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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1.   IMO, the Halikar's disarm chance needs to be a bit higher. Considering you're (or maybe just me) generally hitting one enemy in a game with crowds shooting from all over and enemies usually aren't lined up.


      Maybe buff the chance a lot but have it decrease with each enemy hit if Power Throw is equipped? Or have the chance increase with status chance? I like the idea of the weapon either way though.



  2.    As the title says. I go melee only as often as I can and this issue is new as of U15. I am also using the Ash Noble Stance with my Frost incase that has anything to do with it but I'm pretty sure it happened to my default stance Rhino. Happens with every weapon I've used so I assume using others doesn't change anything. This doesn't occur if I have a primary or secondary, just after a "sword alone" mission. Entering then leaving the Arsenal fixes it each time.

    Magistar equipped. (Wheres my heavy weapon buff?? lol jk, I can wait)KT7uJVB.jpg

  3.    This is new for me as of this update and it happens frequently. It seems to be a separate issue from the helmet/neck detachment bug as it usually doesn't occur at the same time. Seen while with others and in solo mode.


       My Warframe apparently tends to find something extremely interesting off to the left or right and stares in that direction for almost 50% of the mission. Not sure if hes staring at the mission waypoint or what. It was funny at first since he was killing everything without having to look at it lol. Anyway, I didn't see a post about this so I thought I'd throw this out there.

  4.    Maybe one day there will be a "Color Pallet Prime" with metallics (gold, silver, bronze, ect) that only work on Primes. I do prefer silver myself but it doesn't bother me too much IMO


    EDIT: Kinda ninja'd by rapt0rman ^

  5. Do you have "Legacy Colors" turned on in the game settings?



    Did you really have to use rubedo-plated Rhino for this example? xD

    I can see the difference but it's not big for me.


    You can always use lighter shade, right?

    I was making a loadout to match the Rubedo-Plate at the time.

    Of course I could use a lighter shade but this is still a bug so I reported it lol

  6.    For some reason when I choose this color in the Fire Pallet, it changes to a different color after selecting. Maybe the color it changes to is the one it should be but either way, its a bug. It is a small difference but its there.


       Tested on Silva & Aegis and the Sheev. Realizing as I'm typing this that I should have taken screenshots with the Silva & Aegis instead as it is way more noticeable but oh well. 


  7. I didn't realize that you were supposed to be Goku until I saw Frieza. 


    Somehow, I feel that Loki Prime would've made a better Goku. Still cool though. 


    Or maybe Loki with Swindle helmet. lol

       Can Loki go Super Saiyan? lol :) I just thought Valkyr's ability fit. That and I just like Valkyr but I can see what you're saying with the Swindle Helmet

  8.    Wouldn't be surprised if this has been done before (I have no idea) but I thought I'd share these:

    Just for kicks, this is my Valkyr and Wyrm:VeUGnzA.jpgwJaJuop.jpg

    And with me below is my brother under the WF alias Rogue.Samurai as Frieza. He colored his Kunai to look like energy beams when thrown and equipped a Power Throw Glaive with an energy color to match Frieza's "Death Saucer".fxk9Kww.jpg

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