [insertwhateverhere]"  is a good idea for most games and I think another method -whatever that might be- should be considered.


       Obviously I don't need to do them (I'm not, as stated above) so people might not like my using of the word "chore" but I can't think of a better word at the moment.


    (inb4 "but Kubrows..." They take less than a minute to care for and you don't even need to do that daily if you're even using them in the first place but that's another topic)


    EDIT & TL;DR: IMO, a change (or another option) of equivalent value that removes the "daily" aspect of the Syndicate Missions would be nice.

    EDIT 2: Changed title to sound less confrontational. 

  10.    Wow. These were the whole reason I was running Syndicate missions. Before seeing this I was already starting to feel like the missions gave off a chore-like vibe. You know, you log in and you want to farm the void or level a new frame but these Syndicate missions are there and they reward a lot of standing compared to running normal missions so you run 'em. By the time you're finished with six or nine of these (Nine for me. Not bragging. It sucks), you might be bored, want to do something else, or have an appointment.


       I don't know, that's how it feels to me at least. That alone was starting to make me just quit the Syndicate stuff until further notice and just wear the Sigils. Then I see this.


       I am quitting the Syndicate stuff until further notice lol. It's a "last straw" kinda thing.


       My Opinion: DE, Remove the chore-like daily missions. Increase Standing gained while wearing a Sigil and have the amount of Standing gained increase with Syndicate Rank. And/or put it all into one crazy mission of some kind.


       I wouldn't like three daily video game chores but it would be better than nine. Even if these or a similar/other change happens, I and those in my clan agree that the Large Team Restore items are not worth it at all. Please reconsider their build cost. 

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